Breaking NC after we're "healed"

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#1 May 13 - 1PM
ally2375's picture

Breaking NC after we're "healed"

You were in a relationship, maybe even in love, with someone who hurt you more than you could have imagined. It was not a mutual, loving relationship with a healthy individual. He cheated, lied, gave you the silent treatment, gaslighted, stalked, withheld affection, tried to control you, or otherwise emotionally, verbally, or physically abused you. When the relationship fell apart, you were consumed with questions. What did I do to deserve this? Where’s the guy I fell in love with? What do I do now?

Then you found this board. Your friends and family didn’t understand why you couldn’t just break away, but the people here did. You read story after story and saw yourself in each one. You began to learn about narcissism and how it's a form of abuse. The people here recommended “No Contact”, and even though it hurt you to even think about it, you decided it couldn’t be more painful than what you were already experiencing.

So you went NC. It was HARD! You cried, you felt lost, you alternated between missing him and wanting to shoot him with a bayonet. You were tempted to reach out to him for answers. Maybe you even did a couple of times, or responded when he contacted you. After all, you needed closure and validation. It was a sad day when you realized he couldn’t give it to you. There were no answers, no closure, no validation from him…there was only moving on.

You did. The fog started to clear. You got so good with NC that it became second nature. Sure, he still occupied space in your brain, but you cried less, missed him less. Practically an expert now on narcissism, you even helped the newbies on the board who were still on the roller-coaster. “NC!” you told them. “It’s the only way.”

And then it happened. He sent you a sentimental text message. An old memory made your insides all mushy. Or, you just weren’t angry anymore. One conversation won’t hurt, you thought. Seeing him would be no big deal. After all, you were OVER IT and OVER HIM. Maybe you thought now you could just be friends with the guy – you know, like adults. Maybe you wanted to reject HIM this time - give him a taste of his own medicine. Whatever the reason, you reached out to him or responded when he reached out to you. After weeks or months, you broke NC.


Many of us have done this. I’m guessing that most who haven’t were tempted at some point. When we exit these relationships, we embark on a process of healing and learning and growth. We emerge from the fog stronger and smarter. We revert to the happy, open-hearted, kind people we lost before we entered the relationship with the narcissist. And as we grow, the pain fades.

It’s important to remember that part of this disorder is that these guys DON’T GROW. They DON’T CHANGE. In terms of emotional maturity, they are EXACTLY where we left them. We have explored our emotions, beliefs, histories and for some of us, analyzed the same of our narcissist. They haven’t done any of this work. They are still living in the same old catch as catch can world they always were.

Healing from a toxic relationship is no small task. For many, it involves releasing our anger - maybe even forgiving our ex - so we can let go. But, to let go is not to FORGET. Sometimes, in the process of healing, we convince ourselves we can handle something we can’t. We overestimate the depth of our healing. It’s not unlike the alcoholic who thinks she can handle a drink after a stretch of dry and sober.

Breaking NC is a reality for many of us. I’m not even opposed to it in all situations. There’s no one-size-fits-all method to healing here. But, if you’re going to do it, keep your eyes open. Do it with full acknowledgement of WHY you’re doing it and what you expect the results to be. Because, I’ve never read a post here that started with, “I broke NC” and ended with, “We’re back together and everything is GREAT!”

He’s the same guy he always was. He's still dangerous for you.

Sep 19 - 4PM
wisdomneeded's picture

Outstanding Post!!!!

Thank you for bringing this up as a reminder... You are so right - NC means forever and ever. Your analogy to an alcoholic or drug addict is spot on. Keeping any contact feeds the addiction. Your post encourages us to remain NO CONTACT. Let's not forget we are moving from victims to survivors because of NO CONTACT. My oldest daughter at only age 25 has had five strokes - due to a rare blood disease she must take coumadin daily. If she wakes up one day and feeling healthy this does not mean she no longer needs to take the drug which thins her blood so she does not stroke. To me staying NO CONTACT is just as necessary to keep everyone on this forum healthy as the coumadin is to my daughter. Feeling healthy does not mean stopping the medicine that keeps us healthy.
Sep 19 - 1PM
Kiwi2005's picture


