bamboozled's story

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#1 Oct 19 - 2AM
Anonymous (not verified)
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bamboozled's story

Go to the spa, demand the body loofah contain Steel Wool, and I guarantee it would hurt less, than getting confirmation your husband has been cheating on you with,...women for hire!

He doesn't know I know. Playing it very cool as to give myself time to get my exit plan in order. Play dumb, which he loves, while gathering the information needed to secure a successful divorce, aka, take his last penny! Marring him was equal to getting hit with the stupid stick.

These women have been with hundreds and hundreds of men. He brought that into my home and into my body. Monogamy & me, we were serious friends. OMG!

Putting up with his verbal, emotional, sexual abuse was to protect my children, keep a roof over their head, and food on the table. No one knew what he was really like.

The only caveat to staying all these years, I thought he was faithful, children, home, community, schools & friends. You know the whole enchilada! The icing on the to scared and stupid to leave!

I have to sleep next to him, not with him, but next to him. I know your gasping, close your jaw dropping chins ladies. I'm not done sleuthing.

I can't let on that I know what he's been up to. Not yet! Soon, I'm about a week away from having all my ducks in row. Then he will be served. Hello me, good bye insecure whore hopping looser.

How does a man you have known since you were a small kid, one you grow up to marry, become a man (term loosely used) you don't even know? Oh yes, he's a Narc!

I ask you a do you get over knowing that you have now, not been with one man for years, but hundreds of whores and their scumbag johns!:(

I'm selling all my stocks and only investing in Tylenol and The Clorox Corporation! I'm huge fan!

Oct 21 - 7PM
NanC (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


You are one tough chick! Keep your cool and get your hands on as much as you can. Sell whatever is of any value (that isn't obvious). He won't even know whats missing until its too late. It makes me sick to hear yet another story of these sick bastards! Good luck, sounds like you are one smart cookie....
Oct 19 - 6AM
Susan31 (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Hard questions Bamboozled !

It's good to see that thru your devestation you can still find some form of humour to try and cope. Great sanity preservation strategy - is a sense of humour! First thing u need to do is go to a GP for every STD test known to man. Gain peace of mind in that regards. I'd be more concerned that he put you (your health) AT RISK..than the ethical aspect of the numerous paid help. I dont mean to sound callous here but (in Australia anyway)- paid ho's are more likely to insist on condoms during the foul act. It's the random (unpaid) bimbo's that probably repreent more risk than the paid help. Ack %^E$$%##$@ (Feelin your pain). Gotta say though.. I love your attitude. Be careful though! NEVER drop your guard. My horrendous experience was only short lived (2 months). I feel vengeful too and have even considered latching HIM back in and setting HIM up to experience how it feels. Devalue and Disguard HIM. I dont usually promote 2 wrongs make a right but Grrrr I am tempted. I gotta let it go though. Could turn around and shoot me in the foot. I think he could be dangerous. Good luck to you Bamboozled!! Keep us informed of your progress. Dont even attempt to make sense of his disgusting choices.. just know that you've eliminated the risk (Him*).. and thats got to be a good thing. Happy Days ! xx 'What does it profit a man if he gain the whole world and yet lose his soul?' -Oscar Wilde
Oct 30 - 12PM (Reply to #5)
Kate (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Exactly... Dangerous is ALL that prevents Me too!

Wow Bamboozled! That's Horrifying... I am SOOOO SORRY. I can relate my Narc is a Serial WHORE!!! I am calling today in fact to get checked for everything!!! OF COURSE WE ALL KNOW THE ONE WE'RE MOST AFRAID OF... THE ONE WITH NO CURE. BAST*RDS!!!!!!!!!! THEY SHOULD ALL BE SHOT!! My story is really Long compared to most but I don't care I guess I wanted to Expose the bast@rd as much as I could!!! Bamboozled - Hang in there Lady! And by all means for those of us who won't see one red cent but only Bankruptcy and Devastation - BEND THAT WH*RE SHUCKIN PIECE OF GARBAGE OVER AND GIVE IT TO HIM GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry.. I'm still ANGRY AS H*LL! All Fired Up!!!
Oct 19 - 6AM
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

sounds familiar

sounds just like Psycho-Boy (read my story: ) how his wife stayed with him I don't know. He not only spent 1000s - he bragged about it (click here) but - realize these guys are PATHOLOGICAL. There is no curing, helping, giving them therapy, etc. They see people - particularly women - as objects for THEIR NEEDS only. Give yourself 18 months to heal before you even CONSIDER dating again. - Get yourself Lisa's book. Link on right. - PLEASE scroll through ALL the pages on 'Message Board' as I have loaded it with articles and your questions have probably already been asked and answered many many many times. Click through the pages and read what interests you. You'll get up to speed and learn a LOT. - read our blog: - chock full of articles about Ns and healing - listen to our free radio show: and welcome - you will find a lot of support and very similar stories here ~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Pathologicals only discard the best, most precious of gems of people... not the worst. They despise the strong, principled, decent & honest. Their discarding of you is then their highest commendation of your worth!" - A.V.
Oct 19 - 7AM (Reply to #2)
Ellen's picture

Hi Bamboozled

'How does a man you have known since you were a small kid, one you grow up to marry, become a man (term loosely used) you don't even know? Oh yes, he's a Narc!' This is what i struggle with too. I knew my ex for 27 years before we got together and i'm shocked at what i have discovered two years later. Maybe i should be grateful that i wasn't married to him for a long time. Sounds like you've got a good plan sorted.
Oct 19 - 8AM (Reply to #3)
4joys (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


I dont want to minimize your pain, because your situation is very close to where I was (minus the children), but I have to say you are a wonderful talented writer! An N is like an iceberg. You only see the top portion when you are with them. In the end you discover there is so much more truth to learn. It's painful and it's devastating. It's good you have a plan. Get yourself to a therapist or group for support NOW! There is more to come and you will need all the support you can muster. The part about them bringing home all sorts of diseases is a serious matter. One they dont care to think about. I had a plan in place, but I couldnt see it through calmly. My anger took over and I showed my hand. But I did the best I could under strained circumstances. In the end it turned out best because I never have to see his narc face again or hear about what he is doing now and how he is setting up his future and present victims. Good luck.