Really struggling today

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#1 Aug 14 - 8AM
RubyWoo's picture

Really struggling today

I'm having a hard time today... feeling really low. Not sexy enough, smart enough, funny enough. To sum up, not feeling good enough because I couldn't make him stay. I couldn't make him love me.

I had a weak moment and read old emails, old chats we had while we were at work... everything was SO perfect. I can't get over our little jokes, pet names, that companionship we've had. For so long.

But in the end I couldn't keep him in love with me.

I just feel like total crap today. :( Sorry for the rant.

Aug 15 - 3PM
Cgrl's picture


My first narc was my first everything. I was a virgin. We were together 15 years. 15 years of back and forth. Abuse. Finally because I was too weak and could not break up with him, he again for the millionth time cheated on me- but this time with a twist. She got pregnant. He married her. He would tell me right to my face- I will never marry you. You should date black guys (?) everytime something goes wrong in my life, I turn around and your there. Told a relative- she will never marry. Like he knew the damage he had inflicted on me. I never married. I am 50 years old. I never had children either. I could never make the right choices in men. Like I got stuck. Because of him. After almost 20 years of no contact his words still pinch me. Not as hard but I remember them and how hurt I was. So. For you Ruby- I share this with you because I feel your pain in your words. Don't let him steal your life.
Aug 15 - 4PM (Reply to #33)
RubyWoo's picture

I'm so sorry you had to go

I'm so sorry you had to go through so much pain, you are definitely a strong woman and an inspiration! I'm sure the right person will find you, you are still young and have many things to discover! I will remember your words everytime I feel down, thank you for sharing your story :)
Aug 14 - 1PM
Journey's picture


Seriously Ruby, it isn't about being able to keep him in love with you... they idealize and we mistake that for love when it isn't what he feels at all. We get stuck in how it felt to be the receiver of his attention because when it is on us, it is absolute. It is dizzying with it's intensity. It was NEVER really about us, who we are... only about what we offered to satiate his supply needs. They take the best of us, but like choosing a different cereal in the morning, one day they decide they want more fibre, more sweetness, less sweetness, more fruit, less fruit - or scrambled eggs - they are never satisfied. When the devaluing starts - that has nothing to do with us either. I felt the exact same way about not being enough for him. When they discard us, that is how we all are left feeling - every time. YOUR feelings are deep and sustainable, his are shallow and fleeting - unable to be maintained - that is the nature of being disordered and it HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU and definitely NOT about your sexiness, beauty or compatibility. ((hugs))

Journey on...

Aug 15 - 2PM (Reply to #31)
RubyWoo's picture

Thank you Journey! I'm just

Thank you Journey! I'm just really struggling, and in a lot of pain by the sheer thought of him with another woman (which I know will soon happen, if it isn't happening already...) I know I will compare myself, I know I will feel she is prettier, thinner, smarter or what have you. I hate this, I hate feeling like this. A boyfriend should make you feel like you are the most important person in his world, like you are his princess. He shouldn't make you feel like every other woman is better than you :(
Aug 14 - 1PM
megamillion's picture

Hi Ruby, To add to what the

Hi Ruby, To add to what the ladies have said below - we are all with you and thinking of you. It sounds like what your N is doing is pretty much what mine did - the half relationship, abuse of alcohol to 'have fun' (read as: forget), younger adoring women. I was riding the rollercoaster this week - with my stomach dropping out with each "Why? Why was I not enough?" BUT today is a new day! So I think, "No more - draw on your inner, Beyonce, Megamillion!" Finally I’m reeling that power back in… THEN I remember how I cared for her, built her up when she was down, was always honest and open, wanted to work on us. I think of the ways I help and care for my friends and family and pets. I think of the creative, funny, and intellectual ways I connect with other people. And I say ‘I LOVE MYSELF.’ Outloud. 10 times in a row. Finally, I think of her strategies to displace/project her sickness and what she decided to do to me - ways she purposefully put me down and placed all the blame on me - what she left me with: (as a small sample) that I was “95% bad and only 5% good,” that I was never happy to see her happy, that I was broken and couldn't be fixed so she was giving up. She piled it in a big tub of scrambled eggs – full of other things like once I saw someone else I’d realize how bad our relationship was, that I was kind and good, and that I’d seen everything with rose-colored glasses. And I remember that even now, I would not be able to say hurtful things to her … and not only because I’m NC ;) SO, to echo the excellent feedback below: This is what they do. They SUCK THE GOODNESS out of everyone and everything because they are empty inside. Why else would she say (and do) such terrible things to someone who acted out of love for her? (well, why beyond her being terribly disordered) I’m sure you were caring and available AND sexy, funny, and smart. If you can, try to flip this, focus on YOU: you were too much for him to try, it's HIS problem, HIS weakness and HIS shortcoming - because you deserve all that you gave and all that you invest in a relationship. In the meantime, I know nothing can take away your anguish - only working through this awful, gutwrenching pain and sorrow. Sending you hugs and happiness xxx Mega
Aug 15 - 3PM (Reply to #29)
RubyWoo's picture

