Who's Ex Narc was Profusely Judgemental, Prejudice, Loud, Obnoxious, Talked behind peoples back INCLUDING YOURS!

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#1 Apr 8 - 5PM
TLSM's picture

Who's Ex Narc was Profusely Judgemental, Prejudice, Loud, Obnoxious, Talked behind peoples back INCLUDING YOURS!

I really don't have any idea if any one here has experienced this with their Ex Narc?
Man...I did!
He would embarrass the hell out of me. He loved attention on him/us and I HATED IT. He would would even inappropriately makeout with me in public. (That can be hot in certain situations...But his choices were not cool.)

He would LAUGH OUT LOUD in the theater at moments that were not funny.

Outside the grocery store one time, we were getting a grocery cart. You know how they can stick together when they are all lined up?
Well he was VIOLENTLY shaking them - I say "them" because their were at least 20 grocery carts connected.

I am not kidding. All of the carts were doing "the wave" and shaking on and off the ground.

The manager of Safeway came out and yelled at him.
OMG. I live in such a small town. I wanted to die.

Gosh I hated him when he was like this, which was every time I'd see him (I had LDR and saw him one to two times a month).

The LDR helped me idealize him when I was away from him!
Damn he looked good from afar!

But really, he was a FREAK!

How about you guys? Did you deal with a loudmouth?

Apr 9 - 7PM
Susan32's picture

He thought it was funny when my grandfather died...

The ex-Psych prof thought it was immensely *FUNNY.* He'd mock me during class, tell his male disciples how he wished I'd drop dead, and constantly say "if you're so sad, why don't you kill yourself?" His behavior eventually drove me to the therapist's office (it was his idea, she was one of my professors at the time, she was appalled) He'd say during class that I was seeing the therapist to "learn how to manage my feelings." One of his male disciples said he thought I was like a cartoon... and here I was, grieving. He enjoyed humiliating me in public... but he couldn't stand it when *ALMIGHTY ME* turned the tables. When the senior skit mocked him... he ran out. He got up and RAN. To put the frosting on the cake, I happily, gleefully said with a smile he missed out on the scene ridiculing him. He said he didn't make fun of himself because he took himself *SERIOUSLY.* Yet he had no problems mocking&sneering at my grief. He was my teacher, not my boyfriend/spouse. Don't worry... I found ways to humiliate him. And how. I can give Narcissistic Injuries a dime a dozen.
Apr 10 - 5PM (Reply to #32)
Susan32's picture

The closet case

The ex-Psych prof being a closeted gay man was a rampant rumor... and his live-in girlfriend helped as much as throwing gas on flames. It didn't convince my classmates... and since he had been to LA, I assumed his shallowness&wanted to whine "You were SUPPOSED to bring back a bimbo!" He was quite vitriolic about gays. He was ecstatic when the DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) was passed... and furious when Hawaii&Rhode Island(or was it his home state of Massachusetts?) tried to legalize same-sex marriage. Apparently he was closeted about other things. He tried to not be nasty about other people around me. I think he knew if he badmouthed his girlfriend around me... I would've given him Hell and then some. He did bash me around his colleagues&students in his classes... something that did not endear him. When he bashed his colleagues, I'd tune out or tell him to shut up. I sort of had the "guilt by association" because of him... because he was apparently a closet racist/anti-Semite, and he didn't show that around me... so the odd thing was that the final D&D *REDEEMED* me in his colleagues' eyes. I had gone from someone they didn't trust to virtual sainthood. It was surreal. They had perceived me as someone terrible like him... but as soon as I was cast away, I had gone from being swine to being a pearl. Ironically, the D&D (which consisted of smearing my reputation) ended up saving it.
Apr 9 - 3PM
ilianna57's picture

behavior in public

My ex-N would embarrass me so many times in public. He always thought he had to drink to be the life of the party,and he would act so ridiculous that many people would give me such looks and say things to me like " What the hell are you doing with someone like that?" It seemed like most of the time we went out, he was always looking to somehow talk and spend time with anyone else but me.he always was looking for someway to be the C.O.A. in a restaurant, say he was going to the bathroom, and be gone for so long talking to people who we didnt even know.If I brought up this to him, he would remark that I make too big of a deal about everything.I know I wasnt cause so many times strange people sitting around observing say " Why are you with this man? He does not treat you well!" But if I did anything like that, well, would I catch hell from him. How many times did I have to hear that?? I am only 6 days into telling him to get out of my life, and it is so difficult. This site may just save me and help me to remain strong. Thank-you everyone
Apr 9 - 6PM (Reply to #30)
Monica's picture