Wow... you can really hit home for some. I had gone NC, didn't see him for 4 months and I was sooo "Big & Strong" that I ended up seeing him. It's now been 3 weeks since we've been in Contact again and I want sooo badly to get back to "big & strong" I've tried 3 times in 3 weeks and I'm failing MISERABLY. I decided last night that today would be my DAY 1 & It has been thus far, but it hasn't been easy. I've gone from sad to more sad to I need to cry NOW. But then I realized "anger" while some may disagree, is one great way to get me going- so I got on FB to look through his posts/adds/statuses from 4 months ago & it all REMINDED me of why I need to be RID of him for good! Not to mention Sara-Smile sent me two of your posts this one & NC's Hard so why bother. You're absolutely RIGHT in everything you say. I already thanked Sara for sending me the links, but THANK YOU for writing it, definitely feel 100% more lifted than I did 10 minutes ago, before I read. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!
Sep 19 - 1PM (Reply to #37)
ally2375's picture


You are such a doll. I'm sorry you're still struggling with this. If moving past these relationship was easy, I suppose we wouldn't need a forum like this. Remember, being strong isn't about never making a mistake; it's about acknowledging our fumbles and then trying again. (Sorry for sounding like a fortune cookie. It must be the Fall air. ;)
Sep 19 - 2PM (Reply to #38)
Kiwi2005's picture


Seriously, the two posts that I've read from you were all I needed. I've been at work since 7:30 and my mind's been going non-stop... NO ONE could say anything to stop it or halt it. Then here I am eating my lunch and reading those two posts and it seems like the past few hours- those two posts were all I needed. I'm not checking my phone every 2 minutes, I'm not trying to make myself mad with the facebook... the two posts did it!
Sep 19 - 1PM
ally2375's picture


I'm bumping this for you today. (Sorry for the post recycling guys, but it's either that or I start to sound like a broken record! :) Lisa, this is just another perspective on the same topic. Something to think about... Remember to weigh the potential good with the CERTAIN bad.
Sep 19 - 1PM (Reply to #35)
Lisa87's picture

THanks Ally, found it!

Great perspective and exactly how I'm trying to get around having him in my life here and there. He is offering (as always did). He is/was always a giver and did a lot for me and my family. His actions always showed love, but as with NPD I got the scrambled eggs. I'm trying to get the good part of him, knowing I will not go back and using just what he is offering to me. I will not contact him but he keeps in touch several times a week. Mine was never a taker, never selfish, no one could do anything for him. Maybe that's part of his control issues and why he wants to be put on a pedestal, its easy to do because he is so generous......BUT not to be in a committed relationship with...trying to keep him as a friend (or friend with benefits I guess you could call it) but the minute I see a "bad" sign I will go NC again. Thanks for being there, and you are not a broken record, we all need a reality check every now and then.
May 17 - 5PM
Goldie's picture

Outstanding Post!!!!

Yes, this says it all. Beautifully written and incredibly accurate. Great assessment of what we go through. You have perfectly described the dilemma we face in our recovery. Tell me more, have you revisited your x or are you speaking in terms of what if? Your writing on this is fantastic and if you have time to help us start the new support groups we would love to have your help and input. This goes out to all of you. We would love your help in sharing your experiences with your journey and healing. These types of post and all of our posts help countless people out there who are still suffering in silence. You go girl!!! God bless, Goldie
May 17 - 8PM (Reply to #32)
ally2375's picture


I was speaking in terms of "what ifs". Actually, I never broke NC. I'm proud of this, because for the first couple of months, I saw him every day (we worked together). It was DAMN HARD. Believe me, for all those struggling with NC, I get how difficult it is. I cried every single day for a very long time. If thoughts count though, I broke NC in my head a million times. I had countless arguments with him there. I reasoned with him and questioned him and tried to understand where he was coming from. I couldn't make any more sense of it than anyone else on this board. The cognitive dissonance had me in an iron grip for a long time and inexplicably seemed to return whenever I was starting to feel better. It's like, once you start to recover, you begin to have a selective memory of what the relationship was like. You remember the good stuff, but forget the bad. This could still happen to me; I could still get sucked in. I KNOW it, so I must continue to stay away. Perhaps we could talk separately about how I may be able to help you with the new support groups.
May 17 - 8PM (Reply to #33)
Goldie's picture

Yes, PM me that sounds great.

God bless, Goldie
May 17 - 2PM

You nailed it!

