My idea for a book...
Dec 11 - 11PM
My idea for a book...
Okay, this is meant to be funny. I wish that I could get all of the women of the world to write in one enntry of the one absolute meanest, cruelest thing ever said to them. It has to be the ONE thing that stands out in your mind the most. You know, when your jaw dropped open and you couldn't even respond. This isint meant to trigger bad memories but to purge ourselves of the cruelty and have a good laugh over how ridiculous they are.
This is mine...
Your stomach is bigger than your boobs.
I can laugh about it now but at the time I was horrified and humiliated. I hope this doesn't trigger anyone. What do you think? I def don't want to upset ANYONE on here
Narc: go kill yourself Me:
he stuck lol on the end, but that didn't make it any better
I do not want the peace which passeth understanding, I want the understanding which bringeth peace.
--Helen Keller
For Cherry's book
Narc: can you do me a favor?
Narc: Babe did u see HIS fat
Ugly Comments
"You don't like my love"
Out with the trash
OMG, reading some of these
- You are runing my f'ing
He said
Journey on...
WARNING--first one is BRUTAL
Thought of another....
UMMM #4??????????
Yeah #4
Interesting take they have
A german shephard ??? lol .
Bizarre and actually FUNNY Comments my Narc made
nasty and bizarre comments
nasty and bizarre comments
All I can
1.People like you commit