The worst thing he said to you
Jun 22 - 1PM
The worst thing he said to you
I thought i would start a thread where we can list the werst things the narc said to us . The benifits i think would be to have these psycopaths exposed in one place where if we have a weak moment and want to break no contact we can refer to it so we can remind ourselves what these men really are .. they are all the same ...
Mine is when i found out my mum was dieing he dumperd me the same day a week later i broke no contact to ask him why he did it and he said "well Scoop what if your mums health got really bad ..i would never be able to get out then "
So many more I could mention.....
The worst thing he ever said to me
The worst thing he ever said was
Looking for the 'Like'
so true!
lol! and the best thing he
Lucky that you got a
Thought of another
Just about The worst thing he said
things he said..
I was dating an N for six
Its makes THEM feel better...
Wow.....only one....that's tough.
freaky quotes
Freaky stuff he said
I feel your pain. I'm 3
Worst thing he said
I wonder if this is common
Yep, same here
Because N's are basically
Professor did the same thing
That's cold
Done on purpose