Thank you Megamillion! I'm

Thank you Megamillion! I'm sorry to hear you had to go through the same paint, it really is excruciating. I know I have given everything I could to this relationship, but he keeps trying to make me think the opposite, always saying he has made more sacrificies, tried harder, given all he had for us to work. It makes me doubt myself and us. I know I have good qualities in me, and I wish he could have seen them and appreciated them instead of hating me more and more each day. What exactly have I done to become the devil in his eyes? I know, he is disordered. It just kills me inside that soon he'll probably be all happy and lovey dovey with someone else, and I'll be left destroyed and alone.
Aug 14 - 12PM
Hunter's picture


AWWWWW!!! Wow, you are giving him a lot of power! It is hard to believe that one minute its perfect than like the flip of a switch they destroy your soul. Get your power back, go Shopping or do something you like. Delete that crap because crap is what it is. :( Hunter
Aug 14 - 12PM (Reply to #25)
RubyWoo's picture

Thanks Hunter! You are right,

Thanks Hunter! You are right, I need to focus on myself! I guess I just wish he was someone he isn't.
Aug 14 - 12PM (Reply to #26)
Hunter's picture


Im not saying this is easy. I look at my situation long term and I can tell you, I would have at enough at some point. I saw a loser at on set,but over looked too much. Hunter
Aug 14 - 1PM (Reply to #27)
no more
no more's picture


I used to be with my exN and look at him and listen to his Narc speak and think what a loser and used to feel bad because I even had those thoughts because who am I to judge someone else. I think I would keep going back for more abuse just to reaffirm in MY mind that he actually was PD and would never change. Sometimes I still sit here and think I need more affirmation yet,,,,I still don't get it,,,,DUH. I have not seen him for 6 weeks and 2 weeks NC and it is getting better,,,,I just wish I could get my old self back sooner than later. I just see and hear how strong you are,,,,your replies and commments have helped me immmensely. I am so glad i found this forum,,,and I truly hope this time is the LAST. HUGS

I just got involved with the same N for the second time.
What was I thinking? Because I have put myself back to the same point where I am blaming myself again. And for what?
I want to get rid of these feelings again.

Aug 14 - 11AM
badjer's picture

We are all here with you. I

We are all here with you. I had a night like that last night - sobbing into my pillow at 2am at the sheer craziness of how it all happened. The thing is, these people are one of two types - either they are mentally unstable and so incapable of truly accepting or giving love - to anybody - or they are so tightly wound up, negative, scared children that when true love is offered to them, their self-esteem is so very low they have to devalue the person offering it to even feel vaguely worthy of it. To accept love from somebody whom in their eyes is actually more kind, gentle and moral than them is mentally like a stake through their hearts, such is their negative self-image. They project a picture of being serene, self-confident or happily moving on, but they have dark, twisted troubled souls and they are, ultimately, their very own worst enemies. I hope that helps XXXX
Aug 14 - 12PM (Reply to #23)
RubyWoo's picture

Thanks doll! It is true,

Thanks doll! It is true, sometimes he has said something like "you're too good for me, you try so hard and I don't try at all"... But I guess in the end it doesn't matter if they realise it or not. They don't want our love either way!
Aug 14 - 10AM
Layla's picture

Ironically enough.........

I bet you are smart, beautiful and funny- and I am willing to bet many people think this of you........what happens is, these azzclowns find amazing, beautiful and feeling individuals and then systematically begin knocking us down, making us go from confidant and secure of ourselves into insecure, unconfidant, critical, judgemental people- the very people THEY are. Please know, not all N's leave- I had mine thrown out with an Order of Protection....but even if they WON'T LEAVE and they stay, they LEAVE emotionally, and mentally...mine was living in the house, but I was ignored and made to feel's was devastating! Who can live like that?! I know my N husband slowly but surely over the years stripped me of all the good will and feeling I had toward myself so much I was idealizing FUKED UP IS THAT?????????? The anger in myself over this douchebag is unreal.....and I am even MORE pizzed off I have to do the work to get better and this asshat can carry on in life and victimize someone else..... Please forgive my language.....I just got home from Mass and I should be more charitable and forgiving with my words....hahaha, yet ANOTHER thing to hate the abuser for- making me use bad words on Sunday......haha! ; ) Anyway, I just wanted to post Ruby in support of your feelings....they do this to us.......make us feel unlovable and like nothing.....please remember that is part of what they do to control us and keep us down....that broken record that has been playing so long in your head is a tough one to break....but YOU CAN break it....your abuser WANTED you to feel like NO ONE BUT HIM would ever want you or have anything to do with you......and he had to work hard at it because he KNEW you were beautiful, smart and funny....hang in there friend, one day at a time, we will make it!!! love- Layla
Aug 14 - 12PM (Reply to #17)
RubyWoo's picture

Thanks for your words Layla!

