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#1 Feb 1 - 9AM
neverlookback's picture


This is very very difficult for me to share. WHen I was living in the same city as he was he would see me while on duty. He would pull his squad car into my driveway and while in uniform he would be with me. THe only thing that came off was the gun belt and pants. That is not the worst part, on ONE occasion he put his hands around my neck and squeezed pretty hard, so now at times I am haunted by the vision of man in a sheriff's uniform choking me. THat is the last time I ever saw him, I moved after that.

Ladies I can not stress enough please please please do not be fooled by what you SEE, what they have, who they are with, and thinking they appear to be normal and seem to be happy. Do you think what I described above is a human being that is happy? THat this person leads a normal well balanced life? Can you actually believe that man appeared to me once as a perfectly charming gentlemen? Sure he came into my life pretty strong and fast but do you think I EVER imagined that this is who he was for one minute?

He is a sick, depraved power hungry human predator. Does my example make you dismiss rather quickly the wonderful life he appears to have with his live in GF? Do you think he comes home and does this to her when his shift is over? NO, but that is who she is living with, loving and sharing her life with and sleeping beside every night!!! What they do to their victims is WHO THEY ARE, the GF is also a victim she is just used to hide and cover who he really is, we are ALL victims to these individuals, please dont ever forget that in the illusion we were lost in, stay in reality because it could very well save your life.

Feb 1 - 3PM
Briseis's picture

This is so true, NLB. I

This is so true, NLB. I wish this is something parents would teach their children, and even schools their students. Our culture is pretty forgiving of you as long as you are extremely good looking, photogenic and look great in AVI format :( You can be a disgusting narcissistic vacuum and go really far in our culture. Our culture celebrates and deifies surface looks. Our children are spoon fed this from birth just by having the TV on :( So yes, one of my greatest lessons in all this is to not base my judgment of a person upon how they appear to be. I want to see a person under stress, experiencing adversity, to see how they REALLY are. THAT tells me the true mettle of a person. How they act when things are going badly for them. Your example of what seemed to be a "perfectly charming gentleman" brings up a thread posted by Allthatglitters a month or two ago, about the subject of "charm" and "charisma", and how that is actually a giant red flag. NOT something to run to, but something to run from :(
Feb 1 - 2PM
venuslovedpluto's picture


Thank you so much for your post. It was so brave of you to express this, own this, write it out. This helped me because it's exactly where my mind is today. I'm sorry he did that to you, I can't believe how careless these men can be with a human heart. With a woman. I think karma will have him by the neck one day, with no tough-guy belt on to protect himself and nowhere to run. I almost wish I could be there to see it. =/
Feb 1 - 2PM
venuslovedpluto's picture

Haunting (closure)

