NC Success Stories??

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#1 Sep 27 - 5PM
Crazy Train
Crazy Train's picture

NC Success Stories??

Hello! I shared my story & would love to hear some positive outcomes from continued NC. I'm only 4 weeks into it. Some days are worse than others. Why does it seem like my emotional healing is moving in slow motion??

Sep 28 - 11PM
petal's picture


Hi Crazy Train, 4 weeks of NC is great, keep it up. It gets better, trust me. Just stick to it. It's been 7 months of NC for me but I did respond to a few of his nasty emails so it's more like 4 months of total NC. It's hard at first but you will feel tons better. I will echo what everyone else has said here, educate yourself on this disorder, focus on yourself and be good to you. As for me, I do not regret NC at all. I broke up with the ex N almost 11 months ago but was trying to be just friends with him. I've been friends with other exes before but this one is different. None of my other exes were narcissistic. They are a different breed of animal all together. I have peace and joy in my life now. He still emails me once in a while and I don't respond. Just delete delete delete (thanks Hunter!). We're here for you! Hugs! Stay strong.
Sep 28 - 6PM
Crazy Train
Crazy Train's picture

Friends Just Don't Understand

Hunter you are right when you said for me to stop talking about it to my friends because they don't understand. They really don't know about the abuse. I became a nervous wreck worrying about missing a text or call from the N because he would become so nasty if I didn't answer or respond in less than 10 seconds. I used to prop the cell phone up on the shower door so I would be able to answer it while I was showering! Seriously, WTF was I thinking?? Countless times he told me to meet him somewhere and he never showed. Why didn't I just cut him off after it happened the first time??
Sep 28 - 4PM
Pride and Shame
Pride and Shame's picture

11 Months

I couldn't take the emotional abuse anymore. It seemed to be escalating and I couldn't deny what was obvious. I took a leap of bind faith and made a vow to myself not to break NC. At 3 months out he texted me a stupid little text to see if I would bite. Nope. At 11 months, I am thinking clearly, functioning well and resuming my life on my terms. The way your mind processes this is fascinating. Once the "addiction" is gone, you really start to understand and face what you've been through. You feel like a survivor. You can breathe again and trust yourself. Your mind tricks you. It's not always on your side. NC is 100% on your side. It protects you when you can't trust yourself.
Sep 28 - 10AM
greengirl91's picture

Thank you, for making this

Thank you, for making this thread. Today, I was driving to a new town, and I felt very vulnerable. I wished someone was there to say to me "it`s gonna be okay". This thread gave me HOPE. Thank You Hunter and all the others who answered here, your replyies gave me strength..and HOPE, that I am doing the right thing for myself. And that even though times go rough, I have to hang on to my healthy side. This place is like the light that is guiding to the end of the tunnel. Keep up the good work!
Sep 28 - 8AM
Used's picture


yes it can be done, i am 23mnths nc with exnh, and exn..when i was first told 18mnths ,i thought i cant do it?, exn lives up the road to me, and we live in a small i took it day by day, he hasent stopped trying in all that time, and now exnh is at it thru our kids, i said no to my kids i am not interseted in biegn friends with him, cos we have got kids together and so much history[EXNH,S WORDS NOT MINE],and the same goes for exn, i am not interested in *our history together*, b/c that is exactly what it is HISTORY, and i wouldnt want to repeat that HISTORY ,at any price, i am happier, content, settled ,for the first time in years...i have no plans to let,2 patholigical, lying, out of work lowlife scumbags in to my life HISTORY IS HISTORY IS HISTORY... i stayed out, and educated my self here, without this board, i believe i would be DEAD...good luck and welcome to the WE CAN DO IT GANG..xx
Sep 27 - 9PM
MandyM's picture

