Narc-speak decoded

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#1 Oct 9 - 1AM
dulcinea441's picture

Narc-speak decoded

below is the last letter I received from him, after I broke NC and wrote to him saying how angry and hurt I was by his abusive behavior. (Apparently, two dignified but defiant letters describing my pain and sense of betrayal equals a "hate-fuelled" campaign.) In one of the letters I told him that I was going into therapy to deal with the grief of how he treated and discarded me. That is the "psychiatric help" to which he is referring.

I take it as a sign of my progress that I am able to decode his bullshit. My narc is really the master of subtle gaslighting and projections. He makes himself out to sound so civil and decent, even though his prior communication was screaming "fuck you" and calling me a bitch and a cunt.

Anyway, I just thought I'd have a bit of therapeutic fun and releasing decoding his particular brand of narc-speak. Doing so helps remind me of what a con artist and a coward he is and how he will never, ever listen to anything I have to say or take responsibility for his actions.


"I am glad that you are seeking psychiatric help. There can be no pleasure or satisfaction gained from your hate-fuelled campaign, so for your own sanity please just stop."

Translation: YOU are the crazy one, not me. Never forget how fucked up in the head and fundamentally worthless you are, or that you are totally to blame for everything bad that happens to you. And, just so you know, the letters you send me are being saved as proof of your insanity and harassment. I may even alter them to make you look psychotic, if I ever feel the need.

"I never spoke one word of a lie to you. Leave me be - I tried to end it several times as you are dangerously unstable and need help greater than I can offer. You didn't listen, haven't listened. You are in a better place, and so am I."

Trans: I never lied because if I believe it, it must be true. You are a obviously a ME-obsessed stalker who understandably can't get over ME (I am, after all, God). Remember, *I* dumped *you*. Repeatedly. That power will always be mine. I have won. Forever. You are 'dangerously unstable' for daring to call me out on my b.s., for having the audacity to stick up for yourself after all the abuse I hurled at you (you did, after all, deserve it). I really want you to believe that you are so fucked up that you are beyond help. Let me repeat: you are a hopeless case. You are hopeless because you didn't comply one hundred percent with all of my needs and demands. *You* are in a better place because I, in my Royal magnanimity, have had the grace and kindness to let you go. I am in a better place because I, of course, have won and you are miserable.

"You will not hear from me again - if you want to feel better, I mean genuinely better, from whatever hurt you believe I have wilfully caused you, then just move on to better things. If you believe even one of your dark thoughts about me then you will take the advice of
those around you and just leave me alone. Quite what you think I might have to gain from 'preying' on you, I have no idea. I didn't take any money from you.... I loved you and it literally broke my heart to realise we could not be. That was you, not me."

Trans: I know that nothing destroys you more than the threat of total abandonment -- that is why I threatened to abandon you and told you that I would never talk to you again so many times. You should move on because you've found me out and it scares me shitless that you've seen behind my mask. When I tell you to leave me alone, I want you to be assured that YOU will forever be portrayed in this relationship as the crazy stalker, not me. I WANT you to think I want you to go away, even though I will always be checking to see if you come groveling back. That would really tickle my ego. Plus, I have already moved on to a new victim. So i have no need for you whatsoever. I didn't take any money from you, nothing that was tangible, so that means that I can never be accused of abusing or preying on you in any way. I loved the fantasy of your being my perfect mirror and doormat and was genuinely disappointed to find out that you are your own person whom I can't utterly control. But just to reiterate: you lost the perfect man of your dreams and it was completely YOUR fault, as everything was and is YOUR fault. I'm only saying this in the hope that it will torture you.

"I honestly and truly hope that you find some peace. If I am sorry for anything, then it is that I told you to fuck off like that; you will never know the amount of stress and pain that I was under that night."

Trans: I honestly hope you find no peace -- especially not after the way I treated you, but I want to sound the like the Prince that I know I am and send you off with what sounds like a blessing for your happiness. In reality, you are a psychotic bitch who will be forever tormented by the loss of me, but I enjoy condescending to you by sounding so high-minded and decent. If I had to pretend to be sorry for something for the sake of appearances, it was that I wounded you in the cruelest way imaginable (which I did with selfish pleasure) but, once again, you totally deserved it and I was entitled to treat you exactly as I did.

Oct 11 - 7AM
WhiteSwan44's picture

Right on the mark!

