running from my demons and narcs who stalk

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#1 Jun 9 - 11AM
calamity-g's picture

running from my demons and narcs who stalk

Hi everyone,
It's been a while since I've been able to come here. One reason is because sometimes, I feel like I'm entering a vortex by going into my two favorite forums, this one and one more that I enjoy. It's like I'm afraid of something, something I may feel, which is silly because all I've ever felt in here is support, so I don't know what that is about.
Sometimes I just want it to all be over, well, of course all the time. But that is not how it is, is it? Dang it takes a long time to accept what these jerks do! Maybe I'm running from my own demons.
Like Barbara quotes, "feelings buried alive never die." I couldn't agree more.
I wanted to say I have had some good days, thank God, but I am still recovering and healing.
Thank you all again for the support you have offered.
I will visit again soon, I hope!, and read some stories.
Blessings to all of you. I wish you all healing and recovery, myself included!

Jun 9 - 11AM
calamity-g's picture

narcs who stalk

Well, I was going to save "narcs who stalk" for a different entry here but submitted the prior post before realizing that was in the title. My second reason for having to stay away is because the N decided to follow me around online and even more than simply follow me around. I simply can't say how, not here, not now. Sorry about the title there. Be careful. Malignant narcissists may pretend to have such a great life but you know, they might instead be sitting home alone, in their boxers, more interested in your cyber footprints than their own wonderfully sick lives! Thanks for this space to share, calamity-g ~~~~~~~~ My Blog

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