All About Him Forum

Telling your story can be healing and validating, for you and for others. This is the place to do just that.

Close encounter today after 2 years silence

I haven't posted in here in a while. It's been just over two years since I last heard from the P in January 2014, a few months later I blocked her number and there was silence. I'd already begun my journey of recovery and I'm currently in a 12 step programme for addiction. The last 4 months have been great and I'm just getting to a place of self-acceptance, health and serenity. I'm finding out who I am and all has been going well.

Piece by Piece

Never have I been a writer. Some say writing can be therapeutic and so this is what I am going to try to heal from heartbreak. What I thought was a perfect relationship ended so abruptly with no warning 'signs. To be left behind from someone you love and gave your all too is more than an emotional heartbreak.

Found old letter

I'm feeling so mad and sad right now. I came across an old letter my ex narc husband wrote to me after my father died. He had gotten drunk at my fathers wake, and left me in a heap crying on my kitchen floor after I was pulled over w chair trying to get his keys so he wouldn't drive away drunk. Rudy one of the worst days of my life. Losing my Dad and dealing with his narcissism and alcoholism. It's so true, when you need their support the most they are unable to give it, putting their anxieties and needs above yours, even after you lose a loved one.


Hello all, I haven't posted in a long time. But I'll make this somewhat short. I have been broken up with my narcissist for 5 months.ive been with a new wonderful man who I live with for 5 months. As soon as I met this guy I broke it off with the narc. The Narc contacted me once or twice and told me that he loved me and asked if I loved my new guy, and I told my narc because of what he put me through it was hard to love the new guy. I'm suffering from ptsd from this past relationship because I was with my narc for 4 years.

Valentine's Day 2016

I embrace being single right now. It is a blessing in comparison to being with the wrong person. I am a witness to hundreds of miserable people in relationships which bring out the worst in themselves. Single and enjoying peace of mind looks like a slice of heaven to me these days. I am grateful to be single and free from the bondage of trying to change another or praying on a daily basis they will see the light and love me properly. Today I am learning to love myself properly rather than to look to another to fill the void~Goldie~Valentine's Day 2016~

You know how women get blamed...

for being a shrew when distant friends who knew both of us ask what happened or assume we're still together and we have to tell them we're not? Lots of women launch into the OW before we were separated etc. We all know that approach.
I've been trying to find a way to communicate something bad happened without casting stones and without looking shrewish. What about this:
I miss the man (X/Narc) presents himself to be in the world but I don't miss the man he really is.


Anyone want to comment on the biggest narc of all parading and preening about. It would do good to the newbies to observe a textbook case of this phenom. Thoughts?

Great day today!!!

For the first time in a very long time I was happy!!! I am retired and am starting a new part time job next week with people that I know!!! I smiled all of the way home !!! So excited to be back working in some capacity and being around other people!!! I have been so depressed for so long over the exnh that I forgot how good it feels to be taking care of myself and working on my own self for a change!!knowing that I am finally making some steps forward on my own that have absolutely nothing to do with him is pure joy!!!

Is this typical of a NARC.

What are their relationships like. Do they have long term friends? The one I have been dealing with has zero connections anywhere except online connections of people he has never really met. His family doesn't even contact him. His family also has a history of mental illness. One suicide and several drug addicts. He has stated himself that he doesn't fit into society or feel remorse. How can he think this and have such an inflated ego? Is it more common among doctors?