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#1 Apr 22 - 9AM
missym's picture


I read on there and other places so many blogs that talk about people who are just terrible people, treat people and their partners horribly, cheat, lie, act out in devious and highly manipulative ways.

I don't dispute this happens alot...but the "tie" to actual pathological narcissism seems not always an easy connection to make. Just because he/she is an asshole, does not make him a narc. In fact, it really does not matter in the end. If someone treats you badly, get out.

But I thought it would be intriguing to explore how many others experienced slightly different scenarios, or at least similar to mine.

If you read Valkin, many narcs are actually quite passive in their abuse and not OUT there constantly and actively DOING stuff to others. They are disordered in ways that actually are hard to pinpoint - unless you lived with it day in and day out for a long time. Manipulation - YES...but are they constantly and strategically plotting evil ways to hurt us....often NO. This is why pathological narcissism is hard to understand and figure out.

In my own case, my EXNH probably did not outwardly cheat, lie, beat me or my daughter, or not live up to his financial and professional obligations.

What he DID DO, was actually WHAT HE DID NOT DO. He subtley, over many years, refrained from actually CARING for me and our daughter in ways that show his genuine capacity to LOVE. He cannot do that. This aspect, where his ability to unconditionally LOVE another represents itself in a thousand ways over years - and IT does appear in abuse...psychological, emotional and sometimes...when I pushed him to show up in our marriage...raging physical abuse and reaction to ME. But - by a long shot - if someone placed a probe down in our life over the years....what one would witness would be the LACKING, not the ACTIVE, OUTWARDLY MANIPULATIVE AND HIDEOUS BEHAVIOR.

Hideous behavior, whether something EVERYONE CAN NAME when they see it, or viewed by only one person or a few people who have lived it and seen the underlying patterns and outcomes for decades - IS STILL HIDEOUS BEHAVIOR.

Yet, I thought it was worthwhile to address this personality disorder "style"....that can appear to others AS IF the LBS or victim is the ONE who is REALLY the problem. This pathological narcissism is extremely evil in its own way...because of its subtle and crazy-making abuse to those around them. It is evident by a slow burn - if you will - of withdrawl,and more of WHAT IS NOT DONE to build a healthy relationship THAN what it is DONE.

This narc is often quiet, passive, not the center of the party, not a criminal, and to most people - a highly functioning, pleasant, responsible citizen. He/she may be attractive, smart, logical, REASONABLE person to all who sees him on a shallow basis.

Its only when one lives with it can the TRUE evil of what it is about shows itself. And it is NO LESS devastating and destructive than those who are courting multiple woman at once, stealing from their "partners", lying about everything under the sun...etc. etc.

I was his SUPPLY in every sense of the word. But it was more for his STABILITY and COMFORT than any other thing. He never had any feeling of genuine partnership or obligation to our life TOGETHER. AND if you have a child with this type of Narc, he will detach even more so....over time.

So, for those who have endured the slow drip type of are not alone. I get it. I lived it for 18 years. And now I'm OUT....and healing from that devastation is the biggest challenge of my life. HUGS>

May 6 - 6AM
wiserwoman's picture

evil has many faces

May 6 - 6AM
midnight7's picture

Ns are all evil. Any form of

May 5 - 8PM
Journey's picture

In some ways I think the

Journey on...

May 5 - 8AM
Janie53's picture

Thanks for pointing this out.

May 5 - 8AM
kocrazy's picture

Thanks for posting!

May 5 - 8AM (Reply to #28)
Canada's picture

Nail on the head,

May 4 - 3PM
mellyj's picture

the not evil narc too

Apr 26 - 3PM
ruby01 (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

What you described

Apr 26 - 2PM
kevsmart's picture

Thank you Myssym!!!

Apr 23 - 10PM
missym's picture

"He basically lived the life of a single man in our family home.

Apr 23 - 3PM
Deidre99's picture

This post is really

Apr 24 - 7AM (Reply to #21)
c_jennings's picture

"trying harder"

Apr 24 - 8AM (Reply to #22)
Deidre99's picture

all my ex narcs i've dated

Apr 23 - 2PM
c_jennings's picture


Apr 27 - 10AM (Reply to #19)
Monarch's picture


Apr 23 - 10AM
ABC0311's picture

I can totally relate.

Apr 23 - 8AM
onwithmylife's picture


Apr 23 - 8AM
Recovering Suzie
Recovering Suzie's picture

So true Missym

Apr 23 - 7AM
no more an echo
no more an echo's picture

simply put...

Apr 23 - 7AM
janemarie's picture


Apr 23 - 3AM
Journey's picture

Ah yes, the LACKING... I

Journey on...

Apr 22 - 3PM
Monarch's picture

In Sheep's Clothing

Apr 22 - 2PM
missym's picture

The classic story of the

Apr 22 - 12PM
Hunter's picture

I've gone two rounds with my

Apr 22 - 2PM (Reply to #5)
uncomfortablynumb's picture

Does that mean that if he

Apr 23 - 8AM (Reply to #9)
tootsgee's picture

The ex said to me that he

Apr 23 - 7AM (Reply to #6)
Hunter's picture

They will go as far as you

Apr 23 - 7AM (Reply to #7)
Used's picture


Apr 23 - 7AM (Reply to #8)
Hunter's picture

Thanks Used. :)

Apr 22 - 10AM
uncomfortablynumb's picture

Covert Narc