So grateful to the support offered

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#1 Jun 22 - 5AM
badjer's picture

So grateful to the support offered

I feel indebted and humbled by the support and heartfelt goodwishes demonstrated by, to and from everybody to everbody on this site.

I also feel ashamed because my experience, my 'story' is nowhere near as harrowing as other people's and that floods me with shame that I need and crave guidance regardless.

My ex did not beat me, or stalk me or anything unmentionable like that. Nor did I tolerate it for that long - 15 months and I took enough, 20 in total if you count the period of NC when he wriggled his way back in to my head, my feelings and my heart.

I am constantly reading people's posts and thinking about myself "you had it easy, love - these guys are the real victims, be glad you got off so bloody lightly. Get it together, grow up."

Maybe this is bargaining, defensive behaviour. I feel very often like I am the drama queen for creating it all, that maybe I was responsible all along.

I am sure that many of you have felt exactly the same when the proof is there in the pudding - nobody made them attack you, beat you, call you names or diminish you - least of all, you. Your biggest crime was to love and to try to understand them.

In all of this, I am coming to believe that on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the worst) my ex was probably a 2 or a 3.

He was emotionally manipulative, yes. He played mind games, yes. He was a control freak, yes. He lacked empathy and / or was so scared of showing it because he feared losing control or face.

All of this is true.

Did he beat me? No.

Did he call me names? Not bad ones. He told me to fuck off, he implied it rested with me 98% of the time. He let me cry. He offered no comfort when I did. he put the boot in when I was down by witholding affection or kindness. He dumped me repeatedly to make a point and 'to be heard.'

Were the games mental? Yes.

Do I think there was spite involved? On balance, yes, born of a need to control, borne of a fear of being unloveable or rejected.

Do I think he set out to hurt me at the start? No. Do I think he manhandled the situation (us) and couldn't get to grips with his 'loss of control' over us and being the 'other man'? Yes.

I think much of his conduct was based on selfishness and immaturity.

I have struggled with the manner in which he ended it and whether I was culpable in some way.

He bit my hand off agreeing when I suggested meeting him after 5 months of (almost) NC. I had done 5 long, hard and painful months of cold turkey NC, fighting it each and every day. That, following being a clinging, simpering, sobbing mess. Quite a departure from the norm that sent him reeling.

Do I believe that he wanted that reunion and had missed me? Yes. Do I believe he had plenty of time to reflect and saw he had been a prize arsehole? Yes.

Do I believe he met somebody else in that time? No. Did he regret his conduct? Yes, he seemed to. Was his apology sincere enough? No. Was control and immaturity involved again? Yes, I believe so. Was he afraid of 'losing face'? Yes.

His period of not contacting me had been borne of cowardice and fear. "I wanted to contact you, I thought about you every day but I was afraid you wouldn't want to hear from me....". Wimping out. I wimped out too, but for other reasons. I couldn't take any more of his game-playing or stinging words. If it was over, I didn't need a 'closure' meal to hear it.

I used that time to 're-trench' and to collect my scattered, disjointed thoughts. Regrettably not enough.

Is this a man who has any real grasp of the emotional damage he can inflict? No. Perhaps yes. Does that make him malicious? Perhaps, if he is aware of it and sees it as a personal strength - 'hurt or be hurt'. Does it make him selfish and immature? Yes. Does that make him an emotional coward for not confronting that? Most definitely.

Could he take a dose of his own medicine? Like most bullies, no. He chose to up and run rather than choose the fight. Fight or flight. He took flight.

No, I believe that his ultimate rejection of me was borne of wounded pride, an angry hurt little boy who wanted instant forgiveness from Mummy and not liking it when Mummy said 'NO.'. Sensing that Mummy was going to prove her point - 'I will be a doormat no more. You are no longer eagerly welcomed in to my world.'

When language is fear-based, it demonstrates a chronic, deep-rooted belief that one is unlovable or that things would end badly.

