It's the weekend...

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Nov 7 - 9AM (Reply to #7)
James (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


I too remember these obsessions and intrusive thoughts in the beginning. I wanted to give away my pain to her!!! Only then to remind myself that they can’t share anything and all my efforts and pain would in fact be a type of supply for her. One thing that helped so much was rereading my journal and see it all on black and white. It did help me insomuch as to not too call her knowing and reading how pointless it would be.... I know now it gets easier as time goes on! (3 years of NC) There will come a time when these “thoughts” lessen and will not come as often.... Thank God for that!
Nov 7 - 9PM (Reply to #10)
4joys4's picture

Thanks quietude and James.

Thanks quietude and James. I'll hold onto these things and maybe keep them for myself. I fight this a lot lately, but I'm being strong. havent given in yet.
Nov 7 - 11AM (Reply to #8)
destiny (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Thanks James- I sure hope

Thanks James- I sure hope you are right. Like everyone that has posted here....Im feeling the same about the holidays. I saw a Christmas commercial on TV and it was a trigger. Last year at christmas...he was 'working on things' with me...and sent me this stupid 'bad cats calendar' and a generic card. I tore the card to shreds. I cried over both items received. He then continued to call and call on Xmas eve and I was with family and he accused me of being with another guy. the reality was he was wooing another woman. Married. I think i will be in the clear after Valentines Day...after that the memories arent so painful. I will stay busy this weekend......i know he is with NW living his great fake life. So , today I will live me great new life. “It's not hard to find the truth. What is hard is not to run away from it once you have found it.”
Nov 8 - 7AM (Reply to #9)
time_to_move_on's picture

there are always triggers...

I know what you mean about certain triggers, e.g present buying. I'm clearing my mother's house, and my ex was really into glassware/crockery. So a bit of 1950s glass that's probably not worth that much he'd get really excited over. I kept thinking, "maybe I should contact him and see what he thinks". When this happens next time I'm going to stop right there and not let my mind go on, get an elastic band on my wrist to twang. Destiny, what you say about living a great new life is the way to go.. we're not in hell with them anymore, need to remind myself of that.