The 'Crying' Narcissist???
The 'Crying' Narcissist???
My former partner who happens to be a narcissist once confided in me that he cried for a month non-stop after our break-up, I suppose in hopes of eliciting my sympathy or pity or most likely guilt ( to no avail of course).
This wouldn't be the first time he's shed tears. (When he wasn't giving me the silent treatment.)
Whenever I casually mentioned a behavior of his I found inappropriate, offensive or something that I felt disrespected my boundaries he always managed to behaved as if he had been the aggrieved party rather than acknowledging the offense and correcting the behavior.
It just seems he was chiefly interested in getting his own way, even if it infringed upon my set limitations.
Wreaks of manipulation to me.
Anyone else ever experience this?
What is this over-the-top bizarre cry fest behavior about?
The Constant Pity Party
I had that same experience
crying WOLF!
My NARC/parasite LOVES to
Mine rarely
Still trying to wrap my head around this
narc junkie for fear of sounding narcissistic
N's Feelings...
Boo Hoo...
mine welled up
I had forgotten all about this
"Whenever I casually
OOOHHH yes...regular
staying strong
Doesn't sound like he is just
Xnh cried on a regular
God sometimes removes a person from your life for your protection. Don't run after them.
Mine cried
My ex
N'zzzz & cryin'....
~~~ Keep Learning & Keep Healing ~~~
~~~~~ The best revenge is to survive and be victorious over it. Nobody can take from you what you don't give them.
Tears Galore!
That's cause Mommy gave him
You know, that makes a lot
Whatever it takes, Master
Mine used to cry when we
Mine never cried. In fact
"dont let yesterday take up too much of today"
Mine has only cried when he