I tried to make him sweat after we reunited. That was deliberate point-making / scoring on my part. Schoolgirl error? Should have known his temperament better? ("I don't chase" were his words months before...).

My desire to show him I had inner strength, restraint and resolve overrode my ability to think clearly or to lapse back in to the 'sweet' old days or to even be natural with him. All of my moves during those 11 days were contrived, borne of a need to keep him at arm's length to give him a dose of his own medicine and to save my own dignity in the aftermath. Was that a childish mistake? Perhaps.

Is that a mistake I regret? Yes, to a degree.

I believe that my refusal to lie down and make it a bed of roses for him saw me being rejected - DISCARDED - for the final time. For him, the risk of rejection by me was too great. The message I sent was too powerful - "I will not be crapped on any longer. You are no longer the centre of my world."

The message I got back loud and clear was "I'm scared. I can't go through that pain again. I could say or do something and 6 months down the line we could be back here and we don't have the time to get it wrong again. There are too many doubts. GOODBYE."

He is a coward. I became angry and bitter and used my period of NC to punish and banish him because I was hurt and wounded by what he had done. I wanted him to learn and grow up and I felt the only way to make him do that was to stand up to him and banish him. That makes me culpable for my actions. Actions and reactions.

I am angry, sad and hurt that he bailed out of fear. I feel cheated of his commitment to the puropse, to us, to any real explanation. I feel cheated of what we began, but never really saw take off.

But I also know that other stories, other people have had far, far worse situations to deal with and I regret that I cannot offer any words of true understanding of these damaging people or encouragement at this time. The only thing I feel I can offer by way of comfort is the knowledge that we have all experienced pain, and you are never alone on this site.

I wish and hope I will be one of the success stories that can turn around at some point in the future and say "Thank you GOD. I dodged a bullet." I will pray for you all that you are able to do the same.


Jun 24 - 7AM
Littleone's picture

I just wanted to mention that

I just wanted to mention that because you are still suffering from CD you are not yet seeing him completely and are downplaying his actions and the abuse that you have suffered. You might not even remember everything yet. It's been 3 months on and even today I remembered 'something' else he had done to me. Honey you were abused, just as much as any of us have. You have every right to retreat to lick your wounds. You wouldn't be feeling this way if it was just a normal relationship break up. It's further proof that he's a narc. Wait till all the truths come out and the fog lifts. Then comes the anger stage. And you are going to get SOO angry!!!! If you read an old post by Michele title 'my name is michele115 and I am one pissed off bitch!' that will give you an idea! Keep posting sweets your doing great and you have EVERY right to be here!! Xox
Jun 24 - 11AM (Reply to #14)
Goldie's picture

I totally agree with Littleone's post here

Any therapist will tell you that it is not ALWAYS the hitting that is the worst part of abuse. The manipulation, blaming, emotional neglect, and yes telling you to fuck off (is name calling). What makes that any less damaging than being called the C word? Part of recovery as has been said here is the rationalizing piece. He did not call me "bad names." A name is a name. He did not hit me. Maybe not physically, however, sounds like you took many mental wallops. He did not "mean" to do it. Well the judge is still out on that one. He "really loved" me not like those other girls who had Narcs who did not "really love them." This is the one I hear the most often. We'll see, like Littleone said, it takes time to see the truth. This is how we stay, we rationalize, justify, deny, ect.. and in time and with much knowledge we begin to see that what we "pretended" was love was nothing of the kind. Just some more food for thought. God bless, Goldie
Jun 24 - 7AM (Reply to #13)
badjer's picture

Thank you Littleone - I am

Thank you Littleone - I am rooting for the anger to start bubbling to the surface. Willing it, even. Come on, come on, come on...... :))))))) XXX
Jun 23 - 4AM
badjer's picture


