Sleeping With the Enemy

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#1 Jun 26 - 3PM
Jodie's picture

Sleeping With the Enemy

I used to always say I was married to Sleeping With the Enemy and he would just laugh but I wasn't joking. His OCD, control and abuse is what I lived with, like many of you. I watched how Julia Roberts after leaving him was so beaten, ashamed and broken. I can relate so much. I feel like it's going to take a long time to get "me" back. I also can relate to "Stepford Wives" because I feel that's what he always wanted.

Jun 27 - 10PM
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


at first I blamed the 12 years of infertility treatment. after I became disabled, had the kids, and my years of PCOS got MUCH worse - I blamed myself and he did nothing to help. Additionally, my NarcMother and other narcs in my life had me so used to abuse I had no clue what normal was. I blamed myself for everything, had zero self-esteem and Psycho-Boy looked me back up after 27 years and just zoomed right in on me. Even then I refused to sleep with him - it stayed "emotional" for me. Here's what Psycho-Boy and his cohorts say now. I still am being treated for PTSD and I am sorry I waited so long to start medication or even admit I had it. But the no sex thing - is just sick beyond belief. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Free articles & information for abuse victims: Effective Coaching for Victims of Pathologicals
Jun 27 - 11PM (Reply to #15)
Jodie's picture


Barbara, I'm so sorry you have had to suffer with this. I'm wondering what the symptoms are because 2 weeks after I left my NH I sat in a therapist's office shaken, diarrhea, nail biting, crying and high heart rate. It was/is so scary. I can't believe what these Ns can do to us physically. You mentioned your N mom, I can't imagine the grief on top of grief. My father has N traits and although I love and forgive him, he paved the way for me to get involved with emotionally abusive men. "Cry now because you lost him or cry later because you have him."

"Cry now because you lost him or cry later because you have him."

Jun 27 - 11PM (Reply to #16)
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


"You may wonder if what happened to you was bad enough to be called abuse. If you have to ask that question, it probably was. If you cannot remember large parts of your life, it almost certainly was. "I am sorry you have to read this on the internet. These things are better dealt with face-to-face. The effects of violence are best helped by different and more positive experiences with people. This is hard to do when you are looking for help on your own. "Take your time reading this. Use whatever parts seem helpful in your situation. Be patient with yourself. It will take time and work, but you can feel better. Take care, Joe Parker, RN" *************** WHAT DOES POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER MEAN? Post is the Latin word for "after". Trauma is the German word for "nightmare", but in English, it is used for any kind of injury, physical or psychological. Stress is a force that changes the shape of things (including people). Disorder refers to things that are a problem in a person's life now. To understand PTSD, it is necessary to tell two stories. Once upon a time, several blind men wanted to understand about elephants. An elephant was brought to them, and they all approached it from different directions. One felt the tail, and said "an elephant is like a rope"! Another found a leg, and said, "no, an elephant is like a tree trunk". A third walked into the side of the elephant, and said, "really, an elephant is like a wall . Others found the ear, the trunk, a tusk, and each felt his part of the elephant was the real elephant. Each blind man was right about his part of the elephant, but none of them really understood about elephants. The story of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is similar. PTSD was first recognized after the American Civil War. Doctors noticed that some soldiers who had been in heavy combat complained of having attacks of fast heartbeat, chest pain, difficulty breathing, and fear that they were dying or going crazy. The symptoms were similar to heart attacks. Not having the scientific equipment to investigate further, they assumed the attacks were a form of heart disease. They called it "soldiers' heart". We now know the attacks are not heart disease. They result from rushes of adrenalin, triggered by bad memories or nightmares. A few years after the war, most people forgot about the problem, but the part of the elephant they had found was real. This seemed similar to what happened in many brain injuries. It was thought that the concussions of the shells caused tiny spots of bleeding in the brain. They called it "shell shock". Eventually, a lot of autopsies were done on soldiers who had died of other causes, and no such bleeding was found. It was recognized that the symptoms resulted from extreme stress, not brain damage. It also became clear that there is no such thing as a stress-proof person. Certainly some people break before others, but with enough stress and enough time, everybody breaks. They had another part of the elephant. After World War II, it was assumed (never investigated, just assumed) that symptoms of traumatic stress went away in 6 months or a year, after the war was over. They were greatly mystified at the large number of alcoholics who came out of that war. Only after the Vietnam War did it become clear that PTSD symptoms could appear at any time, during or after the war. The symptoms could go on, better or worse from time-to-time, all of a person's life. The severity of the symptoms is influenced by how much emotional support a person has available during and after trauma. Survivors of child abuse and domestic violence are more severely affected because family or friends, who normally would provide support, are the perpetrators of the violence. In the late 1970's feminist writers began publicizing the fact that far more child abuse, sexual abuse, and domestic violence were occurring than previously admitted. Studies began to reveal that domestic violence is a problem in about 25% of all families, regardless of race, religion, income or education. About 16% of all girls and 8% of all boys are sexually abused before the age of 18 years. Rapes reported to the authorities may represent less than 10% of those that actually occur. About 10% of the adult population is alcoholic. Inclusion of other abusable substances may raise the figure to double that. Very few people are directly involved in wars, but most people have a family. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is now an official diagnosis in the diagnostic and statistical manual. Consciously or unconsciously, the brain remembers everything. Trauma really happens, and it changes who you are. You cannot seriously hurt human beings and expect them to forget it and be alright afterwards. People who have Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder often worry about whether they are "crazy". The word "psychotic" (or crazy) usually means experiencing or believing things that are not real: being "out of touch with reality". People with PTSD have essentially the opposite problem. They are in too much contact with reality, and in contact with realities that most people have the privilege of not knowing about. It is just as possible to be sick from too much contact with reality, as from not enough. That is the whole elephant. **************** The official definition of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder includes a combination of the following: 1. An extreme, painful experience, which would be severely stressful for almost anyone. 2. Continuing psychological "re-runs" of the events, including: 1. frequent thoughts and memories about what happened, even when trying to avoid them. 2. repeating nightmares about the trauma. 3. suddenly feeling or acting as if the events were happening again (flashbacks). 4. strong, painful feelings set off by things which are in some way related to what happened. 3. Ongoing attempts to avoid memories and feelings by: 1. becoming generally numb to everything, by cutting off most feelings, both good and bad. 2. avoiding activities or situations which may bring back memories and feelings. 3. loss of large areas of memory about past life. 4. loss of interest in things most other people care about, feeling different and cut off from other people. 5. lack of any sense of having a future. 4. Continuous extreme physical alertness, including: 1. constantly watching for signs of danger, with "startle responses", and trouble sleeping. 2. trouble concentrating on business in the present world. 3. irritability, outbursts of anger, lashing out. 4. physical reactions similar to what happened during past trauma (tremors, sweating, nausea etc.) 5. These symptoms continue for more than a month and can begin anytime from immediately to years after the trauma to being permanent. FOR MORE: for me, after Psycho-Boy symptoms I'd had at various times of my life became permanent. Non-stop vomitting, fainting or feeling faint, feeling out of my body, nightmares (not always about the abuse), numbness emotionally & sometimes physically, crying, anxiety attacks, teeth grinding, blurred vision, startling easily, heart palpitations, shaking, feeling unusually cold or hot, hearing people but not understanding a word they were saying, panic attacks and repetitive behaviors. I developed fibromyalgia and atypical MS in 1995 - probably from repressed abuse for years - this got much worse after it all blew up in 2004. I spent 10 days in a clinic being treated with enforced rest and figuring out what meds worked best for me. Psycho-Boy says I was stalking and harassing him during this time... LOL - I wasn't even in the same STATE!
Jun 27 - 11PM (Reply to #17)
Jodie's picture

