The Path Forward Forum

What's next

I need advice on "what's next." I'm here on Guam, all by myself and he cut off all contact with me after telling me he was moving to DC to be with someone he had been seeing while we were engaged.

I recognize that I'm lucky that she came along and took him away.

I recognize that he has the emotional maturity of a two-year-old.

But... a lot of what happened, that I saw, during our relationship was pretty good. We had a pretty normal, close sex life. We were silly together and he was happy to listen to me at the end of the day (yes, I would pretty regularly have to ask him if he wanted to hear about my day). I know that a lot of what happened was an act that he couldn't keep up with.

A new one

I stopped in an old forum I used to go to, as N has shown zero activity there and I wanted to say hi to a couple of people. Get a PM from a guy..."Where ya been, sunshine??? Missed ya."

I'm like screw you and the server you rode in on.

I barely know this guy. I had a couple very brief messages with him in the past, initiated by him of course, but I thought he was GAY. And later I realized he wasn't...and I quickly avoided any more. Now this. Oy.

I started to abuse my N, did you?

I know this sounds terrible, but after five years of being with this crazy Narcissist I started picking up his behaviors...due to the rage I felt deep within as a result of years of exposure to abuse, I started to abuse HIM! He violated me in every way and I lost all respect for him; I would look at him with utter disgust. When we fought I became super aggressive, would start calling him names (as I was so used to the verbal abuse from him) and even on a few instances lashed out and physically attacked him. There were times I only wanted the worst for this individual.