I was just thinking about this the other day. I've been NC for five years. I've moved on with a whole new wonderful life. The reason why I'm here reading is that every time I think I'm totally "cured" I find out I'm really not because if I see N around town or in a bar where my fiance's band plays (even after years) I shake and go to a very dark place. My anger comes surging back and all the emotions that go with it. (Even though I completely ignore him and keep on having a great time). How do we know when we're really truly cured? Or if we will ever be completely "cured"? Do you think it's better to hang on to the anger to remind us how bad they are? It's like the old saying about giving birth -- that you eventually forget how bad the pain was and have another child. I definately don't want another round with the N. So my question is, will total indifference make the pain a dull memory and us more susceptible? How do we know for sure? After all most of us were indifferent to the N before he reeled us in. Even though I will *never* go back I feel as if I won't be safe in this world until he's dead and I can buy my red dress. :) Thoughts anyone?
May 15 - 8AM
TNR1's picture

He’s the same guy he always was. He's still dangerous for you.

Completely agree. Even though we may think that we are healed enough and knowledgeable about NPD that we won't let him hurt us again, we must remember that we were susceptible to this guy's act once and we are still susceptible. I think it is also so important to be loving towards yourself through your process...whether you break NC or simply have a hard time getting over the N. We were abused enough by the N, we don't need to internalize their abuse and turn it on ourselves. HUGS
May 14 - 4PM
michele115 (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

This was excellent Ally

I especially loved...LOVED: "Breaking NC is a reality for many of us. I’m not even opposed to it in all situations. There’s no one-size-fits-all method to healing here. But, if you’re going to do it, keep your eyes open. Do it with full acknowledgement of WHY you’re doing it and what you expect the results to be. Because, I’ve never read a post here that started with, “I broke NC” and ended with, “We’re back together and everything is GREAT!”
May 14 - 4PM (Reply to #23)
Susan32's picture

Here's how it should end

"I broke NC... we're back together... I toyed with his feelings, showed him how he really was, he had a mental breakdown... he's now in the mental hospital down the street from me and everything is GREAT!" I literally live 5 minutes from a state mental hospital. There's always a nice warm bed for the ex-Psych prof... besides, my state is going broke&we could use the $$$. I wonder if they give bonuses for referrals. After all, my landlord gives perks to people who refer new renters.
Sep 19 - 4PM (Reply to #28)
Winter's picture

Oh yes, sooooo funny

Literally was on the floor Not sure about Leo, but you definitely beat Jerome K Jerome today :)!
May 17 - 5PM (Reply to #27)
Goldie's picture

Lol, good one Susan!!!

Yes, that sounds about right!!! God bless, Goldie
May 17 - 6AM (Reply to #26)
onwithmylife's picture

Susan too funny!!

You gave me a much needed laugh Susan, his brother once told me he tried to get the Narc institutionalized but he refused to go, he, the Narc, thought everyone was crazy and he was right, that is his own brother speaking!!!what does that tell you????
May 14 - 8PM (Reply to #24)
whoknew's picture


May 14 - 8PM (Reply to #25)
Susan32's picture

It's cutting a little deep...

The ex-P DID stay in a mental hospital when he was younger (Worcester State, the only asylum Freud visited in his US trip in 1910)... I think it was one of the few times he wasn't lying. He'd talk about John Kennedy Toole, who lost his professorship because of his descent into mental illness¶noia (the ex-P liked Toole's "Confederacy of Dunces",which ends with the obese Narc lead being taken away to the asylum in New Orleans) I found out where his buttons were. *plays with them* So, I think touting local mental hospitals, or that Worcester State got renovated-when breaking NC, would be just a *little* mean, wouldn't it?
May 14 - 4PM
daisyme's picture

soooo true..

awesome post, ally! I recognize myself in this. Ten years ago, I went NC on him. Back then, I didn't have a clue what narcissism or NC was. I just thought he was "not ready" and blamed it on myself. He had dumped me for the nth time and married exwife2. About 3 years later, in true N form, as that marriage was breaking up, he came calling. I initially resisted, but he was relentless. I gave in. I was convinced that, yes, he really does love me. We are soulmates. After all, why would he keep coming back to me after all these years? Like SS said, same SH*T all over again. Only MUCH worse. Over the years, he had fine-tuned his N skills. I gave up more of myself to the illusion. And, he added physical abuse to his repetoire. Thanks for the reality check. They will never change. hugs, /d
May 14 - 11AM
gratefuljen's picture

