The Path Forward Forum

Is this guy a narc?

I have started dating a guy that is showing some signs of narcissism. Maybe I am just paranoid? He constantly talks about himself, never asking me about me. He wants to show off things he has like his truck, his contract on buying a bed and breakfast, and recently this past weekend bringing me to his beautiful home in the mountains of Colorado. We enjoy our time together but our communication is limited when we are not together. Should I pay attention to these "red flags"?

What are you grateful for?

Hi all,

I've been feeling a little down lately, so trying to focus on what I'm grateful for instead. I thought with Thanksgiving approaching it would be a great time to take stock of all the wonderful things in our lives. I'll start!

1. my kids
2. my health
3. my friends
4. this week off of work
5. going to visit a dear friend this weekend
(there are more, but I'll stop here!)

Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving!


First semi-Hoover

So, my ex husband the narc brought our son back home after spending the last two days with him. Things have been great between us lately (healthy boundaries, short, kind and friendly exchanges when dropping off or picking up our son, or making arrangements about our son). So we were just chatting a bit about some funny stuff our son did while he was with his dad. Then as ex-N was walking out the door, he looks at me and says (in a seductive type voice), "what are YOU lookin at?" And looks down at his crotch! His eyes were all low and everything too, very suggestive. Then he shuts the door and leaves! I was awestruck because, since we split and he moved in immediately with the other woman (still lives there) nothing like this has happened.

You are not going to believe this... it goes...I have been a member here...for going on 6+ years...working through the aftermath of a Psycopath/N "relationship" and
if it wasn't for this forum...I would not have healed...however I MADE IT THROUGH THE OTHERSIDE!!!! So there IS hope...keep writing, keep studying...keep
realizing the garden of beauty within you...that is what the N is after....yet cannot steal or devoid you of...

ANYWAY...well..this is outrageous...and needed to post...

Was recently at a Reunion....and much to my of my BEST friends...growing up...was there....DELIGHT...TRUE delight to see him....

Good friend, friend of the family....all that...

Wonderful to rekindle connections......I am happy and married....two lovely children...

Little ways we take care of ourselves

I was thinking about the little things I do that bring me pleasure. I was thinking how it is easy to focus on what we feel is missing ... but let's look at what we're doing for ourselves to take care of ourselves.

For me, I love painting my nails. I don't mean going to a nail salon for a manicure or pedicure. I love doing it myself. I love looking for new colors, trying them out, slapping on some color and picking up my mood. It is cheap and makes me feel good! I'm not a girlie girl, so why I have suddenly developed this fascination with painting my nails is beyond me. But it is an instant pick-me-up.

I'm OK You're OK ..... Our All About Me Brag Blog

(not) spinning gave me some great advice when I first joined this forum and suggested I start a daily journal of things I'm grateful for. I've decided I'm gonna take this one step further and share with the forum. I am going to post daily to this thread with one positive thought about myself. Whether it's a personality trait, an accomplishment, or just a goal for my future. I would love it if those of you struggling with feelings of low self worth would participate.

Thinking about Hope

Hi everyone

over the last week or so Ive been thinking a lot about hope.
More importantly I have been FEELING hope.
Nothing major, just a gentle shift in the way hope has started to manifest itself back into my life.
Where I live spring has sprung and there is much joy in seeing all the hard work I put in over the tireless hours of autumn and winter finally come into bloom.
Its also helped me to realise the changes I have made within myself - and whilst none of them have been easy, its been really satisfying to look back over the time since I found this site and how it helped me reframe my experience and change some of my faulty thinking habits and ways of being in the world.

Selena Gomez and others

I just heard the world premiere of Selena Gomez new song. A hit for sure but a total description of a Narc relationship. Rumors has it that this is about her relationsh%t with Justin Bieber and my oh my, what a perfect description she does. I have heard the song twice because is everywhere in the radio but it stroke a chord with me because when others are gossiping about how she is singing about him, I am hit with the memory of my own relationship with my latest Narc.

On this day of pretending...

Hello board friends,

On this day of pretending to be someone else, wearing costumes, dressing up, I hope we all have the strength and wisdom and love of self to stay away from the emotional vampires, the users, the takers, the mask-wearers, the future fakers, the con men and women, the dream stealers, the liars, the head gamers, the mind f*ckers, the losers that they are.