Thank you for your words. They produce a rush of clarity that I *wish* I could hold in my head and heart 24/7. I think what I am feeling is deep, in the pit of my stomach shame. I have difficulty feeling as if I even deserve to feel this way when I read other histories and think 'no, these people truly have suffered. I am being self-indulgent and I need to grow up.' As so many of my friends have said to me, maybe I need to just "get over it" and "move on". Is that normal? I know I have tried to excuse his behaviour. Often I have said to myself "he is, if at all, a low-level narc. What he did was simply fall out of love with me and didn't know how to show it or deal with it so he pushed me away until there was no other option for me but to walk.' What then doesn't tally in my head is why he would come rushing back when he had pushed me away - he got his end result- or why the spiteful traits were there at all. Not loving somebody doesn't mean you want to hurt them - it means you simply want to extricate yourself in the kindest way possible. You don't emotionally eviscerate them and then the next day talk about the future again, or tell them "my feelings for you haven't changed." Simply saying "I don't know why I say those things. I don't know, I can't answer" just seems like a coward's way out. What has befuddled me is that he came rushing back in to my life all 3 puppy tails wagging, telling me were were "amazing" and "please don't tell me even if you thought otherwise because we were fantastic" and how much he "missed me" and thought about me all the time every day and was "scared" to contact me for fear of my reaction and "never wanted the break-up to happen" and "didn't see it coming". Well, he wouldn't - he was the one dishing out all the pain and come here go away come here go away. Do you say that to someone you would rather kindly let down and just walk away from, or was that absence making the heart grow fonder talking? Or simply unfinished business? Needing the upper hand once more? Either way - it never stacked up. Then to ditch me again 11 days later by voicemail, saying "it would hurt too much to do this to your face." For god's sake man, if it's you you fear and your actions and you fear you have pushed me too far, speak up. Don't cite "I'm scared I'm going to hurt you" or "we've lost our spark." That's just BS. What you feared was being abandoned again because you don't know yourself or know what motivates you, but you do know your actions result in people walking away or being wary of you. Go and see somebody, talk it out in therapy, be HONEST. But dishing out pain and craziness here there everywhere and then running first- that is not KIND. That is the coward's way out. And ye - I feel like a coward and a pathetic wounded little girl for having been so shamelessly dumped on and wonder if I am now simply licking my wounds. I want to share my story but then read other posts and think "I wish I could just hug that person and tell them I know how they feel and take those dark moments away from them." I would not go so far as to say I have had suicidal thoughts, but the dark days have been very, very dark where I have simply not been able to get out of bed, I have sobbed until my heart has been breaking and my energy is zero. I suspect we have all been there and it puts a balm on the hurt to hear people say "I know where you are at. You are not alone." But I wish I could do more. I wish that these bastards didn't drive us to the pits of despair they way they do and then, seemingly, get away scott-free. Or do they? At least we all here are self-aware and emotionally brave enough to peer into the abyss and confront our fears. What do the narcs ever do? Run away - from others but *truly* from themselves. My ex once said to me "I am sorry this is happening at a difficult time for you (he dumped me when I asked my husband to move out - coincidence?) and then he said "but ultimately I can't run away from me." Never a truer word said. Love & hugs (((XXX)))
Jun 24 - 1AM (Reply to #9)
Caligirl's picture


