Yesterday marked one month NC for me

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#1 Jul 26 - 7AM
NinjaGirl's picture

Yesterday marked one month NC for me

I didn't even realize it until the afternoon because the morning was extremely busy.

This coming weekend is a really big martial arts seminar that spans the entire weekend, including Thursday and Friday, and I'm not only participating, but volunteering to help my Sensei with checking in participants and whatever else needs to be done.

Saturday night will be a banquet where we'll see the new movie (my Sensei has already released one movie about our martial art, and this is the second), and apparently I'm very clearly in it a few times. LOL So between that and having a lovely dinner with a bunch of people I haven't seen in a while, I expect it to be a very tiring but fun time.

I find that when I keep myself busy, work on things, offer to help people with things, etc., I don't have the time to think about ex-narc. I don't think I thought about him at all this weekend, or if I did, it was in a momentary passing thought that quickly went away.

Today is going to be nuts for me at work, as I have to train at two locations, but I sincerely hope everyone is doing wonderfully!

I'll have more time tomorrow to check in and read posts.

Jul 27 - 11AM
rainbow1's picture


Congrats to you! And I am glad that you are posting....

"dont let yesterday take up too much of today"

Jul 26 - 4PM
hitandrun's picture

Major Congrats!

This is a milestone! It gets better and better. Good for you : )
Jul 26 - 1PM
Goldie's picture

Way 2 Go!!

Hi Ninja, Congrats on the 1 month. You go girl and yes keeping the body busy certainly does help with the thinking stuff. God bless, Goldie
Jul 26 - 1PM
smileyfacepr's picture


congrats on the 1 mnth NC..yayyyyyyyyyyyy!! I hope while ur practicing and competeing ur kicking exN ass u can win!! xooooxx


Jul 26 - 12PM
NinjaGirl's picture


Thanks guys! If you want to see the trailer for the first movie that already came out (just out of DVD, no movie theaters or anything, LOL), go to YouTube and type in "gift of traditional martial arts". It'll be the first link with a bunch of people (me included) in a field doing sword strikes with wooden swords. Not that I'm bragging about my martial arts or anything, but you might find it interesting and get a glimpse into why I'm healing so well and what my martial art is all about. I don't appear anywhere clearly in the trailer, though, unless you slowed it to about a quarter speed and knew what I looked like from behind. ;) My Sensei is the one doing most of the talking throughout the trailer.
Jul 26 - 12PM (Reply to #8)
Amy's picture


I used to practice Kook Sul Won - so I get what you are saying. You have to completely be invested mentally while practicing your martial art, otherwise it can get a little crazy! LOL! I am glad you have this to help you! Which do you practice again?
Jul 26 - 12PM (Reply to #9)
NinjaGirl's picture

That's awesome!

I study primarily Jujutsu and Japanese weapons, so sword/iaito/bokken, rokushakubo (six-foot staff), hanbo (three-foot staff), and I'm a pretty decent archer with longbows. I also know some Koryu Karate and a little Ninpo. I'm sort of so-so with shuriken (throwing spikes or stars), though. LOL One time I threw one into the wall above the target, and it was too high for me to get out. You're supposed to remove your own shuriken, and not have anyone take yours out for you, but Sensei had to make an exception in my case, because I'm so short. ;)
Jul 26 - 9PM (Reply to #12)
Amy's picture

Is it...

Is it Brazilian Juijitsu? (sp)?) I ALWAYS wanted to try that! Hilarious story about the stars! What level are you? You sound very advanced! So awesome!
Jul 26 - 10PM (Reply to #13)
NinjaGirl's picture

Nope, it's all Japanese. All

Nope, it's all Japanese. All I'll say is that I'm not Shodan quite yet, but I'm higher ranked with weapons than many of the Shodan, Nidan, etc. people (first degree black belt, second degree black belt, etc.) are.
Jul 26 - 10PM (Reply to #14)
Amy's picture

Very cool!

Now you have me researching. I wanted to do MMA for a while - or jujitsu. I liked Kuk Sul, but Kwang Jang Nym became too much about $ and basically started running a McDojo. :( Maybe now I will pursue MMA. :)
Jul 26 - 1PM (Reply to #10)
betty2020's picture

I lived in Japan in the

I lived in Japan in the early 90s. My landlord Hagasahn was a traditional martial arts instructor. He spoke very little English but i was always so enthralled with his wisdom and insight. I never took up martial arts but i clearly see how beneficial this is to attaining inner peace and strength. I love the video and this is a wonderful outlet you have Ninja. xoxoxo only one way to go...Forward (tm?)

only one way to go...Forward (tm?)

Jul 26 - 4PM (Reply to #11)
NinjaGirl's picture

Isn't it funny how some

Isn't it funny how some things transcend language barriers? I'm so jealous you got to live in Japan for a while. :) Even though I understand it can be very hot and humid there.
Jul 26 - 12PM
Amy's picture

Congrats on the 1 month NC!

And on the movie stuff too! Like you, I find the busier I am, the easier it is. My girlfriends have been my lifeline - we go out at least once a week and we talk so much that I really don't have time to think about the exN. It is important to surround yourself with those who love and support you, as well as engage in activities that make you feel stronger and better about yourself. I am so happy that you are doing so well! You are an inspiration!
Jul 26 - 11AM
betty2020's picture

You are truly remarkable

You are truly remarkable Ninja girl....I am so happy that we have your strength, insight and wisdom on this board! You have grown so much and in so little time. I am really looking forward to following you in your recovery. Your a real inspiration to all! Congrats.. xoxoxo only one way to go...Forward (tm?)

only one way to go...Forward (tm?)

Jul 26 - 11AM
wholeagain's picture


You are an inspiration and wield a mean can of (gentle) whoopass. Go you is all I can say!
Jul 26 - 10AM
Scoop's picture

Woop woop a movie star!!!The

Woop woop a movie star!!!The first month is tough and here you are with it behind you , its great .May i just say that youre narc is a particular wanker and im so glad you know it ! big love to you Scoop x
Jul 26 - 7AM
helldweller's picture


Congratulations on the NC and the awesome life! I have found that, too: that especially when I I offer to help people the thoughts of him fade. I forced myself to take my mom to church yesterday, then forced myself to pack up my daughters and drive us to the German Fest in Milwaukee for the day. We got home at almost midnight. I did not hear a word from him beyond a text of "Hi" in the morning, but it was actually a very nice day. Or maybe "so" it was actually a very nice day. LOL Have fun!
Jul 26 - 8AM (Reply to #2)
NinjaGirl's picture

Good job!! Had I know you

Good job!! Had I known you were in my town, I would have gone to German Fest and tried to say hi, but I guess that would technically be called "stalking." LOL I'm glad you had a good time!