Ileana57...same with me....public humiliation

Sometimes when we were out I would just want to crawl under the barstool and hids. He was arrogant and self-centered and very self-important. Sometimes he would say things that humiliated me and embarrassed me. One time we were out at our favorite place (which has, thankfully, become MY place post-break-up) and someone showed him a photo of her gay girlfriend and he said out loud, for all to hear, "She is beautiful! If she were here right now I would hit on her." He was there with me, sitting next to me!! Can you imagine how I felt? One night all he did was talk about his ex-wife, to anyone who would listen. A woman at the bar whom we only just met reprimanded him for that and then gave me a big hug and whispered comforting things to me and tried to make me feel better (even though I was good at hiding the pain and humiliation). It was awful. He used to tell everyone - even strangers we met - that he wanted to buy me new, bigger breasts. He gave me an option - an engagement ring or breasts. He would tell that to anyone. Now that we are no longer together and I go in there alone and meet with friends I have met there, they tell me that our break-up was "no great loss" for me and "who did he think he was?" etc. Just thinking about all of that makes me SO glad I am free of him! I am so not like him. It was only after I broke up with him and told my therapist and friends and coworkers things he said and did to me did I realize I was verbally and emotionally abused. I did learn a lot from my time with the N. I am so careful about what I say to people, my tone, everything. I make an effort all the time to make those I meet feel important, special, needed...even if I just met them. I ask questions about THEM, compliment THEM, encourage THEM, give kudos to THEM. And I take care of ME now. I am learning how to be alone, learning how to do for ME, learning how not to change what I am to please someone else who has no genuine feelings for me or even respect for me.
Apr 9 - 8AM
skystar's picture

That would be him

Yep! Thats H.S.A. to a T.
Apr 8 - 11PM
Arwen's picture

amazing bigot

YEP! First night together he just came out and said, "oh those ni--ers?" And then his roomate told me she was depressed because her daughter was dating "a black boy", that it was "just wrong", it's "not right", "the bible says dating a black man is wrong". I COULD NOT BELIEVE IT.
Apr 9 - 7PM (Reply to #27)
Susan32's picture

The N word

I recently had a Narc coworker (he walked off the job) and he routinely used the N word behind people's backs, including the supervisor (who was African-American) At my Narc workplace of 5 years, my former Narc boss and the morbidly obese Narc coworker used the N word as well... despite the fact an African-American woman worked there too. She's still there. I'll see her out on the sidewalk smoking with the morbidly fat Narc. I know plenty of insulting words... but that's one to NEVER USE. It's just low.
Apr 9 - 12AM (Reply to #26)
TLSM's picture


Were they mormons??? My ex N was raised a mormon but no longer practices it and that's what they were taught about african americans in their f'd up religion and it is the most horrific thing I've ever heard. Its so bad I will not repeat exactly what it said but it is HIDEOUS! If anyone here is mormon, I apologize. I just don't understand it His parents used the N word, like they were talking about the weather. Sick. I asked him if his parents were interbred and if they came from the mountains, cuz I do no know people who talk like that!!! Lol Totally reminded me of characters in Deliverance. But he occasionally would say the N word and I would go ballistic. Sick fucks!!!!!! His parents called me a Dego!(I'm Italian). Anyways! Oh! And I won't even tell you how he makes fun of my two best friends, who are gay men and married and have 3 beautiful children together. I pray his daughter marry's a beautiful african american man and that his son falls in love with another male. Ha!
Apr 9 - 12AM (Reply to #20)
TLSM's picture

ooops patiencegoal!

I thought you were saying the narc said that, but it was his roommate who said that about their dauhter. Lol sorry. I swear I'm not interbred! Disregard Mormon remark!
Apr 9 - 11AM (Reply to #21)
Arwen's picture

TLSM they both said it

They both said Ni--er...both him and his roomate. About the daughter dating the African Amer. boy, the narc sat in complete agreement with her, total agreement.
Apr 9 - 12PM (Reply to #22)
TLSM's picture


That's so gross. There is a mirror in every judgement!
Apr 9 - 5PM (Reply to #25)
Arwen's picture

p,s, there should be no description of anyone!

and let me amend my last comment by saying that I never qualify or describe people by their race! What the fuck is that?
Apr 9 - 5PM (Reply to #23)
Arwen's picture

I know eeeewww

Isn't someone using the N word to describe the African American person the most digusting, violent, racist, fucking BACKWARD shit you ever heard??
Apr 9 - 6PM (Reply to #24)
TLSM's picture

Totally, GF!