You're welcome. You said a lot in your posts, and I do want to respond to most of it. I read on another of your posts, you start therapy Monday and that is great bc you will get so much clarity. Narcs will pull away, when they don't get enough supply. You said you were no longer chasing, getting wiser, so that could be why. I still think you're giving him too much credit, character, and conscience as if he were normal, especially to his words. He is disordered. I do believe when he says he doesn't know why he says these things that that is true. You said why not "extricate" himself without having to cause pain and craziness. Well, that is classic narc. Yep, the d&d:( Sorry you went through that, and you're hurting, understandably. Being abandoned in such a manner is despicable. As for him saying it would hurt him too much to do it face-to-face, just shows he cares only about HIMSELF, HIS FEELINGS are coming FIRST, so selfish. Also, there is a post called IT'S OUR HEART. Try to read that, I posted there and an astute, insightful post is included there by Journey about "friends." Our friends outside this forum, although meaning well, can't fully get what this is like, the damage. I think your ex is a N, but regardless he hurt you in ways they can't understand. This goes beyond the usual "Oh, he's just not that into you" stuff. You have a lot of CD and denial bc of it. You will see this as time passes and the fog lifts. I have been there, bigtime CD, and still have it. You want so much to believe in his "love," that you would minimize his actions, but really their words are just words. Sometimes what they say is partially true, sometimes it is not, sometimes they don't even understand their words, and yes, sometimes they are true. BUT, you have to look at the big picture. I see through his words signs of narcdom. The use of "amazing" and don't tell me it was less than "fantastic." Narcspeak- "Don't tell ME I am anything less than fantastic." How old is he? Narcs like fantasy. It will never stack up bc he is disordered, isn't right, limited, whatever shades you want to paint on it. A narc also isn't just going to make an appointment with a therapist. It's the victims who do. It takes a big trauma before they would seek therapy. You might not want to hear these things, but Narcs don't really see the need. I believe his last words were true about not running away from himself, but not the apology. "Sorrys" are often shallow and just words. You say he is a coward. Narcs are cowards. He played games by blowing hot and cold. Narcs do this. But as said before, this man hurt you, he messed with your heart, your mind. He played on your childhood fears. You said how you'd cry and he was responseless. My N did these same things to me. You deserve better. As for whether they will pay, I like to think it will catch up to them one day. I know some people aren't religious or have different faiths here, but yeh, I believe God will bring justice or karma. You will begin to see more clearly through therapy. Hang in there! Peace and a prayer. xoxo
Jun 24 - 7AM (Reply to #11)
badjer's picture

How do I find the It's OUr

How do I find the It's OUr Heart post? Is there a search mechanism? XXX
Jun 24 - 6AM (Reply to #10)
badjer's picture

Dear Lord you are right.

Dear Lord you are right. Even that final vm - "It would hurt too much to tell you to your face" was about him. His parting shot, "we were the victims of bad timing" also smacked of 'don't blame me - it had nothing to do with my conduct - it was simply timing..' Urgh, the more I see and think about it the more I realise I was a fucking tool to go back. I won't hear from him again but I can say if he did ever pull any further stunt, I will be ready for it! That's why this place is a godsend - we are all pulling for eachother and provide that sane, mental cushion that has been needed. You are helped to understand that you are not going crazy - it is a balm after the wounding. I believe in Karma, too. People like that who go through life not reflecting on their actions do get theirs - every dog has its day - but in the words of B.A. Baracus, I pity the Fool, I do!! He may find himself a docile, serene, laid back and confident woman, but his own insecurities means he will find any weakness in her armour and exploit it. He will only be attracted to those he can wound - that is his nature. Just like the scorpion and the frog, he is the scorpion. Good riddance to bad rubbish. As my friend said, "if you do ever hear from him again, be sure to carve him a new arsehole, my dear.." Hear hear!! Peace and love XOXO
Jun 22 - 11AM
Caligirl's picture

