All About Him Forum

Telling your story can be healing and validating, for you and for others. This is the place to do just that.

When the narcissist creates no contact

I read Lisa's book and see all the posts about the victim creating no contact. What does it mean when a narcissist creates no contact? He immediately dropped me and my friends and family from FB and threatened to sue me for harassment if I contact him. Of course, I want to hear that it's because he loves me and feels guilty about how badly he treated me. Has anyone else had that happen?

The Narcissist, Holiday Hoover & A Great Man By My Side

The narcissist tried engaging with me again, 5 times in last month, after years of NC, all in public settings (I was working/volunteering in a public setting this last time, previously I ignored him completely) with generic babble and this time, I looked him dead in the face and smiled brightly, and said happy holiday season, as I was saying to everyone. If I didn't say it to him, it would have appeared noticeable and given him power as if to say, I'm afraid to say it to you because I fear you or you have a hold over me. He did not know what to say after that.

Shocked found out

From anyone that has read my posts you know I've been struggling badly haven't even been out of bed for 3 days anyone was taking the advice and was getting off of Facebook etc and anything That was connected to him! But to my surprise last night my Friend contacted me she's on a dating site and she sent me his profile which I had a look at and oh my god this man who has the other woman murdererer he's seeing and she's that busy posting pics of how happy they are does not have one bloody clue !

Christmas tree I'm not good today can't cope

I've been on here and told my story but I'm really hurting bad I'm in the UK and it's 5 pm I've been in bed all day unable to get up can't stop the tears today and I don't know how I'm going to feel ok and get through this horrible festive period my so called Friends have disappeared and don't get me thinking I should have moved on from my narc just now and just don't understand ! For those that don't know my story 10 years with narc he went with another woman got in touch in sept had sex with me told me he was seeing someone then went silent ever since and blocked me !

Goldie's Support Packages

I have been facilitating and teaching self love and healing from a toxic narcissistic relationship for 5 years now. Working with hundreds of survivors globally. Traditionally the holiday season is the time when we need the support the most and this group will bring you through the holidays with support and understanding. You are not alone in this. I understand.

Am I cursed?

All I meet are narcs! Every. Single. One. I am not out searching desperate for love but I am however ready. I haven't been involved with a man since my sociopathic ex almost 5 years ago. Why is it every man I meet is disordered? I am not throwing myself at them. Is it something I still need to change? The good thing is I am able to recognize the bad guys but that's all I'm attracting are bad guys. I feel like giving up!