Do they always return?

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May 16 - 7PM (Reply to #10)
mynewlife2011's picture


it is interesting, because as we were looking for answers and had no closure I bet many of us went to a psychic. I did. I went before he came crawling back the third time. We had not talked in several months, and of course he had a new GF- so I figured i would never hear from him again and was just trying to find direction and footing. The psychic told me he would try to come back again, but it wasn't going to work. She knew he was an alcoholic, very immature and that it wasn't going to work. She also told me that he was going to have a break down, and that I was not to go to his bedside. That he wasn't going to make it. Thus far, she was spot on but no breakdown to date. He is more egotistical than ever, but GOD I hope that breakdown is coming. Or at least some blessings sent my way.
May 16 - 5PM
Kiwi2005's picture

Haha! I was working on

Haha! I was working on this... He actually went along with my "Dont ever contact me again" for 2 days, then he texted, when I replied he started ignoring me. Today I emailed him (like idiot) and he texted me basically saying not to contact him but not directly (as he needs to have those lines open). My understanding (altho never experienced this) is that once you EXPOSE them and actually tell them you know they're NPD they want nothing to do you with anymore because they'll never be able to use you again. However, I called mine on liar, cheater, crazy, psycho, pathological liar, small dick, lack of manliness, loser, druggie, needs SERIOUS psychological help and guess what? He still continued to talk to me! Hope that made you smile, if ANYONE ever said anything about ANY of my body parts... you better believe they'd NEVER hear from me again =) then again, i'm human, I have feelings, dignity, etc.
May 29 - 9PM (Reply to #8)
findingmeagain's picture


Hey kiwi did you come right out and call him a narc though. when i came out and called him a narc and was doing narcspeak on him he got very , very quiet. then a week later he hoovered me smfh...
May 17 - 10AM (Reply to #6)
Monica's picture

I called mine everything in the book, too....

Narc, loser, coward, abuser, user, pathological liar, relationship f*ck-up, accused him of having Madonna-Whore Complex (which he does). I raged and railed against him, told him I wasted 4 years of my life with him (9 months in a "relationship" at the end). I told him I hated him and despised him and wanted to hurt him (verbally). I emailed his ex-wife. I told him I knew too much about him and his past and his....ahem...."fetishes." I implied that I would not hesitate to destroy him. His response? "U will always be my friend. U can accept or deny my apologies." Funny thing is....he never truly apologized for anything. He actually claimed he was INNOCENT of any wrong doing. He claimed that he needed to "heal" and that I would never understand what his ex-wife had done to him. I said, "Explain!" He said it still hurt too much to talk about it. What a crock of crap!!! Sick and disordered doesn't even begin to describe these pathetic excuses of human beings.
May 17 - 10AM (Reply to #7)
Kiwi2005's picture


So after you said all that shit to him he still said "you'll always be my friend" AHHHHHHH HAHAHAHAHA! Thats too funny... Well I told mine his dick might be nice sized but it takes a man to sport that and well thats what he LACKS is being a man. I donno how I ever fell for your loser, drug addict type its never happened before and one day I hope you get the mental and psychological help you desperately need. Good Luck Bud! He changed his number, I drunk dialed it at 3am, he texted me the next day saying "I think your last email said everything I needed to hear and we dont need to talk" Well 2 days later lo & behold "I want you back" Ooo suck it you crazy ass mofo. Anyways he did a part of ignoring me and well I sent him one last email yesterday, which he responded to talking about "us" what "us" is he talking about? I dont freakig know! I've made my mind and made it strong... he can't ever try to contact me again because if he does... hmmm... he'll see what "crazy ass psycho bitch" looks like... he never called me that to my face however :)
May 16 - 6PM (Reply to #2)
Caligirl's picture


Lol. I guess I exposed mine, because I called him an abuser and a narcissist. I also called him a monster, a sick f--k, said I felt sorry for his next victim, an ignorant redneck, a f*ggot, said his d--k wasn't THAT big, a pervert, a loser and his looks were average.
May 16 - 7PM (Reply to #3)
Kiwi2005's picture

Caligirl- LOL~~~

GOOD FOR YOU!!! I love it!!! That's awesome... He may be pissed and not contact you ever again OR he could be completely narcissistic and be pissed, not contact for a few months and then BOOM out of no where you get a text or call... Who knows? All I know is that what you said he thought about it, even if it was for a split second, it hurt him!!!
May 16 - 7PM (Reply to #4)
trying2heal's picture

I also said that I pity his

I also said that I pity his next prey. Called him deceitful, disturbed mean spirited man, and that he was nothing more than a garden variety con man!
May 29 - 8PM (Reply to #5)
MovingForward's picture

After my N d&d me for the 2nd

After my N d&d me for the 2nd time. I told her she was not attractive, not intelligent, had the body of a 12 year old boy and was no longer and never good in bed. Boy oh boy did that touch an ego nerve. That is the only thing I believe she heard out of an hour conversation. I knew it would do the trick................hehehe