Narc and seasons

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#1 Sep 9 - 12PM
needing2know's picture

Narc and seasons

If anyone knows about narc. and how they act during seasons? read something bout this but not sure I understand, do they actually change with the seasons?

Sep 9 - 6PM
Happy1's picture

Thy really change like a

Thy really change like a switch any time they feel like it. They get bored constantly and look for stimulation. They can't sit still with one person or one thing. Thy have to keep preoccupied because they don't know what else to do. There's no calm in their heads. No peace of mind will ever exist with them. Best to not try and figure him out. They come and go and come and go. They will use you as long as it's exciting and they're getting something they want out of it. It's not about you. Sucks but true
Sep 9 - 5PM
dabussard's picture

D&D in spring

Mine D&d me in the spring... He told me he would see in November... Come November, he can kiss my ass!!! lol...
Sep 9 - 5PM (Reply to #13)
needing2know's picture

During my N's very mean D&D

During my N's very mean D&D he tried to hug me and said sorry! I told him "don't say sorry for something you wanted to do"
Sep 9 - 3PM
Freedom101's picture

Special events are great

Special events are great places to recognize we're unimportant. He forgot my birthday first time we dated. Sort of said it all to me and was the beginning of the end. Second time around was a few months after breaking up. Birthday coming around again. He was late, took me out to dinner, moody, hadn't got me a present cos I needed to be there but didn't bother getting anything else either as a token gift. It was just another day. Broke up shortly after. Next time around was later in the year and it happened to be his birthday. Found incriminating evidence on his laptop on his special day. I left. Last time around he was super super nice to me on my birthday. Too nice. It was annoying. "It's your special day, what do you want, let me do this for you, that for you, whatever your heart desires, it's your day." I was like, geez, you don't have to swing to the other end of the spectrum. Just be like a normal person! It didn't matter anyway because he'd treated me like shit in the ER the week before, so it was already the beginning of the end. Our first Christmas sucked. The nicest thing he ever did for me as far as gift giving was when he hoovered me last christmas with a really nice card and a check so me and the kids could buy something for ourselves. We weren't even dating then, so he was trying. If he sends me anything again, I'll just rip it up. I made the mistake of emailing him telling him thanks, but I couldn't accept it. That opened the door and I was off back down the yellow brick road again.
Sep 9 - 3PM
greengirl91's picture

Mine changed during days and

Mine changed during days and nights! Like switching a different channel on tv. I bet he still does the same thing right now. But I know Narcs who changed during seasons as well. New season, new girlfriend.
Sep 9 - 12PM
Layla's picture

"An asshole for all seasons"

...made no damn difference to him! He was especially fond of ruining all of our holidays more....never again....I took away the power..... : )
Sep 9 - 3PM (Reply to #6)
spinning's picture


Love the title of your movie/book! Can I write the forward? Oh wait, we're on the Path Forward!!! LOVE THIS IT CRACKS ME UP 'AN ASSHOLE FOR ALL SEASONS!!!' I am literally laughing out loud at my desk! I can picture a best seller/blockbuster featuring interviews with all of us here! Hilarious!! And yes, holidays? What holidays. The sick freak managed to RUIN every one of my birthdays for the past six years. Next week I'll celebrate my first disordered-borderline-freak-free birthday. For the first time in six long years it will be a good day. Thanks for posting your response, Layla. It's hilarious! Also, needing2know, for what it's worth the sick freak I was involved with D & D'd me twice (I know, I'm a slow learner) at almost the exact same time of year two years in a row. The first D & D was late October 2009 and I made it 21 days NC before he hoovered and I let him in. The second was November 6, 2010 and there is no looking back. I love it that it wasn't even in the same year we're currently in. And my 12 month NC celebration is just around the corner and I'm thinking of making it a new mandatory HOLIDAY for the entire planet. Maybe Layla can come up with a catchy name? With deep love and gratitude to all who stop here, (not) spinning. NOT EVEN A LITTLE BIT TODAY. THE SICK FREAK IS DEAD TO ME. HE NEVER REALLY EXISTED IN THE FIRST PLACE.


Sep 9 - 3PM (Reply to #9)
Susan32's picture

D&D'd in autumn

Same here. The FINAL D&D, in my case, went from September to December. It spanned from autumn to winter. Your D&Ds were in October and November. Commonly, D&Ds happen in the springtime/mating season. Looking back, I realized my D&Ds happened in the autumn. Though I was hoovered BIG TIME the autumn of my sophomore year. I nearly ended the "relationship" in the autumn of my junior year. During my final D&D, one of my friends noted that Narcs tend to D&D in the spring/summer, when they're on the prowl. So, she concluded that for a Narc, the ex-P was a TOTAL FREAK. As in beyond abnormal.
Sep 9 - 3PM (Reply to #8)
Layla's picture

I'm at my desk at work too! Haha!

LOL! Feeling slightly feverish today.....but I am on a roll anyway! Hahahaa!!! I was waiting for "someone" to catch on my post title....hahahaa! I am waiting to be interviewed for our little documentary...."All right, Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up" ; ) Layla
Sep 9 - 3PM (Reply to #7)
needing2know's picture


Funny you mentioned the D&D date mine always did it in the middle of July!!!
Sep 9 - 12PM (Reply to #5)
gypsii's picture

ha - holidays!

OMG - Holidays were the worst!!! Please note the word "were" ;)
Sep 9 - 12PM (Reply to #4)
gypsii's picture

ha - holidays!

OMG - Holidays were the worst!!! Please note the word "were" ;)
Sep 9 - 12PM (Reply to #3)
needing2know's picture

At Christmas was the ONLY

At Christmas was the ONLY time he would be really generous! I spent 2 Thanksgiving with him in 7 yrs.
Sep 9 - 12PM
gypsii's picture


My exN had problems with seasons (hated fall/winter), but at the end of the day they have problems with EVERYTHING! They change because it gets harder for them to fake it, seasons remind them (i think) that time keeps moving and they are going nowhere. They can't control time, seasons, change...that pisses them off.