You translated his letter beautifully, d441! I couldn't have done it better myself.
Oct 9 - 11PM
ifinallygotit's picture

I can't comment

I only received 3 word texts and emails for last 10 years - he never cared enough to write a full sentence to me - no less letter or card
Oct 9 - 11PM (Reply to #21)
dulcinea441's picture

Mine only wrote such a long

Mine only wrote such a long letter because he wants to repeat as much as possible the message that I am sick and undeserving of love. He also wants to make himself look good, as though he is a kind and rational man, even though his prior letter to me was an obscenity-laced tirade designed to destroy my soul. His last spoken (screamed, actually) words to me, over the phone, were "FUCK YOU!!!" And then he hung up. That is how he said "goodbye" to his "divine wife" and "soulmate." It doesn't matter how many words they write or say, or of what sort, the meaning is all the same: they do not care, have never cared, will never care.
Oct 9 - 11PM
freaked's picture

this post made me weep

tears streaming down and i note that this is what all he did to me. my life got wasted so mercilessly. there really is no future left now. i HATE HIM and his BITCH OF A MOTHER AND ASSHOLE FATHER. BASTARDS. I DONT KNOW WHY THEY ARE ALL STILL ALIVE AND STRONG? WHY AM I A SCAPEGOAT VICTIM WHO HAS NO PLACE TO GO?
Oct 9 - 11PM (Reply to #18)
dulcinea441's picture

Freaked, the last thing we

Freaked, the last thing we can do is let these bastards win by making us think we have no future without them. That is exactly how they want us to feel. I woke up the day after my narc finally discarded me for good and it was as though the sun had gone out and the world gone completely dark. I still feel that way most days, but I know it will get better with time and, someday, I know I will wake up to birds singing again and the beautiful light of a new day streaming through my window. That will happen for you, too. Stay strong -- you are not alone. There are millions and millions of brokenhearted people in the world and many of those millions will make the world a better place for their experience. Your heart will grow and become even more compassionate because of your suffering, and the day will come when a REAL love walks into your life and you will be ready for it -- I promise! Hugs
Oct 10 - 12AM (Reply to #19)
freaked's picture

dulcinea. thanks

Thanks so much dulcinea. you sent me a ray of sunshine and i feel grateful. from my abyss of darkness, i send you my love and light. i know what you mean..yes, i notice i have become far more compassionate nowadays than ever i was before. i really feel empathy for each member here as i read the posts. it is all such a frightening and helpless life.
Oct 9 - 11PM
dulcinea441's picture


Thanks for all the comments, Ladies. I can't help but notice how "Mr. Originality" is basically a robot downloaded with the same program that all the narc-bots apparently share. Reminds me that I didn't lose anything all that special, after all!
Oct 9 - 11AM
tresor2's picture

The garble is all he same.

They take no ownership and put everything back on us. It's truly heart-wrenching when we so desperately want to communicate and work things out and all we get back is a word salad. Because my xN is lawyer, he knows better than to put anything in writing. I was the one who sent emails and his responses were either no response or a few one liners. Not sure what is worse; being ignored or having to sift through the verbal garbage. Thanks for sharing this...I know how difficult this is to process.
Oct 9 - 10AM
la.luna's picture


Do these people share one brain? The hair on the back of my neck stood up because I've heard all of that before. I'm so glad you got out and you're honing your ability to cut through the B.S.
Oct 9 - 8AM
dazedandcnonfused's picture

Sounds familiar!!!

I have received 4 or 5 emails and texts similiar to this one over the last 2 yrs. Its always my fault why he is no longer talking to me. It is always me painted as the crazy one that needs help and meds. I have never needed to see a psychchologist before him. I believe with myex is he is a coward and is in fear that he grows to close to me. I think its a way to protect himself and withdrawal and make the relatioship crumbles appear to be my fault. In fact , each letter I have gotten has explained exactly what I did wrong in a word salad, and to reinforce that he did no wrong and that it was all me.
Oct 9 - 5PM (Reply to #13)
onwithmylife's picture

dazed and confused

DID you date my exnarc, same thing with mine, made all these absurd accusations about my cheating on him when we were together, I never did, but did go out to meet new guys when he dumped me off and on, which was totally appropriate, but his brain is so screwed up he cannot look inward at himself and see how he treated me.Sickos to the core.........If he had treated me well we would not have broken up and i would of had no desire to get out in the dating world again,
Oct 9 - 6AM
Tigerlily's picture

Mine was exactly the same, Dulcie!

