Can he hold things against me?

He has been hoovering over me and I have been strict NC and now I am worried he can hold things against me... Back when I dated him and we took photos and videos and I didn't even want to but I was under the influence and he kept pressuring me and saying Lindsay if you loved me you would do it and of course I did it I know stupid and I regret it everyday. My question is now that I am ignoring him can he start holding things against me like saying Lindsay if you do not speak to me I will leak those photos and videos I took of you or is that just a narc threat? I know narcs love attention like saying why aren't you calling me why aren't you texting me? Aren't you my friend ( not that we ever were) and suddenly saying well if you do not speak to me I swear I will kill myself or sometimes ( As I read on here) they get family members involved like his sisters would say why are you ignoring him he is so distraught! Lindsay you really need to speak to him pronto please....... I know those storylines I am worried about him saying he would leak the photos and videos if I didn't talk to him or would that too be narc speak? Would my ex fall into the PP narc with his hoovering and his constant calling and e-mailing, texting especially when he has a GF!

May 30 - 11PM
Goldie's picture

He can do whatever he pleases

May 31 - 1AM (Reply to #1)
LindsayM's picture

Thanks best I can do is ride