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#1 Sep 12 - 5PM
Sunafterrain's picture


I know how important, in fact, critical, crucial NC is to recovery. You ABSOLUTELY MUST be willing to do ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING to GET and MAINTAIN it!!! This is the first EXERCISE and hardest one you will EVER do to EMPOWER yourselves again! This is your big "F" YOU to your disordered one! This is ESPECIALLY EMPOWERING when he/she attempts the ole hoover maneuver. This is your BODY WIDE PROTECTION against the DESTRUCTIVE, EVIL DISORDERED FORCE. WHen you apply STRICT NC, you are letting the world know, especially your ex's and mainly YOURSELF how much you WANT your self respect, dignity and POWER BACK. You can do this with grace, style and CLASS! Yep, that's what I said! IT can even be FUN! You can reward yourself early on, EVERYDAY with something special for yourself (since most of us have severely neglected ourselves, this could be as simple as a dentist or much needed doctor's appt), a fave piece of candy, a great book on psychopathy, this or any other blog, where you can vent vent vent or even buying yourself a cutie new outfit (YOU HOTTIES, YOU!) and getting your hair, nails done, shoot, even a massage helps so much, or lighting a lovely candle and taking a nice warm bath or meditation...

When you have proceeded through six months SOLID NC, take yourself and some friends out for dinner and CELEBRATE your new freedom WOOT!

Sounds great, RIGHT? But this is what you have to do first. And this is where it gets serious, because the excuses for not going COMPLETELY NC, are so insurmountable I think I've seen them all, if not used them all when there was a glimmer of hope he'd contact me (GAG!).

Please remember that you can easily retrieve these avenues of social networking and you CAN create a new email address and CAN send them to anyone who's important in your life.

1. Get rid of ALL Of your IM's
2. Get rid of your facebook. THis means COMPLETELY DISABLED.
3. Change your phone number and if you can't do that, DON"T ANSWER THE PHONE! If ass face leaves a message, simply delete without listening to it.
4. COMPLETELY DISCONNECT with ANY mutual acquaintances, friends, businesses. If this is not possible, remain as distant as possible when it involves something absolutely necessary to your existence.
5. Shop at different stores than he does if you live in the same area. Take back roads if you pass him often. Don't go out when he might possibly be out. Do not go to the same bars, restaurants, motels, whatever. DO NOT DO IT.
6. Keep your doors LOCKED. DO NOT ANSWER IF HE COMES TO THE DOOR> DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT. TRY to visualize SATAN at your door and the DESTRUCTION he has waiting for you. Those flowers he has in his hand or his ready made sob story will only suck you back in, it's' bad enough if he's standing there in the flesh. GET ANGRY AND DON"T ANSWER. HE IS VIOLATING YOUR NC AND YOUR BOUNDARIES. Think about this carefully. When someone tells you to "F" Off, you don't go against your wishes. It is undoubtedly a disordered one who will VIOLATE those wishes! If he will violate even the SIMPLEST of boundaries, he'll push the rest too. THIS IS A RED FLAG!


Ohhhhhh no bueno attitude. Really. NC isn't about him, it's about YOU. It's about your personal safety. This is about getting back what he took away and would continue to take away. This is your gateway to heaven from hell. This is the answer to your prayers. YES, it is EXCRUTIATINGLY Painful, because you "Love" him and you may well have, but the truth is he created an ADDICTION within you with all the intermittent reinforcement through mainly sexual contact and all that oxytocin and manipulation he shoots DIRECTLY INTO YOU. It's' the push/pull dynamics. It's the bread crumbs you want, NOT HIM. Think about it in this way, he sees you as a WOOSIE! Who wants to be a disordered one's woosie??? He sees you as WEAK and easily EXPLOITED. Who wants THAT?

