Very hurt and need you

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Jan 7 - 10AM (Reply to #6)
Winter's picture


Your words, as usual, are very comforting and encouraging. Yes, I am doubting myself. I know, that I am very self confident professionally speaking, but personnally speaking is another story... Yes, I do doubt myself, yes I think I am defective... Gosh, why??????
Jan 7 - 10AM
Daisyd's picture


I have no answers for you other than how readily I identify with your feelings. I also place huge blame on myself, whether merited or not, most times not, for being RIGHT. Especially when in our professional lives when situations arise that mirror or provoke our feelings of being D+D'd or just the general abuse we suffered at the hands of the narc that invoke a PTSD reaction. Me with no answers sending you a big hug anyway.
Jan 7 - 10AM (Reply to #4)
Winter's picture

Thank you, Daisyd!

It is VERY helpful to know that you identify with my feelings. I am blaming myself for having them and it only worsen... Knowing that you relate is very important and reassuring to me. Big hug back to you!
Jan 7 - 10AM
Redhead1's picture

There are mean people and

There are mean people and they are going to try you and see how far you will go. You did great. X would have tried it with anyone else. I think everyone is a target to Narcs. If you immediately put them in their place, they will try it with someone else next time.. Some narcs will try more than once to bust your boundries, but they will eventually get your message. You did great! Pat yourself on the back. Don't feel less because you were a target, evryone is a target to a narc.
Jan 7 - 10AM (Reply to #2)
Winter's picture

Yes, exactly Readhead

I think it is very common to narcs "to try" everyone. But I think I wait too long before putting them in their place. I always give them the benefit of the doubt, hurting people is one of my biggest fear. Still cannot find the fine line.