This morning, I keep finding myself looking for reassurance by comtemplating his potential "happiness". Right now I'm at that stage where it hurts SO much and thinking about him happy in his future (reference point: me, just supply from his past) hurts like bloody hell. This disorder, and the fact that they see people as just extensions of themselves- objects- is so difficult for me to accept as reality. And now it's part of my reality. Even as I try to reconcile with it and start putting it behind me, it's tormenting me. It messes with my head, it plays on every one of my emotions, spiking and twisting and knotting it's way through me. As I begin the withdrawal process, again, I'm bracing myself for this inner storm. I know I'm feeling this way partially because I'm still carrying the mirrored fragments of his angst too. It's a lot to sort out. No wonder people feel like they've been through hell and back on a high-speed rollercoaster after having broken free from one of these relationships. Feeling objectified by him is one of the worst parts of dealing with it all. It's like an anvil sitting in my stomach. Strapped to it is all of my unresolved anger, my feelings of rejection, fear, shame, guilt, loss, sadness, tension, confusion, longing, grief, Pain Pain Pain. It's on earth will I get this out of me? When it was all fake, and he never loved me? And I will never know his honest feelings and never find any kind of closure. Not from/with him at least. I know I have to purge the weight of the anvil for myself. Gently. Patiently. Sometimes I love him. Sometimes I hate him. Right now I feel like I hate him and I hope he's miserable today, I hope he has a feeling in his stomach like an anvil too, and I really hope his future will be boring and unfulfilling and unsatisfactory and filled with angst and longing for things he'll never have. Damn, that sounds so bitter. I'm not sure if I mean that. I actually don't think I do. But I'm still pissed about his new, old friend. After his wife divorced him, he sought out an old college friend and reconnected with her. He put a lot of energy into doing so, took several trips to the state she lives in within the first year of his wife tossing him out. I just found out too that a few months ago, his business trip to Hawaii had actually been with her. She's almost 60 years old, she's almost 100 lbs overweight, she's not the least bit attractive, she was in a terrible car accident a few years ago and is always on powerful narcotics for the pain. I'm not sure what her financial situation is but I imagine she got a settlement and is doing alright. Maybe even quite well. So, of course this hurts. Not because I'm jealous of her. I've spoken to her, she's cool. I like me so I don't feel envious. Not exactly. But he honed in on working to secure that immediately after his wife left him, so she's obviously important to him- ouch. I guess she gets the new role of "Saint" that the somatic Narcs need. And I suppose he'll try and nail that down so he can go about securing another "Whore" to screw and abuse. This was me. Ouch =( This stuff is so intensely painful for me, I'm really struggling today, thinking about her and how messed up this is, trying hard to be strong. I know these are normal feelings to be having. In any relationship, we bond with that other person and somewhat incorporate them into ourselves, our life- thus our identity. So it hurts thinking of that someone moving on and being okay without us. Because it feels like they still have part of us and vice versa. The really painful part here is, again, accepting that I was not a person to him but an admirer of him. That really screws with the whole identity-bonding thing. It makes me feel like he took parts of me that he didn't even want anyway and then after, just threw them aside like they were nothing. It's a sick feeling that I get stuck on now. It sort of reminds me of a crap experience I had while moving into my very first apartment. I was 17, it was not on the best side of town. I had my car parked in the lot and was carrying boxes one by one up to my second-floor unit. I was only gone for a couple minutes between carrying each one up and my hands were I hadn't worried about locking my doors. But of course some asshole helped himself to one of my boxes while I was out of sight. When I was finished and finally had them all inside, I realized it and was pretty upset. It sucks to be robbed anyway, but the part that stung was the particular box he/she chose. Not my box of towels, not my silverware and bedding, not my kitchen crap but the box that had my baby book. And my father's baby book as well, my mom had just given it to me. This box had all of my photo albums, trinkets from childhood like my ballerina jewelry box with my yorkie's baby teeth in it. It had contained my favorite stuffed animals (the only ones I'd kept) and my very first doll. Molly. My mom had made her by hand. I was sick. This stuff was so precious to me and gone, forever. I knew I would never get it back. I also knew that upon opening it, the theif was probably disappointed and just chucked it all into the nearest dumpster. All of my sacred memories, trashed like they were nothing. My heart hurt thinking about my memories sitting in trash. It took me years to not tear up about it. It still makes my stomach turn. This is sort of how it felt when he broke my heart. Only more personal, more cruel, more deep and probably more scarring. As shitty as it is though, I'm determined to not let this rob me of myself. I don't want this to change who I am. I'm sure it'll change how I look at things but he can't have any more of me than I let him take, right? He's not going to turn me into someone obsessed with locked doors. Yes I'll lock them, but I'm not going to let the locking stop me from moving. I know that sounds super cheesey but I'm worried about it. =( I can't allow that to happen. That, he doesn't get to take from me.
Feb 1 - 4PM (Reply to #9)
neverlookback's picture


Oh honey, he robbed you, he violated you, in every aspect. Like you stated they take the most precious part of ourselves then toss it away like it was garbage and had no value or meaning, but it was EVERYTHING to us. THe older women he was connected with, mmm makes me wonder if he was along for the $$$$$, you just never know - since they just suck everything from everyone he was using her for SOMETHING you can be sure. how on earth will I get this out of me? Its ALOT to process isnt it? THe mind and behavior of the disordered. I would have never imagined I could have feelings for a predator that truly raped me, now I now it was trauma bonding trying to justify in my mind so I could accept what he did to me. When we simply cant cope with the trauma we experienced our minds go into a natural defense mode, sort of like when something is foreign in our bodies like a splinter our body tries to get rid of it, I think the same thing works in our minds as well. At ONE TIME I loved mine as well, but in time I will know why I felt those feelings and they werent for the same reasons when we love someone that is normal and healthy. It was a sick relationship and so was the love I felt because he sucked me into his sick world."we bond with that other person and somewhat incorporate them into ourselves, our life"- thus our identity, exactly just as you very well stated. If we stay with them long enough we really start to accept its normal, or they convince us we are trying something new, ya right - but when we get out THAT is when the shock of reality hits us how terribly wrong and how very very very sick it genuinely was. It was like coming out of a cult for me in many ways. He can only take away from you the power you give him to take away even when they are gone that holds true. THere is always damage after a pathological, we can heal that damage but they will always remain damaged. x0x0x0 to our healing
Feb 1 - 2PM (Reply to #8)
ally2375's picture