I sent his last mail back to him attached to an old "Mailer Daeomon Failure Notice" with all the pertinent data changed. It was a bit of work, but well worth it in terms of satisfaction. He never mailed any more after that. I also feel sad and wounded sometimes, but my bottom line is: Let the poor little shit go on posturing in his world of delusion - it`s the only thing he`s good at. How`s the NC going? How`s the writing going? Love, Tigerlily
Oct 9 - 3AM
Sea's picture

Very passive-aggressive! Only

Very passive-aggressive! Only 1 message - you are mad and 100% wrong, i am the God telling you so! My exN cant be bothered with even entertaining me with such writeups. He just say "you are manipulative, possessive and a confirmed mad woman, u need help but not from me".
Oct 9 - 1AM
ValiditySeeker's picture

Any chance you can stick it

Any chance you can stick it back in it's envelope and seal it with "Return to sender" written on it? Otherwise, burn it. He's abusive in his lack of responsibility and seems to be enjoying your "psychiatric problems." Good work on being able to see right through him.
Oct 9 - 1AM (Reply to #8)
dulcinea441's picture

Haha-- I wish that were

Haha-- I wish that were possible with email, I really do!
Oct 9 - 1PM (Reply to #9)
ValiditySeeker's picture

Oh I thought you meant a paper letter.

It's obvious he didn't mean that he hoped for the best for you. Blocking his email address is the best way to avoid future emails filled with his "best wishes."
Oct 9 - 1AM
rosedewittbukater's picture


Yup, you pretty much nailed it girl! It does say alot about your healing that you are able to decode this communication! They always have to have the last word, and will project and blame to no end. I'm glad you can see through this. "Psychiatric help" what an assclown! They will try really hard to make their victims sound like crazy stalkers but we all know the truth! looking back over some of my emails or even voicemails I see them in a whole different light now. Thanks for sharing!! xx, Rose
Oct 9 - 1AM (Reply to #2)
dulcinea441's picture

Thanks, Rose. The thing is,

Thanks, Rose. The thing is, if I showed this to anyone else (anyone outside our community of survivors), they'd think, "Well that just sounds like a reasonable man who was genuinely disappointed that the relationship didn't work out and now just wants the both of you to move on and find peace!" Of course, they have no idea the months of the malicious verbal abuse, the irrational temper tantrums, silent treatment, and manipulation that preceded this. It honestly seems as though he wrote it with a larger audience in mind, hoping that HE'D come off as the reasonable one if I ever tried to "out" him (which I won't, but I think he lives in fear of it anyway). Oh yeah -- I should add, this wasn't quite the last thing he wrote to me, because immediately after he sent this email he appended a P.S. saying that if I REALLY felt the need to talk, we could, as long as I refrained from bringing more "horror" into his life. I never responded to that. Idiot.
Oct 19 - 4AM (Reply to #6)
ssm's picture


Did we date the same idiot?? I swear I heard all those words before. I am so sorry , you are such a beautiful soul to have to endure that. Your email haunts me , and makes me SICK. I have heard the same words.
Oct 11 - 2AM (Reply to #5)
destiny (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

mine wrote similar long

mine wrote similar long emails.... and also would follow almost always with a PS email.... maybe they are the same narc
Oct 9 - 5PM (Reply to #4)
rosedewittbukater's picture

Dulcinea - Good!!

Good for you for not responding. Basically the same thing happened with me and Cruella DeVille. I wrote her a two page letter very civil not nasty at all but laying it all out how she had hurt me and that I could not continue unless she agreed to go to counseling together. She responded back with nothing but excuses and not owning up to a single thing or indicating any way she would change or make any effort to "save us" - and not lose me. At that point I could see that it was hopeless - and I never responded to that letter. IPOY (I'm proud of you) !!! xx Rose
Oct 9 - 3AM (Reply to #3)
meik11's picture

You are so right about

You are so right about showing others or telling others outside of this community about your Narc. Other people just don't understand. The 1 and only person (my best friend) that I tried to explain his behavior to and tell about narcs told me i need to stay off the internet and quit trying to diagnose people. There were times when I would tell her about a situation with the narc and she would constantly make excuses for him. In the beginning she had me apologizing to him thinking it was me... It's funny how there fake as persona has the ability to not only make you think your wrong but make others think you are wrong too...I guess that is partly my fault because I would always tell her when he did something good but kept his abuse to myself because I was so embarrassed and ashamed that I allowed him to treat me that way...