I agree with twisted

Badger, I think in your post you still see your ex as someone who is "normal." My N was more covert in his abuse, passive-agressive, manipulative, controlling, and emotionally abusive. This kind of abuse is insidious. Studies show it is often worse than physical abuse. Women have reported they were less hurt by the bruises which disappear than the emotional abuse. The silent-treatment has been compared to "torture." Invalidation can drive someone crazy. The sheer act of hurting your mind is despicable. It does not take years for severe mental damage to occur. I was with my N for only 13 months. I have read that Narcissism and non-committment go hand in hand. My N also did the approach and avoidance dance. He said we'd be together forever, and then pulled away at the hint of conflict. He knew my weak spots and purposely triggered them. Do you realize how evil, how cruel that is? Finally he pulled so far away, while criticizing me so maliciously, I had no choice but to leave to save myself. He stole my self-esteem, my joy, my soul. They rape your mind. It seems you are minimizing your ex's actions. You said yourself he'd brag about "model" looking women he saw on holiday. Do you think he didn't know what he was doing? He knew. You say he said he didn't see anyone in those 5 months. N's say anything to suit their needs. I'm not saying your ex is a N or he lied, but he hurt you. He said this is what he does, hurt people. This implies he has done it before. Such a pattern indicates narcissism. Thank you for your prayers. This forum has helped me immensely. Glad you found it too. Peace xoxo
Jun 23 - 4AM (Reply to #6)
badjer's picture


Our stories are so similar. I have to say, my mother was aghast when she saw me one weekend last summer, after the N had done some serious pulling away. This time, while he was for all intents and purposes 'there', his game was to only answer texts that were impersonal or didn't allude to the future. Each time I sent a text about our future, he would fail to respond or text something like 'got your text, just dashing out of work, will respond later' and then didn't. It hurt like hell because one minute we had a future, the next it felt like we were right back at base and that I was merely incidental to him. I spent that weekend in tears, went to visit a friend, stayed up until 4am sobbing, couldn't sleep, went home and met up with the N in town. My fear that he was going to end it was palpable. I cried, he had a serene look of total power and control on his face, like it was easy come easy go. I asked him why he never responded to my texts about the future. His reasoning was, because we were "no further forward" and I still hadn't initiated my divorce (manipulation and threat all rolled in to one there), he had been purposefully pulling back so that he "didn't get his hopes up" and he was trying to treat it in a more lighthearted manner so that he no longer had expectations of us. Reasonable? Fair? or downright manipulative and using my involvement and the threat of abandonment as a means to exert pressure on me and my marriage to suit his own needs of impatience? These are the things I had to deal with. When I then later picked him up on it and said "why don't you just ignore my texts again - pull away like you did before" he smashed his phone in to the ground and blamed his phone for not sending the texts. We both then stormed off in different directions, but I plodded back after him a few minutes later. And guess what? he was smiling this knowing smile that said "I knew you would come after me." Urrrgggghhhhh it's all there. What I don't get is if I was such a pain in the ass to him, why he didn't just end it last October and leave it there. Why come back for dessert? I'll never know. I'm just praying that with talking it out on here, therapy (start on Monday, big sigh of relief) and anti-depressants, I will make real, meaningful headway. Peace right back to you ((XXX))
Jun 24 - 11AM (Reply to #7)
Caligirl's picture


