silent treatment

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#1 Nov 19 - 11PM
nomoredenial's picture

silent treatment
Advice on Relationship, Breakup, Commitmentphobia, Abuse, Codependency, Narcissism, and more..

The Silent Treatment - A Form of Abuse
The Break Up Gurus

(parts of this article have been gathered from message boards and forum comments)

I believe the silent treatment (feigned apathy; cold-shoulder; silence; distance, and ignoring you) is the worst form of emotional abuse. It is a punishment used by abusers to make you feel unimportant, not valued, not cared about and completely absent from the abuser's thoughts. It is used as a form of non-physical punishment and control because the abuser mistakenly thinks that if they don't physically harm you then they are not abusers. The truth is, they are far worse at doling out abuse than the physical abuser.

Silent treatment is a form of banishing someone from the abuser's existence without the benefit of closure or a good bye or a chance at reconciliation. In a's meant to torture someone you profess to love. Should I meet someone again who uses this tactic just once he will not get another chance. Because the silent treatment is something that the abuser repeats over and over again. The silent treatment is CONTROL, and a safe means for them to avoid any 'uncomfortable' topics, issues in the relationship, or issues within himself (or herself).

The silent treatment is a method the abuser uses to 'kill' you for something you have done. In a sense, you have been psychologically 'murdered' by them, but your physical life goes on.

In my current relationship (over as of this last abusive episode) I have spent more days getting the 'silent treatment' than not. Yes - I believe it is the 'worst' of the emotional abuse tactics - and this is where I have been most harmed and damaged, and where I will need most of my healing from. At my age I definitely don't need this. Relationships aren't supposed to be about pain and hurt. Why in goodness name I have allowed myself to suffer through all his forms of power, control, and abuse for years will be a forever question mark in my mind.

I used to love him, even when I was angry with him, or hurt by him. My love stopped during the last episode - or maybe the one before. I really can't remember when my heart shut off the love valve. Maybe it was a gradual thing. However, the love is gone, truly gone - and this current episode just made me commit to not going back into the relationship. Truth be told, if I were to walk in on him today and find he had died from a heart attack or something, I think I would just be relieved, and not experience any grief or sadness at all. I know that sounds inhuman and evil, but what abused partner hasn't wished for the abuser to just stop abusing, even if it's by death?

As with most abusers, they are in denial over their own abuse. They may use the excuses:

I needed to have some space
I thought you needed some space
I was feeling depressed and didn't want to drag you down with me
I thought we both need a cooling off period
I felt threatened/insulted/hurt and reacted with fear and isolation
I just needed some time alone to think
I didn't want to fight
You told me to leave you alone
Problems from my past came up and I needed to sort them out
Of course these excuses are just one more way for the abusers to blame somebody or something else for his abuse.

Nov 20 - 10AM
bumblebee's picture


Thanks for posting this... I need to be constantly reminded of this and I agree, it is an awful form of abuse. My N was too good at this... it's amazing the excrutiating pain and torture someone can feel from another person just doing NOTHING. I can't tell you how many times I would finally feel like he broke me. That was when I would raise the surrender flag. But I have to admit, I get frustrated at times that I can't explain to people who are close to me what I went through. 99% of the time I haven't even tried because what's the point. It's so hard to explain to someone else how someone ignoring you could hurt so much and be considered "abusive", but I 100% believe it. Thanks!
Nov 20 - 9AM
uk lady
uk lady's picture

Thank you Nomoredenial

My ex used all of those excuses for wanting to be in a "normal" relationship but ultimately also used them for not being able to be in a normal relationship. No wonder I was always confused. ST is the worst form of abuse because it is so ambiguous and can be made to appear as the right thing to do when, obviously it, isn't. It is so immature not to face the problem head on and resolve it. Enough of the unmerry go round of the confusion. Let's just get real and finally walk away and leave them to whatever. They don't deserve us AND we, deserve better. Dee x
Nov 20 - 8AM
wannaletgo22's picture

silent treatment

Thank you for writing this. I too have spent more time on the receiving end of my N's silent treatment than not. It has been incredibly painful and completely destructive to the relationship, particularly bc he uses it to punish me any time I asked for clarity, questioned him or confronted him about his lies and/or manipulative behavior. He uses it to avoid any real communication, to humiliate and degrade me, make me question myself and strip me of all my power. But it has backfired on him. When a partner uses the silent treatment as his primary method of abuse, it suffucates your feelings (good and bad) and brings about a slow death of the love and care you once felt for him. Like you, I think this last round of silence is what finally killed it for me. Love needs attention and nourishment to grow. Silence is inattention and starvation- not conducive to love, not at all.
Nov 20 - 10AM (Reply to #2)
bumblebee's picture

Wanna - this part: "When a

Wanna - this part: "When a partner uses the silent treatment as his primary method of abuse, it suffucates your feelings (good and bad) and brings about a slow death of the love and care you once felt for him." I had never read that anywhere, but it is SO TRUE! That's exactly how I felt...every time he did it and I felt tortured, my heart would close just a little so next time the pain was more bearable. Thanks for posting!