Sex propositions during divorce?

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#1 Oct 17 - 12PM
emtg's picture

Sex propositions during divorce?

what world am I in.

Of course, sexual withdrawal and rejection was one of the hardest D & D for me to take. It shattered my self esteem in an area that I was always pretty confident in. From telling me he was too tired, not in the mood, to telling me I reminded him of my mother, to making fun of my sexual desires as misreading his signals, it was hell. I have thrown out lingerie just thinking about it.

I moved all of his stuff into the garage yesterday and left him a garage opener to pick it up. NOW HE IS SENDING ME ALL THESE SEXUAL TEXTS in response to NOTHING I am saying except coordinating logistics of him picking up his stuff. He just texted that "he wants to have sex one more time before the divorce is final."

What is this? torture? why does he even want to? does he think this will get me back?

Oct 17 - 5PM
Layla's picture


That is just disgusting to me.....haven't these PD's taken ENOUGH of us? And now they want "free sex" to boot? Yuck.....I can't be the only person that finds this gross.........
Oct 17 - 1PM
uk lady
uk lady's picture

Last ditch attempt to

control you and spin you back into their web. Treat it with the contempt it deserves - no way honey - get real, push off and NC on your side. God, they make me sick thinking they are the bees knees. Yes, the sex may have been good at one stage but once the mask has dropped, they D&D you, you can so see through the illusion and it means absolutely nothing. Ignore all the crap. Turn your phone off. Sending you a big hug for strength against the predator. Dee x
Oct 17 - 7PM (Reply to #16)
Syren66 (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Tell him you simply don't

Tell him you simply don't have the time or energy it takes to pretend enjoying someone who's as bad in bed as he is. Kidding...NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC
Oct 17 - 1PM
Deidre40's picture

I’m so sorry this is

I’m so sorry this is happening. My advice? DO NOT REPLY TO ANY TEXTS OR PHONE CALLS. Everything should be done through your lawyers. No need for him to text you or call you, at this point. If you have kids, get the lawyers to figure all that out, and only communicate WHEN NECESSARY. DO NOT REPLY WITH…’’ARE YOU CRAZY?’’ OR ‘’WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?’’ SAY NOOOOTHING. Please, for this is what he wants…a reaction, because he’s a sick fuck. Divorce him…and work on getting your life back. Leave the negotiations to the attorneys. NO NEED TO REPLY BACK AND FORTH WITH HIM ABOUT ANYTHING. Change your locks, if you stayed in the house, too. Leave nothing to chance
Oct 17 - 1PM
Femmegem's picture

what. A. Creep

No way honey! Do NOT let him take that away from you. He obviously couldn't handle your confidence so set out to sabotage you. The best way to handle his advances? Show INDIFFERENCE to the idea of sleeping with him. Don't let him see your emotions and hopefully he goes away x
Oct 17 - 1PM
Tigerlily's picture

This is mind-fucking at it`s finest!

He is using something he perceived as your "weak spot" to maintain a hold on you in the midst of losing you for ever. It`s obscene. These creatures really make we want to puke. Tell him to go and jerk off. Tell him that`s what you were doing for however long you were married. He doesn`t respect you, emtg. Show the perverted Motherf**cker that you at least respect yourself. Don`t mean to be rough, if I sound it I`m sorry. I`m not mad at YOU. Grrr! Tigerlily
Oct 17 - 1PM (Reply to #9)
emtg's picture