I agree. Racial slurs have no meaning, really. The person who spouts them always looks so pathetic.
Apr 8 - 9PM
Susan32's picture

Yes.. he was ALL of the above

The ex-Psych prof was incredibly prejudiced, presenting himself as a conservative Upholder of Family Values. He was very much anti-religion... and that included Buddhism. I'd ask him why he wrote about religion, and he said that it was to expose religion as one big con game (projection much??) He mocked this collective of black LGBT rappers called "Rainbow Flava." Now... I'm dating myself... LOL... I watched a documentary recently and Rainbow Flava came out, so to speak, in the late '90s. He was always mocking Rainbow Flava. He was virulently homophobic... thanks to the lesbian on-site therapist (who lives with her girlfriend) and his openly gay colleague... I NEVER got physically/romantically involved with him. They saved me much heartache. Not that the final D&D didn't hurt.. it did... but sex/dating, let alone marriage&kids, would've made it into a catastrophe. He *ENJOYED* embarrassing me in front of my friends... that's why my friends hated his guts. During the final D&D, he had me in tears in front of everyone, and he was smiling smugly. He'd complain to his students about me dating.. DURING CLASS. In class, he'd mock me when I was mourning my grandfather and sneer, saying that I was "going to a therapist to learn how to manage my feelings." He'd tell his male disciples how he wanted me to drop dead, and that if I was so sad, I should kill myself. He'd brag to his students ON CLASS TIME (I learned about it thru friends) that he had been lying to me about his European vacations. He'd accuse me of embarrassing myself. During the final D&D, he was intoxicated around students. He was drinking heavily. He had an off-campus class centered on... drinking wine. Somehow I went through the final D&D cold sober. He was incredibly judgmental. He HATED seeing people happy. Being a hypocrite, he didn't mind embarrassing me... but when the senior skit turned the tables and embarrassed him (don't worry, I told him HOW FUNNY the scene ridiculing him was)... he didn't like it. He fled from it. Embarrassing him was incredibly easy. Like stealing candy from a baby... and mentally, he was a baby.
Apr 8 - 8PM
gettinbetter's picture

Not a loud mouth but very

Not a loud mouth but very judgemental everyone was a piece of shit. I often felt like he was parading me around. He was always holding my hand. Im married and we were in Public Places. Seemed dangerous to me but he always did it. I think it goes back to him thinking Im his property and that Im merely on loan to my husband. He would lean over the table and kiss me in public. To be fair though I was still so in love with him I loved it but at the time I thought why is he doing this in public? but it was like he wanted to people to notice that we were a couple
Apr 8 - 11PM (Reply to #16)
TLSM's picture

SOI...hmmmmmmm. This sounds familiar.

Narcs are SO EMPTY inside that they are thrill seekers... Sounds like yours was turned on by the fact he was with a married women-the mere thought of sneaking around and getting caught thrilled him like crazy. That's exactly what my ex narc told me when he was having an affair behind his ex wife's back for 5 years! It was the secret, the possibility of getting caught & he taboo of it. Total adreniline junkie freaks. PS...Was or is he an addict? I mean, they are all addicted to the admiration from their sources...but did he have a drug or alchohol problem?
Apr 9 - 6PM (Reply to #17)
Monica's picture

Affairs and hypocrisy...

My xN had at least one affair during his marriage and several other "indescretions" shall we call them. When he suspected his ex-wife of having an affair and accused her of that? It was the end of the world, she hurt him, he hated her, she abandoned him, etc., etc. He NEVER accepted what a hypocrite he was. I think she had a lot of stuff on him...made it public and turned an entire town against him...but I don't live in that town nor do I know anyone from there so I don't know the gory details. (Wish I did.) I supported him during that entire, horrible town when he only had one friend left in the world and then he unceremoniously dumped me the minute he got a new job and started to build a new life for himself with people who didn't know him from "before." They are so SICK and twisted, it is pathetic. And I don't think anyone believes that his ex-wife really had an affair.
Apr 8 - 7PM
Hope's picture

Mine was a gossip...