I'm always so sad to see women go back. The truth of it is that 85% do and don't ever get well. They are so addicted and so far gone, they will never see the light of day. We have seen this with many other addictions too, the alcoholic who stops drinking for awhile, then a crisis erupts and they go right back. This WILL happen, some WON"T make it, but if you are here today and you're still NC, the longer out you go, the stronger you will be. If you can live through this pain after the pain of the relationship, you are stronger than A LOT of people! You're NC is truly love of yourself in action. You deserve more, better and the best life can offer, so do your children, your family and friends who all love you so much, but feel helpless to break you from your dependence and addiction to him.

It's worth it. Every second you are NC, even if you have to tie yourself to a pole and grin and bear it for awhile, it's worth it. I promise. STAY NC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sep 13 - 5PM
HorseTears's picture

I understand the importance

I understand the importance of NC, would want to go NC, have tried couple of times but always hoovered back in. It's not easy because I work with him, have to see him every day, desks are just next to each other.. It's simply not possible to go NC.. By now after year and half of this hellish extreme emotional rollercoaster I'm losing my health, am so sucked dry of energy.. Have used up all my leave days and if I take any more sick leaves I'll get intro trouble with HR... Anyway, what would you recommend in that situation?? How to cope with it? How should I be with him so that it'd be less damaging for me? It's my first post, finally, after lurking so long :) Thnx. HT
Sep 13 - 5PM (Reply to #19)
Sunafterrain's picture


Welcome and I applaud your courage to post. It's hard to be NC when you have to see him daily. Here's what I can suggest. I don't know enough about your situation to really give you a better suggestion other than the obvious, perhaps someone else here can also help you too. In a situation like yours, you have to ask yourself one thing: What is your priority? If you don't have your health, you cannot work. Just sitting next to him, is sucking your energy and it takes much for NC to begin with. I know the economy is horrific right now, and i don't know if you can find another job, an obvious suggestion, but a serious one. Another suggestion: Do you have close friends or family close by that might allow you to live with them or at least stay with them, so you can quit your job, establish NC, take care of yourself while finding another job? Does anyone in the work place know about your situation? Can they move you to another department, office? across the room so you can't see him? Can you go to HR and explain the situation? Is the psychopath simply a coworker or a boss? What to do in the meantime: You can do NC as much as possible. Ignore him. Don't look at him. If you do, remain stone faced, act BORING. Do NOT give him a reaction of any sort. They FEED off our reactions. If he knows he's affecting you, this will only provoke him more. This will sound silly, but can you separate your desks, even just a few inches and buy a partition and put it between your desks? Do not respond to him, unless it's absolutely work related and absolutely necessary. Be ROBOTIC, no facial expression. Pretend that you are BORING, BRAINLESS, in front of him. Do not let him hoover. You can still create NC outside the office. I hope these suggestions can help. Knowing just a little bit more about your situation would be helpful in suggesting more to you. God Bless and keep reading and posting. It will help you tremendously, even while you're in your current situation! STAY STRONG AND BE POSITIVE: TO HIM BE BOOOOOOORING!!!
Sep 15 - 6AM (Reply to #20)
HorseTears's picture

Thank you for your reply!

Thank you for your reply! It's really appreciated! :) Funny you said be boring to him when if I don't go along with his sex games he calls me just thst - boring! He is not my boss, he is a coworker. Currently I'm sucked in completely and he is lashing out his narc games on me. I see him through cause I've been reading here and other sites about his disorder alot. It makes sense now as before I was so so confused, any of his behaviour didn't make any sense. So it has helped me enormously. I can't go NC, I can't not go along with his games, he is very very persuasive and persistent, and I'm weak and easily manipulative. I have tried but he is extremely fun and playful at his good times and I go along with it sooner or later.. I have hope of this ending very soon though - he is leaving the country, hopefully permanently! In a month already. I just have to hang on here.
Sep 13 - 12PM
Totally Stunned
Totally Stunned's picture