Thanks for your words Layla! I too have felt like that sometimes, just the way you described. Invisible, non-existant. I even told him he was ignoring me as a woman. I could buy the hottest dress and crawl to bed asking him to come take it off. He had to go smoke some weed first while I waited. I started thinking I must be so damn ugly and disgusting he can't make love with me without being on drugs. It's killing me, because I still love the man. I love what we had for the first 3 and a half years. It all started going downhill when he started being friends with a 17 year old student of his and I didn't approve. Then I turned into jealous freak controlling bitch. I'm trying to take it a day at a time... All I want is to experience that pure, beautiful love that I can give. I know I deserve it back, I guess in a way I just wish it could have been him.
Aug 14 - 9PM (Reply to #20)
Susan32's picture

The younger student

I was 18 when I met the 32 year old ex-Psych prof... I was D&D'd brutally&PUBLICLY (Narcs who are nasty in private at least have the natural self-preservation instinct) when I was 22, and he was 36. I was replaced by his 32 year old girlfriend... whom he eventually married and has been married to for the past decade, with two kids. When I declared my love to the ex-P (and got coldly&cruelly rejected by him), I didn't know he had a girlfriend in LA. She was the long-distance girlfriend. After a friend of mine succumbed from cancer, he flaunted her. She didn't seem to mind his behavior, because she married to him (and still is)... either she's a Narc or a brainwashed normal person like the rest of us... I don't know. Not that I care to know. My involvement with the ex-P was emotional... it didn't get to the dating and sexual stage. "I just wish it could have been him"-It's bizarre because when I met his girlfriend, it was like a breath of fresh air. I felt FREED. Like a great weight had been taken away. However, the final D&D was so brutal&exhausting that I was TOO TIRED to be angry at her, let alone jealous. So, the ex-P is still married to her... and I'm not envious... just RELIEVED. If he had been normal&human, I'd envy his wife. I'd think she had a real prize&she stole him from me... but he isn't. I saw his coldness, inhumanity&cruelty.
Aug 15 - 4AM (Reply to #21)
RubyWoo's picture

Sounds like you and your

Sounds like you and your professor could have been my boyfriend and his student!! Just be thankful you didn't get romantically involved as most of us did :(
Aug 14 - 8PM (Reply to #18)
Littleone's picture


I just want to pull you up on something you called yourself " I turned into a jealous freak controlling bitch". So your EXN became close with a 17 year old student- and your calling yourself these names? Obviously your instincts were kicking up like crazy over what was going on. That's not acting crazy- you KNEW something was wrong. When people feel insecure and KNOW something Is wrong they can get very posessive etc. It's also another form of projection from the n - try and make us look like the crazy one. Please don't be so harsh with yourself. I don't know your full story but one of the key things Ns make us do is blame ourselves for reacting like normal humans!
Aug 15 - 4AM (Reply to #19)
RubyWoo's picture

Those are the names he called

Those are the names he called me! I didn't like how things were going with that student, I would see her down the hall (I worked at the same place and saw her occasionally) and she would turn her face away without even saying hello. Then I would tell him, why is "your friend" doing this? And he would take her side saying "well she says YOU didn't say hello first" It drove me insane. Then they would do stuff together, and of course I was never invited to join. I think he was talking crap about me to her.
Aug 14 - 10AM
strongblackcoffee's picture


Hugs to you! You cannot make anyone do anything. He is a bast@@@ for screwing with such a good and kind soul. They loves those best of all. Feel your pain, journal, take a walk, get a pedi, do something kind for yourself today. As hard as it may be, delete all the old stuff. The persona you were involved with has vaporized. Sounds like those old notes are tiggers. Do your bestt o get rid of them or at least move them to a folder you can't easily access. I'll say a prayer for you today. These days really stink. Peace! Coffee
Aug 15 - 3PM (Reply to #15)
RubyWoo's picture

Thank you Coffee... it is a

Thank you Coffee... it is a hard lonely path we have to walk... I hope one day I'll feel better, right now I just feel soooooo low :(
Aug 14 - 10AM
ruby01 (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