I'll never forget this one thing that happened, we went to this island off the coast one day in his plane and were sitting on the beach, he couldn't drink because we were flying back that evening, anyway I had three wine coolers while we were sitting in the sun, the waves were very high from a small hurricane that happened down the coast a few days before, but we went in the water there were a few kids body surfing, etc. we were standing about up to our necks and I hung onto him, now he is 6'4" and strong, he says "oh you are drowning me" now I'm 5'3" and maybe 120 lbs, I feel bad and let go, what happens next, I get taken away immediately by a wave into the shore, (under water) but the wave breaks and knocks me flat down, I have long hair and that gets filled with sand, I struggle to get up just as I gasp for air, another big wave comes and crashes over me, I go under again and brings me in closer to shore again I feel as if I'm drowning, my whole head and body under the current, again I get up and right away get knocked down again and further brought into shore, again not able to get air, I thought for sure I would drown, but then I get up and by now I'm about up to my knees standing, I stand stunned, my bathing suit top is moved my boobs are showing, he finally catches up to me and grabs me, but no thanks to him I almost drowned, so here is the best part, a few weeks later we are at a birthday party his neighbor, so the neighbor goes "oh I heard about you getting caught in the waves and losing your bathing suit top??" so my XN thought this was all a big joke and was telling his neighbor, he had a good laugh about it, I gave the neighbor a cold stare and then told my XN I didn't think that was funny at all on the way home. Yet another red flag I should not have ignored. I remember telling this to the therapist I saw when we broke up she said he should have described it as I had an accident and thank God I'm ok vs. how he did it. Anyway he's a creep.
Apr 8 - 11PM (Reply to #14)
Arwen's picture

Hope OMG

Hope this is a disgusting story beyond words and unfortunately one that I can relate to very much. I was extremely ill while with two x-narcs and there seemed almost a wish from them that I should stay sick or maybe it was just the TOTAL empathy chip missing. Of course your narc should never, ever, ever have made a joke out of you almost losing your life - Jesus Christ! You know that right?
Apr 8 - 11PM (Reply to #12)
TLSM's picture


Your life was in danger and he found it hysterical that your boobs were hanging out and told people about it like it was a joke? WTF??? He should be shot! I'm sorry! :(
Apr 9 - 10AM (Reply to #13)
Hope's picture

I'm fine...

Thanks girls, I am fine. Yes he is an ass. I was headed into shore and the water was not too deep, but still I was very scared! This is a big weekend for me one year ago this weekend he broke it off with me, (there has been total NC for one year) but I'm doing great, strong and positive. Time is the healer. I just found this site, but did see a good therapist just after it happened last year. Thanks for all your concern!!xoxo Also on this thread, the topic of what friends tell you after, I am making an explicit point to tell all my friends and family not to be shy about giving their opinion about someone new, and to tell me whatever they hear about them, no matter how hurt they think I might be, that is a good take-away!! My hairdresser lives in the same town as my xn and she heard something about him from her neighbor and didn't tell me too because I was so happy, live and learn!!
Apr 8 - 9PM (Reply to #11)
gettinbetter's picture

Yep same here. He was pulling

Yep same here. He was pulling me on the tube behind the boat and he purposefully started sriving the boat in a way to throw me off and he was going fast. I split my lip open. He was grinning when I got in the boat and said here let me kiss it and make it better
Apr 8 - 7PM
Monica's picture

What people are saying to me now.

I wish they had said these things when I was with him and they didn't. They wanted me to be "happy." Now I get: "You were too good for him." "I didn't want to say what I really thought of him when you were with him because I wanted you to be happy/didn't want to upset you." "Who did he think he was, coming in here and saying he was better than the rest of us? He is not better than anyone else!" "You are just you. We can't believe he was telling everyone (including strangers) that he wanted to buy you new breasts." "You were verbally and emotionally abused." "Remember all those things I told you about him? I thought you would be mad at me for that." "They are good friends with his ex-wife and they say it wasn't her, it was HIM that was the problem." (Thank goodness those friends are speaking out now.) What they say to me post-breakup: "You look so HAPPY!" "The color is back in your eyes." "You look different...you look younger." "Your hair looks great, so much bounce and color" (and I didn't color it or do anything different except dump the N). "This is how we like to see you." He often publicly humiliated me and was at least once reprimanded by someone we had just met. I often hung my head in embarrassment when we were out and he was talking. I am FREE!!! I am happy. He is not part of my life or pshyche anymore. I pray for him daily because that is all there is left to do for him. I am alive and happy!!!
Apr 8 - 8PM (Reply to #9)
JLMNY1's picture

So True!

Monica I got several of those comments from friends/family after exN and I broke up-especially the: "I didn't want to say what I really thought of him when you were with him because I wanted you to be happy/didn't want to upset you." "Who did he think he was, coming in here and saying he was better than the rest of us? He is not better than anyone else!" When my sister and her husband met him, these were their EXACT comments. My brother in law wanted to throw him out. He was that obnoxious to them with comments. He also talked down to me in front of them. My exN is ALWAYS the center of attention. He does this by making sure we were always hanging out in a group of people (never alone) and he dominated the conversation, usually by making stupid jokes that made fun of something/someone. And his loud opinion often shocked the other girls (always other girls, those were ALL his friends) that were with us. I made a comment once to him about the jokes/comments he was making and he totally didn't get it- he was convinced they were funny and what everyone wanted to hear. My exN also yelled at me/humiliated me in public. He did this at the grocery store, yelling me over food and my participation in the selection. He yelled at me in front of friends. I know he talked about me to his friends, and who knows what he said. Of course, all the things he was telling them about why he absolutely needed to break up with me, were all problems with me. I'm still dealing with the break up in many ways, and some days are good days, and some days are bad days. But I'm very thankful to be free of it.
Apr 8 - 7PM (Reply to #6)
Steph's picture

