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#1 Jul 16 - 9PM
Still Not Sure...
Still Not Sure...'s picture


Okay so I went to a happy hour with a friend on Thursday night - one that I invited him to multiple times, but he refused. I went, wound up with food poisoning I guess and was home in bed violently ill by 10pm. I was still getting sick in the morning and unable to go to work.

I have been accused of hooking up with someone and staying out too late to go to work. I'm still sick by the way.

I had found Narc on a dating website last week and while I died inside when I saw it, I never said anything until tonight... I couldn't take being accused of "hooking up" with someone when I have been violently ill and simply said that not even that I was MAD about it - just that I gave HIM the benefit of the doubt and gave him respect to live his life - but that I found him on there and was crushed by it.

His reaction? RAGE.... just rage. I'm so stupid it didn't occur to me that of course he is now accusing me of searching for someone on the website to hook up with!!!
NOTHING about him being on there.
Refusing to ever talk to me again, etc etc etc.

Yes, I'm guilty of having stalked him on there.
I cannot believe how the past two days have gone for me.
I've been insanely sick and I get no understanding at all.

I'm actually somewhat concerned about how he will be toward me at work on Monday given how angry he is right now. Thank God that is two days away and he might be less angry.

I'm so sad. Sad at the loss of the awesome best friend he USED to be to me. Sad at the loss of the insane physical connection that we have. Sad at the loss of my own self esteem.

How could I possibly be at fault for so many things?
And how can I STILL be the one begging for forgiveness...

Jul 17 - 8AM
Susan32's picture

It's like a baby's tantrum

When a baby/toddler doesn't get his way, he throws a tantrum. That's how I came to see the ex-Psych prof's rages. At a certain level, I REALLY stopped taking him seriously. How do I know? When I broke NC in '09, I told him that expecting him to apologize is like expecting my baby nephew to apologize for waking up his parents with his screaming. My nephew can't do it because he's immature&thinks only of HIS needs. So I applied to the ex-P... who is nearly 50. The ex-P threw tantrums when I congratulated him on being engaged, when I volunteered, when he did NOT GET HIS WAY. In some ways, the only difference between him&my nephew is age. Except my nephew has empathy and looks outside himself;) The ex-P is no different than a screaming, self-absorbed toddler... except he's in an adult body&has tenure. And my nephew is smarter and kinder ;) Cruel but true.
Jul 17 - 6AM
ruby01 (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Still Not Sure

Be really honest with yourself. Did you really think he was going to show you any compassion? You are here because he has treated you poorly in the past. The unfortunate truth is right there for you to see by looking at past occasions. He did what he has probably done numerous times in the past, and so did you. He is not going to change. He can't. You can. Before you go to work on Monday, think about what you told us. You already know exactly what he is going to do. Think about what YOU can do to not allow it to unfold as it has in the past. You can, in a way, control his behavior just as he has controlled yours because you were unaware. Your not unaware anymore. You said it yourself. You know he is going to try to bring you down. You can stop this. If you don't know what to do. You do know what you have done in the past. Use those memories. Look back at the times you have been hurt by him in the past. But look at what you did, and I don't mean that to sound like you did anything wrong. Just look at the scenario and you will probably see a pattern in your behavior. Monday do something different. He will do the same ol thing he has done in the past because it has worked, and it sounds like you know what that is. When he does DON'T do whatever you now realize allows him to fu-k with your head. It really does take two. Change your behavior and you will be able to control the outcome. Really USE the knowledge you have gained from past experiences with him and all the research you have done. You are not a sitting duck. You CAN stop him from getting what he wants from you. Make a change.
Jul 17 - 6AM (Reply to #5)
Still Not Sure...
Still Not Sure...'s picture

Ruby 01

Wow - you are absolutely right... I did know inside that he would react terribly to me telling him that I found him on the dating website. That's why I didn't say anything for a week! But I think I was so blown away that I was being accused of hooking up with someone while I've been so ill (despite how that shouldn't have been a surprise either) - that I reacted without thinking. I was still sick, very tired and I guess guilty of forgetting what I was dealing with in my response. Duh. I do know my reactions cause outcomes with him. And the reason I was accused of cheating when I was actually sick is because I got upset with HIM for having "innocent plans" with his exfiance. I guess it's going to just take me serious effort to realize he really IS a narc. I haven't wanted to fully accept that is who he is, despite him being a perfect fit for it... I haven't been ready to let go of my love, my addiction, my whatever to him - and I was shocked to see that I actually joined this forum a month ago. Wow. I also can't believe how much worse the situation with him has gotten when nothing different has even occurred on my end. I haven't done anything at all. It just blows my mind... It's very difficult to control emotional reactions - but I do know - that the more I control mine reaction, the more I control the situation. Thank you for pointing that out. It is tremendously important for me.
Jul 16 - 11PM
Smarter-thanthis's picture

Wow Deja vu

WTF......minus food poisoning that happened to me before....... Check out the new topic I just posted. "thank u guys but decipher this one" I am so sad........these guys really are the SAME. It's personality cancer.
Jul 16 - 10PM
Gullable1's picture

Still not sure

Dust yourself off, re group and get back in the saddle. Tell him to suck balls! His connection wasn't healthy, and the best thing that will come your way is a loss of the unhealthy. It's the devil you know. One the fog clears your gonna look back with clear crisp hindsight. Right now your still love drunk, there is still a hang over to come, followed by a jonez for a drink of the hair that bit you. Make today your promise for narc sobriety Read your post back out loud? Your wise! Xxoo
Jul 16 - 9PM
aceonelady's picture

still not sure...Aceonelady here...

Hi.I am sorry about you too got targeted by a monster.The fact is,they love drama and spreading confusion and fog...Just believe me the best is to ignore him.Is damn if you do damn if you don't...If you react at work you will be labelled as unstable...They suck.I wish you all the best.Is very difficult,but give it a try.Hughs