SUnafterrain - I cant thank

SUnafterrain - I cant thank you enough for writing this post. Its THESE posts that I NEED TO READ over and over and over. The ones that admit its hard to go NC, but it is so much worth it once you get to that place of peace. I really loved this: "but if you are here today and you're still NC, the longer out you go, the stronger you will be. If you can live through this pain after the pain of the relationship, you are stronger than A LOT of people! You're NC is truly love of yourself in action" I need these inspirational and motivating posts the most. I am 46 days NC - sounds like an alcoholic, right? Hi, my name is Kim and I have been sober for 46 days! Truth be told, it isnt going NC that is the toughest, I have NO FREAKING desire to contact him. Ever! The excrutiating pain comes from the fact that he used me, he said exactly what I wanted to hear to get me in bed, TO GET ATTENTION. I trusted him with my body, heart and soul. He played me so perfectly - and I cant forget the way he made me feel when he was the charming fake man. HE made me feel so special, loved, wanted. What he really did was lie. The entire time. THAT IS WHAT IS TOUGH TO ACCEPT. NC is the easy part for me. The hard part is accepting and forgetting. Love you!!! I also want to thank you for sending this, as I read all of the Badabing posts the other day, and I felt SO sad that my Narc didnt contact me and ask me back. I need to stay away from those posts and stick to these :)
Sep 13 - 1PM (Reply to #15)
Sunafterrain's picture


Congratulations on your 46 days!!! WOOT! GOOD FOR YOU! Keep up the good work! I understand that part of the healing is integrating that the whole relationship was fictionalized by him. That is the worst part. But if you can keep in mind that one VERY important element in that he is nothing but a lie, that it had nothing to do with you at all, and don't project your feelings of love and care onto him as if he has the same feelings (because he has none, he is DEAD inside), you're going to be doing GREAT! Regarding badabing's situation: Stay away from the posts. You are correct in protecting yourself from triggers like that. It's those posts that I worry about, because early on, it can make you think "Wow, she's so lucky! Maybe he wasn't a disordered one after all" and then the fantasy takes flight, and makes you feel bad, but it's all A LIE!!! FAKE FAKE FAKE...the reality is that bada got TAKEN IN, SOLD A STORY by her ex to HOOVER her back in and it worked. I hope she will be back, because the inevitable outcome is HARM. IF you should see posts like that again, remember that HIS SUCCESSFUL HOOVER OR LURING, is meant to cause HARM to whomever he's doing it too. He's jumping up and down with GLEE that he gets the opportunity to DESTROY AGAIN. And he does it most, with the weapon of sex to suck a woman back in. It's sad, but I want to believe they will eventually not just see the light but walk right to it, and away from evil that is the disordered. And for you, that is EXACTLY what you're doing. SO keep rollin girl and keep posting and keep BELIEVING IN YOURSELF, that YOU deserve MUCH MUCH BETTER! HUGS
Sep 13 - 3PM (Reply to #16)
Totally Stunned
Totally Stunned's picture

Hello Sunafterrain: I dont

Hello Sunafterrain: I dont know what is more scary....the fact that you are SO right in your description above or the fact that all of these Narcs are so predictible that you can relate to my situation as if you were actually in the room with us. Thank you for reminding me that it isnt me, that I didnt cause the split/breakup. Everyday, I replay the last discussion we had, and I am always wondering if I said the wrong thing, did the wrong thing, second guess myself and my actions. Would it all be differently if I said something else? And you hit the nail on the head with what you wrote about the reactions to badabings posts. THAT is exactly how I thought. "wow, she is so lucky, why cant that happen to me? Maybe I was wrong to begin with? Maybe he will still contact me?" Another sad truth I just learned is that he is already pursuing another woman, and I was the OW. He is married and chasing after a past lover of his. But the sad reality is that I cant go back to that relationship. I took Spinning's advice and made my 2 lists. The list what good came out of the relationship has 2 things on it. The bad that came from the relationship is 2 pages long. I HAVE to remember this, accept it was a lie...and quit second guessing myself. And then I tell myself...what does it matter? He was a narc regardless of what I said/did. AAhhh...acceptance. So tough! Ugh...the whiplash in my head is killing me. Thanks and hugs in return!!
Sep 13 - 5PM (Reply to #17)
Sunafterrain's picture


Your positive outlook leaps off the computer! You're doing so well! Doing all the right things in keeping your NC and understanding what you were dealing with. It takes a lot of time. I think you're going to be great and I hope your future continues to be bright and full of love and growth!
Sep 12 - 7PM
sunkistbird's picture

I'm glad he's outta my life.