Amazing what friends will

Amazing what friends will tell you "after" hey!? Sounds like you are doing fabulous now!! You overcame the narc!!!!!
Apr 8 - 7PM (Reply to #7)
Monica's picture

I wish I had been told "during"

I wish the ex-wife would have called me. I had so many suspicions. I wanted her to call me. I wanted to hear and then know and tell her it wasn't her, it was him, so she could have some peace. But she never called me, not even after I ended things with him. (Well he wanted "time and patience" and I told him that, if he needed time and patience to "decide" what and who he wanted after all we had been through together - four years - then he knew the answer and we were done. I blocked him right away.) But I would give anything to talk with her, just to let her know it wasn't her. It was HIM. I have not felt this unburdened and free in four years. I walk around with a stupid smile on my face because I am so happy to be rid of him. I was exhausted trying to be something he wanted me to be that I was not. Simply exhausted. Imagine how his ex feels after decades of marriage??
Apr 8 - 7PM (Reply to #8)
Steph's picture

She maybe couldn't make that

She maybe couldn't make that call for her own sanity, ya know....I mean people here are warned not to contact the new girl.....cuz they will look like the crazy one, he'll just twist it around etc. I know what you mean though. I asked my friends/family "WHY didn't you say this to me before" and they all said because "you would have been mad or not believed us. you had to figure it our yourself".......which is true, but it would have been nice to hear these things anyways.....maybe I would have decided sooner that I wasn't the problem. I don't know. It's hard. For me, I vowed that I will ALWAYS be honest with my friends and speak up if they are being mistreated. I lost a friendship over it, which sucks....but I feel a real friend speaks up, even if it's not what they wanna hear. "I walk around with a stupid smile on my face because I am so happy to be rid of him." Love it! You have walked through hell and made it the other side and still manage to smile. Awesome news:) xoxo "
Apr 8 - 6PM
mystwoman's picture

Oh yes, xnh was a total

Oh yes, xnh was a total loudmouth. His lips were flapping ALL of the time (he even talked in his sleep). To quote the movie Shrek about Donkey, "Sure he talks. It's getting him to shut up that's the trick." Xnh was obnoxious. Xnh was very judgmental, prejudiced, snobbish, and he disparaged everyone behind their backs (especially me). To this day I find it totally humiliating that I've heard from many, many people how he bad-mouthed me for years, aired our marital problems, and even discussed our sex life with co-workers both on the job and in the shuttle to one of our sites on a regular basis (we're still working at the same company). Whenever I talk to one of my co-workers now about work, or see an acquaintance around town, it's always in the back of my mind, "What has xnh blabbed to THIS person that was none of their business?". In addition to xnh's big, fat mouth, he let his children run wild in public wherever we went. I've walked out of stores and left all three of them numerous times because his children were running up and down the aisles screaming, and bashing into people with shopping carts. I remember walking into a Wal-mart one day with xnh to find two children running around crazily a few aisles down. Xnh says to me, "God, who's brats are those? Where are their parents?" Low and behold, they came around the corner and it was HIS children. Of course, he then ripped into his ex-wife. Never mind that he did the EXACT same thing whenever he had them. It was amazing to me that he was offended when his ex let his kids run around like a couple of barbarians, but it was somehow alright if HE did it. Not only was he a loudmouth, xnh was completely hypocrite. TLSM, you described it exactly right. Xnh was a FREAK.

God sometimes removes a person from your life for your protection. Don't run after them.

Apr 8 - 5PM
Steph's picture

Oh boy yes. BOTH of my exes

Oh boy yes. BOTH of my exes were loudmouths and obnoxiuos. Very embarrassing. My first one....told a sex joke using the word "p*ssy" (sorry) in front of my mom and GRANDMOTHER. That's one example. My last ex.....at a thai boxing event yelled out really loud about one of the fighters having "slanted eyes". I wasn't at that event, Thank God, but he was braggin about it to me and laughing that the people he was with were embarrassed. And groping me in public...yup. Yet, one time I sat beside him at a restaurant instead of across from him and he asked me to move, then lectured me on "boundaries". "FREAKS" is right.