It has really helped to read

It has really helped to read about abuse too. In my case it was emotional and spiritual abuse, physical too. Why do women, me, even consider letting an abuser back in my life. I used to think, if he got sober, if he was on antidepressents, if he, if he, if he,,,,,,,,, The point for me is,,,,,he abused me, period. I do not want to have any relationship with him. I dream of closure, of communicating the hurt and despair that was created in my life by him. But I believe you guys when you tell me that he is incapble of ever hearing the truth. They are liers, they have a mental illness so deep and persasive that the best of the best in mental health, often throw up their hands in disgust. No, for me I am letting go. That means forever. If and when he wants help, he can get it from someone else. My healing and my recovery is too important to me to take any chance with dealing with the animal, vampire again. Although, when in my rage, I do dream of hurting him. But, contact him, in hopes of rekindling the relationship, fuck no. Love Jen
May 13 - 8PM
Smitten Kitten (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Awesome Post!

I have nothing else to say but that. Awesome post and very inspiring as are so many on this board.
May 14 - 7AM (Reply to #18)
dudette's picture

hear hear!

NC is not just for Christmas, it's a lifetime committment to ourselves and our sanity..... Break it at your peril.... Love to you all Dx x x x
May 17 - 2PM (Reply to #19)

I totally agree....

After 5 years of NC I believe that NC is our only way of staying "sober". Like any drug/alcohol addict we can never have a "hit or sip" of the N for the rest of our lives without risking our sobriety.
May 13 - 5PM
lynn61's picture

excellent post ally! i have

excellent post ally! i have been pretty much NC for about 18 months now and have forgiven, healed, moved on, gotten joyful. but these past two weeks i had to deal through attorneys with N's control and manipulation. even that has had an effect on me that i thought i had overcome. we MUST protect our hearts from this abuse. i think what you are saying is wise and well put. we were sick too and need to be cautious. in my case i was schooled in it for 28 years and have only been truly free for a year. why would i think i would be strong enough to overcome the pull? and yet....


May 14 - 7AM (Reply to #16)
ally2375's picture

28 years?

28 years of dealing with this kind of abuse is incredible. You must be VERY strong to have broken away. Good for you! That pull is something, huh? We think we'd never go back, never sign up for round 2 (or 200, in my case ;) but so many of us end up there. Sometimes, when you're involved in a legal settlement, it can feel like it will never end. It does though. Stay joyful!
May 13 - 3PM
Arwen's picture

This is a very timely and

This is a very timely and perfect post for me as I broke NC and let the monster back on my friends list on FB. That's how bad things have been in my marriage and in my career and in my life, that I thought I needed this. I love you still and then ignoring me on FB and an angry call, etc. I feel suicidal. There is no going back ever. You are so right they do now move from where they are.
May 14 - 8AM (Reply to #14)
ally2375's picture


Hun, I know you're having a rough week. MOST of us stumble when trying to find our way out of these relationships. Kicking yourself for it won't do a thing but further traumatize you. Now, DELETE and BLOCK him from Facebook. It doesn't matter at all what he thinks about it. You've mentioned on at least a half dozen threads that he's now your friend on FB and it's upsetting you. You can fix that, and you'll feel a lot better when you do.
May 13 - 3PM
Steph's picture


Well said! and SO true. I was one that broke NC after almost a year.....we were "freinds" and then guess what?? Same shit all over again! "It’s important to remember that part of this disorder is that these guys DON’T GROW. They DON’T CHANGE. In terms of emotional maturity, they are EXACTLY where we left them. " Yes! and YES to everything you wrote. Thank you for posting:) xoxo
May 14 - 7AM (Reply to #9)
ally2375's picture


I would really like to hear your story some time about how and why you broke NC after such a long time. I'm curious about the circumstances and what happened when you did it. The reason I ask is that the post I wrote here is as much a reminder to me as anyone. My ex was on the passive aggressive end of the spectrum, his behavior covert (i.e. more mind games than rages). Everything was so subtle, that sometimes I STILL question whether he's an actual PD. I walked away because the stress of the game playing was just too much. Something happening in my life in a couple of months will put me in close proximity to him. He will know about it, and I'm sure will contact me. I will need to remind myself of why it's a bad idea to respond in any way.
May 15 - 9AM (Reply to #12)
Steph's picture


It was me that initiated the breaking of NC. I was going through emotional time when my grandpa was sick....and the N is who I reached out too! Started out "ok" lol....but same shit. I posted it a few months ago under " I screwed up".....I'll see if I can find it. xoxo