I'm glad he's outta my life. thanks for that
Sep 12 - 6PM
SoaperGirl's picture

Still have a few traces in my system of him - Keeping NC

I'm 7 months post break up now, about two months absolutely NC whatsoever. I admit, I have a few traces of him remaining in my system. But I am moving on. I think about him, but no longer obsessively. If the experts are right, I've gotta go through almost another year before he'll be totally out of my system. I tried listening to some of his music with my new (second-hand) stereo. He used to rave out his music and favorite artists while downgrading my musical tastes. Some of his stuff is okay. I listened to about as much as I could stand - then I had to go back to my own favorite artists - and suddenly I was conscious that once I heard my own favorite artists, my muscles that had been so tense without my realizing it, quickly relaxed. Sorry Sting, but I like Simon and Garfunkel. hahaha. Anyway, not a problem being NC. I'm doing well, and life is swiftly moving on. I do enjoy my life post narc very much and I want to keep it that way! On my horizons exists the potential for a new love in my life (or loves!). I'm psyched, excited and anticipating the changes dramatically taking place now. All my best!
Sep 12 - 7PM (Reply to #8)
Sunafterrain's picture


You are one of my favorites here and one of the first to welcome me here! I'm so happy to see you moving forward and enjoying your life! You're an inspiration!
Sep 12 - 9PM (Reply to #9)
SoaperGirl's picture

Sunafterrain, I've noticed how strong you've become + TIPS!

in recent months. I also appreciate all your kind words. I haven't been online as much as as I've been in the past. How do I say it? Right now, I'm being besieged with men! Looks like those books are really helping me. Definitely they are getting me noticed. I noticed last night there is a definite difference in my profile and other women's in my area. I am simply "Missouri Beauty", and I used soft, warm rose colored lighting and makeup in my facial profile with me showing a sweet friendly smile. My hair fixed as best I can, very simple and stylish (I hope!) I'm learning a lot. Things should calm down in a couple of weeks. I purposely changed my answering machine announcement this morning to make it more friendly and welcoming to callers. (Another tip!) And the others? My "competitors" as it were, well, they have user names like Camry20065, bzkz89bug, Delorez2273 and longlegs98 (to protect their privacy I have changed their online identities). Most of those women are using 3/4 body photos, and of those using primary facial photos, the lighting is harsh giving them a severe look, and one looks demented because the camera work is all wrong! Those poor women! I do feel for them! I have noticed you are helping a lot of the women. You are amazing! I wanted to post a time of the expected recovery timeline: (from my experience!) The First 3 months are the worst (you really gotta hang on by your fingernails, because the wounds are fresh you are still in weakened state from all the pain, and are surrounded by a fog of obsession and confusion. I think engaging in exercise can help a lot. Everybody's experiences will be different, therefore, I am speaking only generalities, not absolutes! Next three months, get progressively better, you're probably not wanting to do too much other than spy on the narc and find out what all he's up to! People try to tell you get over it! Ha! You find you would really like to, but you can't - the narc is still weighing heavily on your mind. You still want and feel a need for him! You can even feel some shame because you start to feel like a stalker, but can't seem to help yourself! You can feel like a nut! Each month, the memories of your narc fade a little more and the whole thing starts to seem surreal or dreamlike, almost like it never happened. Obsession over the narc begins to dissipate. You can find yourself in periods of time you don't even think about him at all! You start to resume a normal post-narc life, perhaps even resuming old habits and hobbies you used to enjoy pre-narc. As you learn about narcissism, you can find yourself starting to get very angry1 You may even want to kill the bastard! Or least do something that would hurt him as much as he hurt you! This phase can last weeks or even months, but eventually, even the anger starts to give way to peace of mind and a feeling of serenity. The anger phase is a blessing believe it or not! It lets you know you are still alive and makes you get in touch with your feelings and you can start to sort things out, put things into perspective. It's one of the last phases before the final healing. But it does go away eventually to be replaced by peace of mind! Thanks Sunafterrain. Maybe somebody else could post a better timeline of healing than myself. Hugs and best wishes to all!
Sep 13 - 3PM (Reply to #11)
Pride and Shame
Pride and Shame's picture

Kill the Bastard!