I started making a list of

I started making a list of all the good things in my life now that my ex is no longer in it - everything from the peace that comes with no drama, to the not waiting with baited breath for the phone to ring, to little things I can enjoy without worrying about what he'd think about them (or about me for enjoying them). I'm up to #25 and still going. This helps reinforce to me that while I may still miss him, my life is so much better without him.
Sep 27 - 7PM
mystwoman's picture

Being in a relationship with

Being in a relationship with a narc is a traumatic, abusive experience. It takes time away from the narc to come out from under their FOG (Fear, Obligation and Guilt). In order to heal and recover, NC is very important. Lisa explains it perfectly with "No Contact" is mostly about the victim forcing "distance" into the relationship to help the victim heal; to get the "space" needed to get over the hurt; get on with their lives.. She has a really great post about NC at: I will, personally attest that NC and this site has saved me. I've been in not just one, but two marriages with an N/P. My first husband was a P. When I left him after 5.5 years, I had no idea what went wrong with my relationship, and I blamed myself. Therefore, when I met my second xnh, I had done no healing and knew absolutely nothing about personality disorders. My opinion, is that this is one of the reasons I was so vulnerable when xnh came along (I was also very lonely). I was with my second disordered husband for a total of 16 years (married him for 8 of these years). In addition to being married to a man with NPD, xnh also had a daughter that was a complete psychopath, and a mother that also has NPD. Between them all, my life was Hell. Xnh was very controlling, verbally/emotionally abusive, and occasionally he went into rages and became physically abusive. He got more and more abusive with me the longer I stayed with him. Finally, xnh cheated on me with OW at a "love nest" his narc mommy provided for them at her house, and he came home for the final D&D. I did not know about his affair at the time he dumped me, but found out about it very soon after when he posted pictures of himself and OW all cuddled up on a blanket at a family picnic with his mommy sitting right next to them. Soon after xnh dumped me, I started looking up information on cheaters which to lead to my finding pages about NPD. When I first read the description, I felt like, "Whoa!!! This is describing my ENTIRE relationship with xnh". It was a true "light bulb" moment. That is when I started realizing that the problem was not with me. Xnh and my first P husband both had personality disorders. When I found this site, it was like a godsend. Yes, NC was very hard at first, and my emotions were like I was on an evil roller coaster ride for many months. However, as time progressed the emotions began slowing, and I have discovered that each day I am happier and happier without xnh and his abuse in my life. I am now out almost 17 months since xnh D&D'd, and I've been NC for 16 months now. Comparing my life now and my life with xnh, is like comparing night and day. I'm SO much happier. To me, the difference is absolutely amazing. Hang in there and maintain NC. You can do this, and your recovery/healing is SO worth the effort. Huge hugs.

God sometimes removes a person from your life for your protection. Don't run after them.

Sep 28 - 8AM
onwithmylife's picture

crazy train

I am over 2 and 1/2 years out, it has been a long haul but spent 15 years with the narc, I no longer feel anxious as i was all the time, wondering if he would call or dump me or whatever, what a pathetic ass .
Sep 27 - 7PM
Sherbear's picture

I am

13 months NC and 18 months since D&D. So I have about 5 months to go. I remeber thinking the same thing, there is no way I cam make it 18 months...but I'm doing it! And you can too. I am only this far b/c of NC and this site. Read everyting you can on this really helps. NC IS THE ONLY WAY!! Keep going, you're doing great.
Sep 27 - 5PM
Hunter's picture

The rule of thumb is 18

The rule of thumb is 18 months! You are new ,very new!! If he's giving you the silent treatment get strong enough for a Hoover attempt!! This is crazy shit. If you stand firm ( most don't) you win! Any contact going forward will be a set back!! Your best option ( it's hard) is to erase him from your life ! Change emails , numbers block him at every turn! I've been given the abusive silent treatment! My last conversation about a year ago, after three D&D conversation was " Go Fuck yourself ,I will never talk to you again" I meant what I said! I saw a shrink ,popped pills, suffered PTSD., A year later here I am.. I still think about him but I know he's broken beyond repair! I stay here to remind myself of that! I function ,have fun, and live a good life! So it's a long haul, stay NC ,and remember, never let him see you sweat! Hunter
Sep 28 - 4PM (Reply to #25)
Sunafterrain's picture


roflol!!! "I saw a shrink, popped pills, suffered PTSD" That's it in a nutshell LOL! I'm almost ten months out! Some days it doesn't feel like it, but it is so much better than it was in the early early days. Just hang on!!
Sep 27 - 7PM (Reply to #23)
Sherbear's picture