Venus haunted

This is such a beautiful, beautiful post. I can relate to every last thing you said here. The analogy about being robbed is absolutely perfect; they took something from us that means nothing to them and now they just cast it aside, shrug their shoulders and walk on to the next OW...apologizing for nothing and learning nothing. I have to add one thing. I've heard that people only change when the prospect of making the change seems less uncomfortable than their current situation. This is why Narcs rarely change. They just don't get uncomfortable enough or they attribute their discomfort to their "supply" rather than themselves. Maybe this only applies to me, but if I had not had this relationship, I may never have examined the relationship I have with myself, my past, or the men I date. I see so much opportunity for growth. It took complete destruction to lead me to it.
Feb 1 - 10AM
cluelessuntilnow's picture

"what they do to their

"what they do to their victims is who they are". That is the statement I needed to hear. This goes for the emotional abuse too. For some reason I keep thinking I am special (in the bad way) meaning that he only does bad things to me. My xN I think is ASPD with a dash of N. And he has moments of complete honesty and once said to me " I have done so many bad things". I thought he was talking about all the bad things he has done to me which are pretty darn horrific and he said "No CluelessUntilNow, these are very bad things that have nothing to do with you." I am thinking to myself good Lord that is a scary freakin thought.
Feb 1 - 9AM
victimnomore's picture

neverlookback I know

I know exactly how you feel. My Nh was always extremely abusive. When he went to prison he swore on God Almighty that he was a changed man and that he felt so bad about the abuse he did to me and that he would never abuse me again if I just stayed with him. He said that he would show me how he changed. Well let me tell you when he came home he gradually started the emotional and verbal abuse then BAM! The physical abuse started again. One day he choked me so hard that his hand and finger prints were left as a mark around my neck. the look in his eyes told me that if he could have gotten away with murdering me he would have done it. I use to worry about who he is with but now i don't give a f**k because I actually feel sorry for her. My NH could not change after spending many years in prison and If I had called the police he would have went back to prison for life but see he still took that chance and choked me and that was only one episode. If a normal person knew that if he did one more violent thing he would go to prison for life I would like to think that he or she would do whatever to get help for their abusive behavior but a psychopath does not care. He will continue to abuse his lovers but he will run into the one who is not afraid to call the police and then he will pay the piper! I am just happy to be away from his abuse and to be alive! He is so sick and crazy it is hard for me to believe that i loved someone like this.


Feb 1 - 10AM (Reply to #2)
neverlookback's picture

I am just happy to be away from his abuse and to be alive!

ME TOO. Scott Petersons wife was not so fortunate nor her unborn son. See how they NEVER NEVER change, even prison wont change them, some get out and are more careful and some dont just as your example, he was back at it again choking you. I think not only are they sick and crazy but they have a learning disorder as well, its like they are truly stupid!!!!!! They just CANT learn from their mistakes. You DIDNT love someone like this, you loved what he pretended to be!!!
Feb 1 - 10AM (Reply to #3)
victimnomore's picture

Yes I loved an Illusion

Yes I loved an Illusion. Once My NH left me for a 26 year old nurse who made tons of money. He was 40 at the time. he purchased this big 360,000 home and claimed to be so happy and in love. I filed for divorce and struggled to move forward with our son. Well, he started calling me and trying to cheat on her with me. I was still his wife as the divorce was just getting started. I did give in a couple of time then I just got tired of his bs and cut him off completely. After about 4 months of them in their new "mansion" lol he threatened to kill her and told her he would break her back. He accused her of cheating on him and staying out all night. She left him and the house. So you see, this relationship only lasted a total of 10 months and Bam! she was gone and he had to sell the house because he could not afford it. My son and I was awarded spousal support and child support and came crawling back to me for more supply. Well now it is over forever. I am NC for 5 months even though we have a son together I refuse to deal with him on any level. He can't change , not even for his beautiful, young nurse!


Feb 1 - 11AM (Reply to #5)
neverlookback's picture

not even for his beautiful, young nurse!

I get some closure (not much) in knowing no matter how beautiful, smart, and wonderful in every way you could possibly be IT would NEVER be enough. They have a disease that needs CONSTANT NEW SUPPLY, and after time passes they recycle their old suppliers because they remember too well the great supply they gave them once too. As they age I think they may try harder to settle for what they have and stop replacing their live in partners because its alot of work training them to stay with them and believe all their lies. However, they never stop with their hidden sick life, they are always juggling the two lives; one life gives them the image of being normal and the other feeds their disease and sickness. And to think at one time we thought we were everything they wanted, ha ha IMPOSSIBLE not with the disease they have
Feb 1 - 10AM (Reply to #4)
insectt (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

They can't change for

They can't change for anyone. Some victims they put on a bigger front for because they need the illusion to be stronger and last longer. My N's 'perfect companion' just dumped him after four months. She seen through him quickly. This experience has made me confront alot of personality traits that I need to strengthen. Not that they are necessarily 'bad' qualities but I have learned they can be exploited unless I set my boundries.