Let's play another round of "stupid things my Narc said"
Let's play another round of "stupid things my Narc said"
Somebody posted this awhile back and it was HILARIOUS!!!! We have so many newbies that I thought it would be fun to do it again plus we can always use a good laugh!
Another reason for starting this is because my Narc has been on a roll with stupid BS this week!
Narc - Sara I miss you so much and my life is just not the same without you and I want you and miss you so much!!! I just need you to know that my kids are too attached to the OWs KID for me to end things with her and screw their lives up! BUT I love you and I see us married and so happy maybe 5 years down the road! In the meantime we could still see each other and make amazing love to each other.
Ummmmm really? Too attached to the OWs KID??? The OWs KID could have come up with a better line than that!!!
What stupid things did your Narc say to you?
My favorite BS line ever...
Deja Vu
Just not live together
Same joke
Round 1 Stupid things our Narcs say
No seriously he actually said this stuff
He doesn't know how to use them...
N Men Say the Darndest Things!
Love bombing:-I love you-We
Hi Mommabear. Welocome to the
Things he said
Same here
It's not all about me
silly narc comments
Crazy is as crazy does
Incredible things they say
"you are way off base"
I try to talk to you looking
Thank you!
Stupid Comments
one of many mind-f-ing things he said
"Sex is going to get better
old texts
things said...
my favorite ..