mohawk131313's story

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#1 Aug 24 - 3PM
mohawk131313's picture

mohawk131313's story

In love with a man who never existed

I met my ex N 6 years ago. We lived in the same complex and on the same street. The first 6 months were amazing, I was head over heals in love as was he (so I thought). He moved in.. I found things on his computer, disturbing things, womens names on his IM that I didnt know, porn he said he never looked at, He was just very shady. That lasted 1 1/2 months and I actually had him escorted out of my apartment by the police. Well he was able to rent another aprtment on the same street I was living on but down a bit farther. We ended up getting back together but never moved back in with one another. The first time back together was prob a year and then less and less and less. He was the biggest liar I have ever met. He would lie about ANYTHING!! Didnt matter what it was about. You name it, he would lie about it. My friends would call him out on his lies and if you did that, You were dead to him at that point. He was also the most vindictive person on the face of the planet. You do him wrong and he will do you wrong 5 x fold. He used to always start a fight with me on purpose when I didnt do anything and leave me sitting there the whole night or sometimes the whole weekend, crying wondering what it is that I did. He had me so convinced it was me that was wrong. I would text him and leave messages apologizing and beggeing him to call me back. Ide stay up all night crying becuase he wasnt home and I didnt know where he was. 3 days later he would call me and act like nothing even happened. I would ask him where he was and he would give me some sad pathetic story that he stayed at a friends houe the entire weekend. when I would ask why he didnt answer the phone the excuse would be.. he didnt have roaming on his phone or he forgot his charger or didnt pay the phone bill so they shut it off. Every time we broke up and got back togather he would have a new phone and new phone number. Last count he had 8 phones. Sometimes he would tell me that the Cricket place gave him $50 worth of free minutes so he was changing his plan and I never questioned it. he never ever spent 1 holiday with me in 6 years. Oh wait, I apologize... last thansgiving he did spend the night with me. 1 holiday out of 6 years. He would fight with me 2 or 3 days before every holiday and I would have to spend it alone. he would purposley start fights and his car wouldnt be home for days... those night were horrible for me. I still feel the pain when I think about sitting on my patio at 3am just sobbing, knowing he was sharing someone elses bed. Well this went on for years... Did help that we lived in the same complex and on the same street, but we did. We have had cops involved, people calling when he would get so angry and so loud and just screaming his hot breath into my face, at least a half a dozen times people had called out of fear that he was going to hurt me. Once he even threatened me when i refused to get back togehter with him and went and took a restraining order out on me stating that I threaten to kill him. We went to court for 6 months while I tried to fight it. That ended after he brought a gun to court with him and was supposed to turn in all his fire arms after I took one out on him. It has just been crazy betrween us.. The yelling , the swearing, the verbal abuse, and yes he did put bruises on my arms once when I heard a message on his answering machine from some woman trying to talk all sweet and sexy to him. He turned it around on me that I hacked into his phone messages. I was the bad one. Our last break up was in February.. then we got together again after 2 weeks for a "booty call"... I didnt hear from him after that day... 3 weeks later he MOVED OUT!! I hadnt heard from him in almost 4 months and then he started calling my phone, I would ignore it, I couldnt beleive he moved away. I was so hurt. I cant tell you how bad that made me feel. Well I answered the phone a week ago and we got together, twice. It was passionate and romantic and I felt so sexy and In love... and all he was doing was using me for sex. I found out that he moved in with his bosses daughter. We exchanged words and I told him I wanted nothing more ever to do with him and that all he does is brings drama to my life. He retaliated of course telling me that if I ever call him again he will take my crazy ass to court to get a PERMANENT RESTRAINING ORDER from me. We havent talked since. That is my story. I am numb to his lies and I am still angry and able to cope better than I normally am. I think I just got used to not having him in my ife and got used to him being with other women, even though I never had the hard proof. But I always new it in my gut. But I am strong and I am not going to let this jerk ever use me again. As I told him.. My last word were "I AM FINALLY DONE WITH YOU!"

Sep 12 - 12PM
JustVicki's picture


Aug 25 - 2PM
Hunter's picture

Welcome to Narcville.. Hunter