Justice through NC?

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#1 Nov 30 - 9AM
Deidre40's picture

Justice through NC?

Throughout this whole journey with NC, it never really occurred to me, that justice can be found in it. We talk about ‘justice’ a lot having gone through the horrible effects of having relationships with narcs/psychopaths.

So…I wanted to share something, I thought could be of help. I have mentioned that he has been hoovering/baiting through one final friend, who still had my home phone. She left me a few vm msgs stating that the n was texting me, and why wasn’t I texting back? (I changed my cell number) Then, this escalated to him actually emailing me recently under an alias…complete with a happy thanksgiving email last week! To all of these contact attempts, I have NOT replied. Guess what? It’s effortless now. It’s like hearing about a stranger, or getting an email from the mail man. It is meaningless. (well I do think my mailman is sweet, so no offense to him) lol

And I no longer care what he thinks and all..BUT. For those who are struggling with NC. When you really commit to it. I MEAN REALLY COMMIT. A narc will perceive you as having the upper hand. It’s a strange occurrence, when you realize this. But, that is what is happening now, I think. He can’t believe he lost control. He thought for sure, I’d text him…wishing him a happy thanksgiving. He thought for sure I wouldn’t ignore him. Afterall, I am a softie. (or so he remembers me as this) But, when we go NC…we grow. And we emerge a stronger being. Perhaps, in that sense, we do have the upper hand. He doesn’t call any shots on me. He has no bearing in my life whatsoever. Unless I come here to chat about all this with all of you…I don’t think about him, much.

So when you’re wondering if there’s justice. There it is. STAY NC and you will not only gain a new you…you will have outsmarted a narc. That’s probably as close to justice as we might personally get. (I do believe there is justice in other ways, because narcs piss so many people off…only a matter of time before they eat karma pie) But…there is personal satisfaction in knowing…he can’t believe, he lost control. And by him frantically talking about me, and reaching out to me…it shows that he doesn’t do so well, when he lacks control.

Anyways…just my musings for the day. :=)

Dec 1 - 9PM
gratefuljen's picture

What a great post!

Thank you, all you wrote it is so true. Freedom, happiness, and sanity, all gained by sticking to NO CONTACT, no matter what!!!! I will never speak, write, talk, text, email, fb ever again. To me, he does not exist, and think about it, he really doesn't.
Dec 1 - 8PM
Crazy Train
Crazy Train's picture

You Go Girl! Proud of you!!!

You Go Girl! Proud of you!!!
Dec 1 - 6AM
ReclaimingPower's picture

Amen! Aaaah, empowerment. :)

Amen! Aaaah, empowerment. :)
Dec 1 - 5AM
EiPuff (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

your post REALLY helped

Deidre40, thank you so much - my fellow bloggers talked me out of a final text yesterday that I thought would dis him - they convinced me that it wouldn't matter to him in the least, the only msg he would get is that I'm still thinking about him. I wanted the upper hand badly and you just healed my thoughts and helped me tremendously with this post. Thank you again.
Dec 1 - 10AM (Reply to #16)
Deidre40's picture

i'm sooo happy to read

i'm sooo happy to read this. honestly? you want the upper hand? stay NC. LOL Seriously...you will gain the upper hand when you ignore him completely. Don't talk about him with anyone. He no longer exists in your world. He will return. You will be stronger. You will have won. That's not why we go NC, but...it's icing on the cake. ;)
Nov 30 - 6PM
Susan32's picture

How to outsmart a Narc...

I think I learned how to bake that karma pie thanks to http://www.foodtv.com The ex-Psych wouldn't hoover me when I was happy, or had a sense of humor. As one of my college friends (now a lawyer) said, "You're not good prey." If I joked around, it would send him running the other way. When I was off happy doing things, he left me alone. But during the final D&D, when I was sobbing, angry, in pain, he hoovered like crazy. I know, NOT all Ns are like that. Some Ns can only put up with people when they're happy... and bail when there's grief&difficulty. Besides, I knew the ex-P's weaknesses and how to hone in on those. Wishing him a happy Thanksgiving would have ticked him off... because he HATED the holidays. I think that's why the ex-P would be "attracted" to me when I was unhappy or humorless... it's what he wanted. It made him feel in control. He knew that if I were happy and/or humorous, I was the one having the upper hand. Seeing me weepy, angry, despairing, that made him feel POWERFUL. I even had to practice NC on the ex-P during my senior thesis examination. Afterwards, my friends noted his rude behavior during it. He fidgeted, he leaned back in his chair and slammed it down, zoned out, totally detached. He only asked one question. I basically ignored him. I went thru the whole examination without a hitch, totally engrossed and engaged in the discussion. If I had flubbed it by getting angry with HIS behavior, he would've had the upper hand. The ex-P D&D'd me... I was the one cast aside for his rather serious, humorless girlfriend... but let's just say he didn't know what he was dealing with. My freshman year, he called me a poltergeist. Any paranormal expert can tell you that you CAN'T control a poltergeist;it would be beyond stupid to even try.
Dec 1 - 11PM (Reply to #14)
Agi72's picture