Oh my gosh! This is exactly

Oh my gosh! This is exactly what I'm dealing with especially the feeling of being out of my body--it's sooooo surreal. I tried to explain it to a friend but she looked at me like I was crazy! I thought MANY nights I was dying but couldn't understand why!!! My heart palpitations and missed beats only made it worse. Gosh Barbara, it's not fair they have done this to us, they can't get away with this!!! I also have a HORRENDOUS short term memory. I will forget things 30 seconds after reading or hearing it. "Cry now because you lost him or cry later because you have him."

"Cry now because you lost him or cry later because you have him."

Jun 27 - 11PM (Reply to #18)
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

jodie - ptsd

get treatment ASAP get counseling and speak to your doctor IMMEDIATELY about a low-dose antidepressant. They take about 5-6 weeks to kick in but gosh do the right ones HELP! ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Free articles & information for abuse victims: Effective Coaching for Victims of Pathologicals
Jun 27 - 9PM
Carolyn's picture

You mention some interesting

You mention some interesting things the Stepford Wives and Sleeping with the enemy. there is another aspect of these men that doesn't come to light often but I ran into it as a social worker. Many women who marry these men find out on their wedding night that there is no sex life. The porn, strange sexual practices, etc is also part of the syndrom of no sex at all or strange practices.
Jun 27 - 10PM (Reply to #11)
Jodie's picture


Funny you mention the "no sex" statement. I decided to do the "right thing" and stop having sex with him for 2 months prior to our wedding night. He agreed happily, this was no problem for him as it encouraged him to further indulge in pornography. You would think the night of our wedding he would be all over me since we were waiting. Nope. No sex that night. Later during the week I tried to have sex on our honeymoon, he said "Uh my parents are out on the beach and will see me close the blinds in our room. That's weird!" I had to fight him for sex! And ever since then it went down hill. He took care I'd his needs incessantly but never wanted to have sex with me. When we DID try, he rarely got an erection. It was so painful, I cried myself to sleep for a year. "Cry now because you lost him or cry later because you have him."

"Cry now because you lost him or cry later because you have him."