You rock! You are truly amazing and your strentgh has kept me NC on many occasions. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and honesty. xoxo Sherry
Sep 27 - 7PM (Reply to #24)
Hunter's picture

You Rock tooooo!!! Hunter

You Rock tooooo!!! Hunter
Sep 27 - 6PM (Reply to #2)
Crazy Train
Crazy Train's picture

18 months??

Hunter, I don't have enough energy to put up with these emotions for 18 months! Lol. Seriously though, I'm not sure if I'm getting the silent treatment, or he is done abusing me. It's been 4 weeks.... and a few days ago, the joker sends me a blank text message. Casting out another line to see if the fish bites? I ignored it. I congratulate you on a year! I hope to be at that point, smiling in triumph. Until then, I feel like I was emotionally raped, run over & then kicked to the gutter. A once outgoing, friendly, vibrant woman has turned into a depressed, Effexor taking, Xanax-so-I-can-sleep, MESS who has trouble concentrating on work long enough to get something accomplished. It's embarrassing really. I don't know how my friends put up with me when I was at my worst. At least the daily crying has stopped but the little memories still haunt me all day long.
Sep 27 - 6PM (Reply to #3)
Hunter's picture

Yup, 18 months, and they just

Yup, 18 months, and they just cast you off( or Hoover) as they go on their marry way on to the next victim!! Just remember how you feel now next him he tries, (and he will) gain supply ! This is a very suckie experience. Also, stop discussing this with your friend they won't understand! Vent here instead! Hunter
Sep 27 - 6PM (Reply to #4)
Crazy Train
Crazy Train's picture

Hunter, Don't the N's

Hunter, Don't the N's sometimes NOT try to reconnect?? Do they always make an attempt??? I was kind of hoping that he cut me off permanently. He called me the nastiest names when I broke up with him, but I suppose that means nothing to them.....
Sep 27 - 6PM (Reply to #5)
Hunter's picture

Well.. My shrink said, " he's

Well.. My shrink said, " he's a Narcissisit " always be prepared! I do know from my experience and a friends, when there are figured out and told exactly what they are firmly they go away! What they say to you means nothing! They live in the moment, I really believe when they rage the are in a strange delusional state!! Whatever comes out of their mouths is " scrambled eggs" They can only live on fantasy island for so long then it's insanity! Honestly, you'll get to a point that you won't care! Give it time! Hunter
Sep 28 - 8AM (Reply to #15)
Crazy Train
Crazy Train's picture


To all of you who responded to my post, Thank you SO much for your thoughts and encouragement!!! All of the ridiculous shenanigans he pulled on me will never be forgotten....the hurtful words at the end and his projection onto ME, calling me "liar, cheater, moocher, etc" and his favorite word of all to text to me "GAMES"....should have tipped me off, if only I new about narcissism/sociopaths at that time. The night I broke up with him, he called my cell 72 times....and over a hundred repetitive texts, like "games, games, games, games, games...." He "hides" in his parent's mansion (exact location he will not tell anyone)....he is able to continue luring unsuspecting women by showing them photos of everything his parents own and claiming it as his own. This joker had my cell phone hacked and was able to read all of my texts. If anyone suspects that they may be with a N or Sociopath (anti social personality disorder), Google his name until you're exhausted. You can find court records & mug shots for free. This is how I found out that he lied about his age, height, etc). I found that mine had over 50 arrests, mostly speeding/reckless driving but also included domestic violence, stalking, grand larceny, felony theft, drug possession & involuntary manslaughter for a car accident that resulted in a death. All of this from a good looking, designer clothes wearing, Lambourgini driving, private jet owning, prescription drug addicted, alcohol dependent, spoiled, multi millionaire narcissist-sociopath. No one would ever suspect it, so his rein of terror continues....
Sep 28 - 2PM (Reply to #22)
Used's picture


