The *NC* support thread!

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#1 Dec 28 - 5PM
Deidre99's picture

The *NC* support thread!

I thought we could have a running thread, to post when you are feeling perhaps a little weakened, and are tempted to break NC. Or if you want to share that you've been NC for *x* amount of days. Whatever it is, if it has to do with NC...let's support one another in this. NC WORKS! I am proof of it. I feel stronger. Empowered. My life is starting to come back. Of my choosing.

NC is not ''easy.'' It takes work. You'll cry. You'll be angry. You'll feel lonely at times. You will be tempted to break it, maybe. But, when you allow yourself to ride out all those various emotions, AND stick to NC? You will be grateful you did.

I'll go first. Today marks 12 days...NC! And he wrote me yesterday, and I'm still NC! Woohoo!!! I always used to reply. And right away. Now, not going to. I really have no desire, I'm happy to report, to have dialogue with the man. He is a verbally abusive person, who plays with women's heads...all women, in varying degrees. I want no part of him or that, anymore!

But, see. It took NC to show me this. When you are stuck in the trees, you can't see the forest.

Look forward to everyone here being supportive, and open so we can help each other to maintain NC!