Yes, I'm at the Kill the Bastard stage. Thank you, SoaperGirl, now I know that if I can actually restrain from killing him, I will be moving toward peace of mind and serenity. Love the extremes. Kind of like being in the relationship, but so much healthier! PS - Oh, I'm kidding. Killing him would be breaking NC and that I will not do!!
Sep 13 - 4PM (Reply to #12)
Sunafterrain's picture

Pride and shame!!

LOL! Now THAT is my laugh for the day LOL! Beautiful take on NC!
Sep 12 - 9PM (Reply to #10)
Sunafterrain's picture


What a beautiful post! I love your timeline, at least for me it's pretty dead on! I'm at the ANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGRY stage right now, can ya tell? LOL! I think it's good though, because it motivates my NC all the more and my way of getting back at the bastards is to try to help others fight back to life and living again.....and so hopefully the cycle of positive reinforcement in POSITIVE life affirming ways for survivors helps process my anger. I'm feeling more in touch with myself and more connected to others in healthy ways out over nine months now. Good for you on all levels soaper I hope you find the man of your dreams! You're doing great and I know you'll be JUST FINE! HUGS!
Sep 12 - 6PM
Pride and Shame
Pride and Shame's picture

Yeah, I get it -

It's serious stuff. I remember someone here who said she couldn't do it (NC/leave him)and left the forum. I wonder about her sometimes. I hope she'll choose to come back. 85%? Wow. That's sobering.
Sep 12 - 8PM (Reply to #6)
Sunafterrain's picture


It is. These forums are very important in reaching women searching for answers. Sooooooooo many are reading that are not posting. Just observing. Some of those women will stay, most do. Comparatively to those who post here, which are many in and of itself, many more will and then go back. Some will return here, many more will not. It's a sobering reality because addiction is the key component in these relationships, but the reasons for it are all the psychopaths doing. Understanding the disorder and integrating that knowledge completely is the only way to start healing. many cannot do that. The societal influences of "there is good in everyone" are so ingrained through so many entities while growing up, women are basically trained to not give up in these relationships, add to that the components that the psychopath uses to create an addiction for her and the likelihood that she escapes are pretty slim. Others might, but will take many years of going back before she either is so exhausted she has no choice or he leaves her when he's done with her. I wish there were justice for the victims, but often there is not, and there are always more victims for a disordered one. Unfortunately, that's how sobering it really is.
Sep 12 - 5PM
jen79's picture


I am having a rough day today, and came back to read some stuff that will help me, thanks for posting.
Sep 12 - 5PM
Layla's picture

Most important read of the day! SO FREAKING TRUE!

I loved this! I really did! Best part for me: "Think about it in this way, he sees you as a WOOSIE! Who wants to be a disordered one's woosie??? He sees you as WEAK and easily EXPLOITED. Who wants THAT?" AMEN TO THAT! My abuser can go F off!!!! Hahahaha! I am particularly in agreement with NC, and for the first time in YEARS, I don't feel like I am in a physical and emotional PRISON. I AM 41 YEARS OLD! I am a woman, not a child that can't think for herself!!! I don't miss my abuser at all, but you MUST bring yourself to that place....some of us it's easier, or takes less time than others, no worries, we can ALL GET THERE, one day at a time, NC!! Loved this! I just loved how you worded this! And I am a lover of TRUTH! Especially after years of LIES! Thank you for sharing truth with us and me today! love~ Layla
Sep 12 - 5PM
Hunter's picture


Are you paying attention???? Thank you for that! Hunter
Sep 12 - 5PM (Reply to #2)
Unfreakinreal's picture

Message received...

Loud and clear. :)