he has probley took pictures of a stateley home, and thats why no one can go there....he probley lives in a friggen tent....that he can roll on, while he wends on his merry way....losers one and are all still losers and fantasist...exn carries his passport around for identification?...he hasent left this town since he was
Sep 28 - 2PM (Reply to #16)
Hunter's picture

Just goes to show they came

Just goes to show they came in all shapes, sizes,rich,poor,etc!! Are you sure he even has these things?? Pictures are just that!! They LIE..... Hunter
Sep 28 - 2PM (Reply to #17)
Crazy Train
Crazy Train's picture


Hi Hunter, What does D&D stand for?? I still don't know all of the N lingo :)
Sep 28 - 4PM (Reply to #18)
Hunter's picture

Devalue & Discard They

Devalue & Discard They all Idealize,devalue then Discard! Google it, it's a good read! Hunter
Sep 28 - 4PM (Reply to #19)
Crazy Train
Crazy Train's picture

TY Hunter

Thanks for the explanation. He devalued me and I discarded him, though he did twist it around and acted like it was HIS idea with the "don't you EVER call me again". Four weeks has passed.....a week ago, he sent me a blank text but nothing since. Guess I should consider myself lucky because I am FINALLY getting back on track emotionally and he's left me alone.
Sep 28 - 6PM (Reply to #21)
Sherbear's picture

Ha! Crazy Train.

Same story here. He devalued me and ultimately I left him. He hated this! Not to end it his way, so he twisted everything around and told me I was psycho and to never contact him again. Lol...whatever! I love that I didn't give him that satisfaction. I pulled the mask off and I honestly don't think he will ever be back. He is punishing me with the silent treament right now. That has honestly made my life easier even though I hate it and it is so gave me the space I needed to heal.
Sep 28 - 4PM (Reply to #20)
Hunter's picture

Ok then.. if you let him back

Ok then.. if you let him back in he will be sure to complete the transaction!! NC is your power! Hunter
Sep 27 - 7PM (Reply to #6)
Sherbear's picture


"I do know from my experience and a friends, when there are figured out and told exactly what they are firmly they go away!" AGREED! But then again, they are a narc, he could show up again in 20 years, like this past time. Always be ready.
Sep 28 - 4AM (Reply to #8)
Sea's picture

Its so revolting to think

Its so revolting to think that they might even surface again after 20 years! Yucks! They are so disordered that they dont even have the right TIME concept. My exN who's 20 years older than me ever show me a picture of his 2 other exGFs. It was such an old picture taken in the 1980s back in his home countries and he talks as if he just met them yesterday and talks like they are still the same "gals". They have to be around his age now, 50+YO. He seems unaware that they cannot stay the same in 30 years! and of cos he forgot he has aged in 30 years, he is no longer the 20yo guy fresh from college!
Sep 28 - 6PM (Reply to #11)
Sherbear's picture


My narc and I grew up together on the same street. We were each other's first kiss...first love. that was 30 years ago.....20+ since we had last talked. They DO come back. Jackwads.
Sep 29 - 5PM (Reply to #14)
Hunter's picture

Same story here,just a

Same story here,just a different crazy man!! Hunter
Sep 29 - 9AM (Reply to #12)
Sea's picture


Wow yours sounds like a romance movie comes real. Childhood sweethearts and 30 years later. If you dont mind me asking, where u always in contact with him or he found u after 30 years?