You are making headway, and I was glad to see it in this morning's post. I'll see if I can find the post "It's Our Hearts." It was started yesterday, and I just look under forum topics. I can't believe how much your ex boyfriend is like my N! Mine would ignore texts too. He actually admitted he didn't read my texts. Then, in an argument, he'd read one in a handful and respond. His responses often were odd phrases, shallow, perhaps funny (and inappropriate to the discussion). Of course, the discussion was one-sided. I often read some of the things you write about your ex, and they bring back a vivid memory of mine that is almost palpable. He would play these text games knowing how much they hurt me. If my text was "fair" or "acceptable" he'd respond, giving some work excuse he was busy, but if I confronted bc I was upset, he'd go silent. My N pulled away completely a second time last July, breaking up over the smallest of arguments. It was unreasonable, and HE had escalated it. He blamed me, and could not see his part. I had simply asked for reassurance. He gave grand compliments like "I was the most beautiful girl in the world" and "the most beautiful woman he had ever seen" (this was when we were long distance). He had volunteered his feelings about an ex-GF, who he had given sexual information about, and saying he loved her and there was passion. I asked if I was more attractive or prettier, and he went ballistic and cold. He called me a b*tch, to shut the f*ck up, "fix it" and hung up. Then he broke up. I chased him or I backed off. I talked to my friends who were concerned. After days, he finally says, "She wasn't such a much" and "YOU know I think your beautiful." He often played these games, and the end result was a statement that often sounded rehearsed, flat, and sometimes as though he derived a bit of enjoyment in withholding. His own son told me he likes to argue and fight. It was like someone teasing a dog with a bone, only to eventually toss it and walk away, "Oh is this what you wanted? Here you go." I took him back, and I regret that. Yes, I think your ex used the "divorce" to manipulate you. Narcs like to divert, change topic, deflect blame back onto you. Mine did it a lot. When your ex got angry when you asked a question and he threw his phone down, again just like mine. Once he threw his sunglasses in the car, they barely missed me, and landed on the dash in front of me. I calmly picked them up and laid them on the console next to him. Later I read, don't pick up their messes, etc. Once, he broke my broom over his knee. Again, over some small, insignificant question that I can't even recall. Abusers/Narcs use these displays to control you, acting as if they are out of control. They know exactly what they're doing. And when you call them out, they will get mad. One time, I asked my N a clarification, simple yes/no question. He immediately started raging and yelling. It was like a 2-year old tantrum. I responded with a question in a WTF tone? I asked him "Are you kidding me right now? All this over that?" He immediately calmed down. He was breathing heavy. They know when you are aware, their sh*t doesn't work, lol. Questioning their actions calmly shows them "YOU know!" They hate it. As to why he kept coming back, you were a challenge, a conquest. Narcs love a challenge. I know my N has never had a woman like me, strong, smart, beautiful. I was an object to be won, a prize. Unfortunately, being smart, we saw through these guys. When the mask is off, they run. He may come back to hoover. I know mine won't bc we live miles away now. When a N knows you're too strong, they'll leave you alone. They can't stand being rejected or anyone rejecting them first. When I said I still have CD, it is over why he started d&ding me in the final days. There were so many statements he made, some downright bizarre things he fabricated. It was a slow, tedious, drawn out ordeal with so many mindgames, even textbook gaslighting! I will never know why, but I would only hurt myself (drive myself crazy to try and figure it out). Your ex did it by VM, and swiftly. Neither way is decent. The fact that they turn so quickly and leave dozens of unanswered questions is how Narcs operate. We dodged a bullet, and that is something to be glad about! Have a good weekend! ((((Hugs))))
Jun 22 - 10AM
twisted's picture

There's no contest here for

There's no contest here for who got screwed over the most. It's just about healing. Period.
Jun 22 - 7AM
BadaBing's picture

no shame

there is no shame in telling your story here when I came here I made assumptions about other members and judgements that were wrong everyone is trying to get away and working to heal it is a great forum with helpful advice but it's up to you to do the work glad you are here! sorry you are hurting
Jun 22 - 7AM (Reply to #2)
badjer's picture

None whatsoever - it is a

None whatsoever - it is a place of tremendous strength, courage and dignity. It is humbling. I really feel for those who are living through / have yet to live through the mess that these bastards leave behind, the trail of destruction. This is a safe place to begin the healing. Love to all xxx
Jun 23 - 8AM (Reply to #3)
spinning's picture


I just want to check in and say I am so proud of you for turning the corner and choosing yourself. You are a strong, smart, thoughtful woman who will be so happy you are no longer mired in the chaos of a disordered relationship. I know because at almost 8 months total NC, I'm actually starting to view the brutal D & D and the most horrible treatment I ever received in my entire life as a BLESSING! I would not go back to any of it for a single second, for a million bucks and believe me I could use the money! I am so glad you are on the journey to recovery. I send you a hug and good vibes for strength, clarity and peace of mind. Sincerely, (not) spinning. NEVER AGAIN. I REJECT ALL CHAOS AND DESTRUCTION. THE SICK MF'ER TRIED REALLY HARD, BUT HE WILL NOT TAKE ME DOWN