Jun 27 - 10PM (Reply to #12)
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


while exNH was fine the first 7-8 years of our marriage (and 2 years living together) he slowly stopped initiating. then he would say kissing, touching, sex was "wierd." WIERD was his big word. He hates porn and anything sexual. He even bragged to his doctor that he hasn't masturbated in years - because only "sick people" masturbate. if I did try to initiate (once or twice a YEAR) he would call me a nympho & a sex fiend. During sex he would say I disgusted him because I "enjoyed it too much." I hadn't had sex with him for over 5 years when Psycho-Boy came on the picture and we'd been separated for 3 years by then. Later exNH tried to sue Psycho-Boy for "marital inference." The judge thru the case out saying exNH was the abusive one, probably 'drove me to seek relief outside the marriage' and was guilty of 'MARITAL ABANDONMENT." exNH is still trying to find a way to sue Psycho-boy civilly. He refuses to see that this ICE MAN behavior is unnatural and twisted. He even told our kids to "ask mommy what a whore is." When I told people we no longer had sex they thought I was kidding. It was so embarrassing. For years I thought I was the only one. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Free articles & information for abuse victims: Effective Coaching for Victims of Pathologicals
Jun 27 - 10PM (Reply to #13)
Jodie's picture


Unreal. Mine used to always say "weird" too. Looking into my eyes during sex was "creepy" he said. He lost all interest and said "having sex with the same girl is like watching the same porn movie over and over, it gets boring." I cannot believe you went years in a sexless marriage. I would have had so much resentment built up that I would have DEFINITELY strayed! And your judge was right, your husband absolutely abandoned you long before u found someone else. How sick and twisted they are, and soooooo warped sexually! THAT alone will destroy a marriage even if you had no other problems. "Cry now because you lost him or cry later because you have him."

"Cry now because you lost him or cry later because you have him."

Jun 27 - 11AM
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

no boundaries

MRI studies have shown that narcs & psychopath's BRAINS are different. They don't even know what boundaries are. And they wouldn't care if they did. Please read my post "Narcissists are NOT NORMAL PEOPLE." They just aren't and we can't really even ASK why they don't behave normally. They are PATHOLOGICAL and we need to run like hell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Free articles & information for abuse victims: Effective Coaching for Victims of Pathologicals
Jun 26 - 4PM
Jodie's picture

Isn't it a shame we've had

Isn't it a shame we've had to endure their abuse and nonsense? Well not anymore! Talking about OCD, when we first began dating he went into my purse and "cleaned it out." he put my change in HIS change jar and threw away important papers because he felt my purse was too messy! Lol "Cry now because you lost him or cry later because you have him."

"Cry now because you lost him or cry later because you have him."

Jun 26 - 5PM (Reply to #8)
Amy's picture


OMG... Cleaned out your purse??? Wow... Mine always wanted me to carry the LV bag HE bought me and wear the jewelry he got me(not the stuff I got myself). He would refer to things as "his" shoes, bag, jeans, necklace, etc. Psycho freaks! I love the quote at the end of your posts!
Jun 26 - 4PM
Amy's picture


Jodie you are right! It's very much like that! I never lived with mine, but when he came over he would peek in my garbage and scan every surface of my house. He was looking for receipts and business cards. I am in sales... I ALWAYS have people's business cards! For the first few weeks, I didn't even know who I was. It's been 4 months now, and what has helped me the most has been spending time with girl friends (I didn't have time for that before), planning to paint my house, cleaning out my closet, spending a little too much $ on new stuff (he would flip when I bought stuff for myself!), etc. It used to be all about him. Make it all about you! One thing I have noticed - in the last month (after month 3) I have been so much happier! It has drawn more "normal" men towards me, and my friends have noticed a big change in my demeanor - and they have mentioned it a lot! You will get there! Amy
Jun 26 - 5PM (Reply to #3)
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


exNH had NO boundaries either - went through everything. even after I was an adult and had been living on my own for years my NarcMother would go through my closets, drawers, etc. When I was first married I caught exNH's psychopathMother going through his things AND mine Psycho-Boy could get into my IM buddy lists - he would IM all my female friends asking them for casual sex (I found out after the relationship!). DISGUSTING. No BOUNDARIES with these non-human life forms. None. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Free articles & information for abuse victims: Effective Coaching for Victims of Pathologicals
Jun 27 - 10AM (Reply to #4)
Jodie's picture


What's up with the no boundaries attitude? Why do they do that? It's like they are children and have no shame..... "Cry now because you lost him or cry later because you have him."

"Cry now because you lost him or cry later because you have him."

Jun 28 - 12AM (Reply to #5)
Amy's picture

No boundaries

My guess Jodie is that we were PROPERTY, therefore our things were theirs. I will never forget my exNBF saying that my money was technically his since he bought me dinner all the time and took me on nice vacations (we didn't live together). Amy
Jun 28 - 12AM (Reply to #6)
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


yes you are property and you are an OBJECT - nothing MORE!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Free articles & information for abuse victims: Effective Coaching for Victims of Pathologicals
Jun 26 - 3PM
neveragain's picture

That movie chilled me to the

That movie chilled me to the bone. It was a perfect depiction of what living with one of these monsters is like. The absolute control, gas-lighting and terror they instill is a real-life nightmare and you never get to wake up. The minute you realize that you're enmeshed with one of these people, you must get out. Make a plan. Be very, very careful. But whatever you do: GET OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!