Mindfucking by proposed fucking

I love it. OK -- already succumbed to the text back of "That sounds very painful" and he responded "not to me." I have stopped texting back now. It is so fucked up you are right. as wife, I'm repulsive. As someone who wants to divorce him, he has a hard on. puke puke. Although the sad part? part of me still feels sexually attracted! don't worry. I wouldn't dare. just hate that part of me that still even wants him a little.
Oct 17 - 1PM (Reply to #11)
Tigerlily's picture

emtg, I am sure

that in addition to your intelligence, your eloquence and your sensitivity (PATENTLY obvious in your posts!) you are also a gorgeously voluptuous and sexual creature that any man in his right mind would ADORE to hold in his arms all night (and make love to without ceasing, no doubt!). Please do not waste another moment on that assclown. He is just angling for another opportunity to LOWER your self-esteem, believe me. Ignore him, and your self-esteem will go up! Which ups your chances of hitching up with that fabulous guy who has been looking for you all his life, who is waiting for you to show up and who wants nothing more than to give you everything you want, deserve and more! And he IS there, believe me. But you have to ditch assclown (and all your false beliefs about yourself that led to your being together with assclown in the first place) first. Ditch assclown. And never settle for less-than-perfect again, emtg. Because only the best is good enough for you. And by the way: please don`t get hooked into feeling sorry for him either. Not good enough is not good enough when you`re horny, and it`s not good enough when you feel sorry for them either. He had his chance, and he blew it. Move on, sweetheart. Love Tigerlily
Oct 17 - 2PM (Reply to #12)
emtg's picture

Kind words and encouragement

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. Moving on. (or trying to). Not responding to the propositions and continuing moving his shit out into the garage. Tigerlily - such nice words really great to hear right now. I think it's time to cleanse the sexual palate with someone else. If not the great perfect guy (as I'm not ready) then someone else to cure the horniness while I get better enough to even look for that (and not assclown!):))
Oct 17 - 1PM (Reply to #10)
Goldie's picture

Cake and eat it too

Very common for Narcs to still sleep with their X wive's if you will let them. They do this ALL the time and tell the OW that they are just visiting the X wife to talk about the kids, help with home repairs, all kinds of bullshit. This is an important choice for you to make, you either shut the door and make divorce mean divorce OR you allow him to keep you around as old supply with the whole Fuck Buddy mentality. He will continue to hound you because to a Narc, once a sex partner, always a sex partner if you let them. He does NOT mean ONE last time. He means ONE last time so that you open the door and he can have you whenever he wants you. That is what ONE last time means to a Narc. Nip this shit in the bud and go NC if you do not want to become his "property" again. Put his shit out on the curb with a Text that says, I'm all set, come and get it now or I put a FREE sign on your stuff. He'll get that message loud and clear. God bless, Goldie
Oct 17 - 12PM
Done sourcing
Done sourcing's picture

Pure and opening

Pure and opening was made...and he is trying to squeeze through to get supply! ds
Oct 17 - 1PM (Reply to #7)
Deidre40's picture

lol no pun!

lol no pun!
Oct 17 - 12PM
Used's picture


he didnt want to when you were married, now he does when you are about to think this sums up who they are very well...
Oct 17 - 12PM
needing2know's picture

He can use it against you in

He can use it against you in court to stop the divorce and tell The judge you guys are having sex and trying to save the marriage! Don't sleep with him! it will back fire. He knows what he is doing, don't fall in the trap! stay strong, just another plot to distroy you even more.
Oct 17 - 12PM
lillymarch's picture

Mine withheld sex, too.

He'd say I'd never want to have sex so I began marking it on a calendar to prove to him we were having sex pretty often. Then he'd stop having sex with me for periods of time saying it involved his spiritual practice. Just thinking about it makes me so angry. I'm a loving and sexual person. WTF?! Why did I have to find the biggest loser in the world to marry?!
Oct 17 - 4PM (Reply to #2)
Swan's picture


Me personally, I am grateful I never have to have sex with that sick bast@rd ever again!!
Oct 18 - 2AM (Reply to #3)
ifinallygotit's picture

me too

the fake intimacy would kill me - i thought the guy loved me after 10 years and he disposed of me without mentioning it soon after his move - a year later he wanted me sexually when he came to visit and I said I could never go there not knowing where his thing has been - gross! Please don't do it...its about him losing control over you with the divorce - they don't do sex for love, they do it for control and hedonistic pleasure - they know normal people bond from having sex I mourn the loss of our intimacy but get PTSD thinking about submitting to it again