You=Beautiful HE=Empty Somehow they manage project their negative inner feelings upon us without us even realizing it's happening. They appear to be superior, "flawless". when in fact they are missing so many of the pieces that complete the human puzzle. NPDs and SPs can not love, empathize, or truly care for anyone. Ever. They lead a very lonely life. Try to look at your time with him as a life lesson. So that you may walk away with knowledge and strength, instead of hurt. He is inferior to you. He really is. You deserve love in return for the love you give. What you think you so admired about him was not real, in fact, you were probably seeing the inner beauty of yourself mirrored back to you. Go forward and realize you are stronger than he. xxx, Ruby
Aug 15 - 3PM (Reply to #13)
RubyWoo's picture

Thank you Ruby. It is true

Thank you Ruby. It is true what you say, I deserve love in return. I should not be trying to convince someone everyday of why I'm worthy of love, or trying to tell them I'm a nice woman so they throw crumbs of love at me. That's how I feel right now, like an idiot asking for the smallest thing, just a smile or a hug when I deserve to be loved properly.
Aug 14 - 9AM
BadaBing's picture


sending you comfort and hugs I have been down is alot to realize and go through it hurts so much I feel it too
Aug 15 - 3PM (Reply to #11)
RubyWoo's picture

It hurts, it hurts soooo

It hurts, it hurts soooo much. Lots of hugs to you too darling! :)
Aug 14 - 9AM
onwithmylife's picture

ruby woo

Please educate yourself about personality disorders, read as much as you can, to be informed will help you so much, when I was new in the throngs and he dumped me and moved away i tried to find all the books and websites I could get my hands on, first ones were Malignant Self Love, Sam V. book and Lisa's book, found her website and kept on reading. I went to therapy , became good friends with his first wife, just by sheer accident and she was a huge help to let me know I am a great woman and it is HE who has the massive, unfixable problem. It is Normal for you to feel down having come come through the nightmare of abuse by these repulsive humans,the key now is to pick yourself back up and realize what great woman YOU are and HE is the one who is so disordered. You WILL survive, with thanks from Gloria Gaynor,my theme song! If you are willing to do the hard work, you will be stronger than ever..
Aug 15 - 3PM (Reply to #9)
RubyWoo's picture

Thank you! I am doing just

Thank you! I am doing just that, reading so much, educating myself on this horrible disorder. I'm just so sad, so upset that the love, companionship, all the beauty I saw in us was all a lie, I can't even begin to comprehend the cruelty of it all. So painful...
Aug 14 - 9AM
Cgrl's picture

You ARE all these things

They wipe out our self esteem. Such a shame because you really are all these things. Picture this- you love a horse. You bathe it. Brush it. Give it organic veggies for treats. Coddle it. What's the horse do- looks away. Kicks you. Sneers at you. Kisses you once in a while- oooo acceptance. That's how it is with these asshats. You try so very hard to show them your worth. You are worthy- look at me! I love you! I would die for you- what do they do? The same thing the horse does. They can't recognize your worth because thier heads are so far up thier own asses they can only see thier worth- to you which when you think about it they are worth nothing. I have days like you where I want so bad some kind of validation from him. Then I remember- I'm basing my self worth of validation from a cheat and a liar and an abuser. Nope. I am worth all these things and so are you. And so is the next guy who sees without you having to even try, see your worth.
Aug 15 - 3PM (Reply to #7)
RubyWoo's picture

Thank you Cgrl. I guess it

Thank you Cgrl. I guess it makes it even harder because this has been my first relationship and I jumped into it 100%. I don't really know what to do or how to go on from here... I know eventually I'll find someone else, I guess... but to realise that your first love, your first everything, was all for nothing is excruciating beyond words. I thought this man loved me, I really thought he did. Turns out my first love didn't even love me at all.
Aug 14 - 8AM
juliamarie's picture

I'm sorry you're feeling low...

Hi RubyWoo, I'm so sorry you are feeling down today. First, nothing you could do or say would make you good enough for the N. He simply has no capacity to love...period. It's NOT's HIM! He is an assclown. Second, do yourself a favor and when you feel strong enough, delete all the old emails and chats. They only serve to remind you of the illusion of a relationship you thought you had. Remember, it wasn't real because he's a hollow, fake person incapable of giving you the love you truly deserve. Nothing these guys do is about's about their own insecurity and inability to act like a normal human being. You deserve the best! Keep telling yourself that. Hugs! JM
Aug 14 - 8AM (Reply to #5)
RubyWoo's picture

Thank you Juliamarie! It's

Thank you Juliamarie! It's just so hard to understand that someone who did such nice things, someone who apparently loved me so much just can't do it anymore... or even worse, never did and was able to fake it so well. We had something really amazing, people looked at us and were in awe of how well we knew each other, understood each other... This is sooo hard!