A life lesson

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#1 Apr 20 - 1AM
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A life lesson

By Jean Green (www.jeangreen.net)

''Learning the lessons that we are tasked to learn in this lifetime may not be the easiest thing that we have had to do by any means.

Feeling the pull of a soul connection, having our heart ripped out of our chest, stepped on a time or two, is nothing short of agony.

But to experience pleasure we must also become familiar with pain. Dualism is at work in our lives, we cannot experience the highs without knowing the lows.

This is a difficult thought to entertain, a law of the Universe that we may desire to ignore, yet cannot be denied.

The soul connection was presented to us to wake us up to what it is that we are to learn, the work that we are to do in this lifetime.

No one said that life would be easy. And having experienced a soul connection situation has definitely made us aware that this much is true.

We may feel that happiness is something that eludes us, that we will never find the joy of a successful and satisfying relationship like we witness so many others to be experiencing.

Yet this is a delusion that we create for ourselves, a by product of the emotional traumas that we have allowed ourselves to succumb to. The slate between the partners has been wiped clean, and a new chapter in ones life may now begin

Perhaps our self esteem has fallen to an all time low, our fears have taken hold of us, and we begin to believe that where we find ourselves to be today is the place where we will always be, and that is where we need to stop the self defeating thoughts, the self abuse , the low self esteem.

The mental gymnastics that we use to torture ourselves with, the ” If only I …” and the ” I should have done x, y, and z.” are issues that must be addressed as they have reared their ugly head now and can only be non productive, disrupting us in our process of personal and spiritual growth and development.

When these issues have been resolved, we will find ourselves with a greater sense of self esteem and the confidence that we need to achieve the happiness and success that we seek in all areas of our lives. This includes our relationships.

We will be in a much better position to meet and attract an individual that shares these positive qualities, When two people come together without all these issues, the chance of a relationship being a satisfying and successful one is greatly increased.

We may meet a kindred spirit. The partner for us may be one that starts off as a conventional relationship as opposed to a soul connection, yet the bond can be intense the relationship very satisfying, something that we may have never thought to be possible.

If there will be no return with the soul connection partner, it may seem at the time to be something from which we feel that we will never recover.

We will never forget them.

Yet we are better for it, because we will have seen what needed to be seen, done what needs to be done, achieved growth, and have felt the tremendous pain necessary to experience the happiness and joy that lie at the other end of the spectrum''

When will you acknowledge and own this life lesson?