unable to NC

It was interesting reading your post, cause whenever we broke up and I was down and sad or crying, he pulled more away and just said you ll be fine, but then 5 days later when I became stronger and joke with coworkers, he was keep on approaching me, or walk around my station 5 times a day, and finally called like no break up happened. We work in the same place and somedays he is my boss, some days other boss I got, that days he works further away but still can see eachother from a distance. The last time at Thanksgiving he took me to be introduced to his family after 1 year, then we came back and he said he doesnt know what he wants, and I think he is strated something with a another coworker 3 days ago. So tomorrow I go back to work after the vacation and I gotta see both of them? he probably lie to her that he is single. Oh we were secret too cause you not allowed dating upper mngmt in there. If I put up the happy face, he wont feel any guilt and just go on with the girl, but also dont want him to see me so down how I really feel. But so wishing to tell the girl that he is a lie from their first day.
Nov 30 - 1PM
Layla's picture

What a smart and beautiful post..........

....loved this because it is SO true!!!! love~ Layla
Nov 30 - 10AM
Lisa87's picture

Love this Deidre

You are sooooo very very right!! It is all about their control and they will stop at nothing to get it back. We have the power within ourselves to choose what we want in our lives...and its not a disordered freakboy! We need to continue to stay NC and gain our control back!!
Nov 30 - 9AM
NarcJunkie's picture

The earlier the better

I went NC way too late. Right before and after my D&D I actually did fine. I instinctively stayed away from him and kept my cool. But I didn't know he was a Narc, I didn't understand - so when he started to guilt-trip me and make a big drama ("You ignore me! You don't show me respect at work!") I tried to soothe him and make things work somehow to rekindle our "friendship". He was pleased to see that he could still manipulate me even after treating me like dirt. He was also pleased to see how it got to me when he hooked up with OW. Again, I was cool in the beginning, but the longer they stayed together the harder it got. For maybe 2 months after my D&D he wasn't sure about OW and he was still vaguely hoovering me. If I had gone NC back then and really committed to it, as you say, then he would have been pissed off and powerless, agreed. But instead I continued to give the MF supply - in the form of attention and suffering - for another 8 MONTHS... I am so angry at myself for compromising my dignity - but I was going through hell, seeing him and OW at work everyday. I didn't run after him, and I never contacted him in private. But I tried to reconnect every now and then, bc I missed him like crazy, I tried to be nice to him, to make him understand that he didn't have to push me away... so obviously he knew he still "had me". I finally went NC when he threw a major tantrum about a month before our contracts ended, and I'm pretty sure he was surprised that I didn't send him a soothing e-mail like before. It probably also bothered him a bit that I didn't so much as look at him on his last day and didn't sign his goodbye card. But the fact is: he's got supply, he doesn't need me, he doesn't care. It all came too late. NC=justice... yes, but only if they're still hoovering. How I WISH I had shoved it down his throat earlier!
Nov 30 - 10AM (Reply to #9)
Deidre40's picture

narc junkie

Oh...now here is where you are wrong. Never ever too late for NC. Here's why. Because time literally stands still with these nuts. lol Seriously. How do I know? Because for my ex to hoover after all this time... and wish me a happy thanksgiving? ha ha haaa That was all designed to bait me...to get me to text back. So he could probably insult me, is my guess. That was typically his old MO when he would hoover in the past. He actually thought that I would! WHY? Because it worked in the past. My point is this. They don't grow. They don't evolve. If I were to have a conversation with my ex N...MOST LIKELY...he'd probably bring up every wrong thing I did in the relationship, as if we broke up yesterday. They don't grow...they don't truly move on. They seem like they move on because they're with new supply. But, they truly don't move on ...they stay stuck in their weirdness, and insecurities. The new supply is a mere distraction for how pathetic they are. So...you may get another chance at bat. lol But, regardless of that...going NC is for us. Justice is just icing. And I encourage you to think of your trial...those long 8 months...as necessary to your growth. It was during that very hard time, you stretched and grew. Painful as it was. You will probably never relive that, because the pain of those 8 months will serve as a reminder. Really, I think that while you think you lost your dignity, you gained a new life.
Dec 1 - 9AM (Reply to #10)
NarcJunkie's picture

Thanks, Deidre :)

I sure hope so. Right now it doesn't feel like I achieved much - and the road ahead seems so very long and lonely. I thought I'd grown a lot this year, but some days I'm not so sure... I'm still so easily manipulated, I still have deep self-esteem issues. It doesn't help that the Narc just had his visa approved after all and will now be off to his dream job to try and become a big shot in Hollywood (perfect place for him) with the poor OW who doesn't know that hell awaits her. It's not fair and it makes me so angry. I will, no doubt, run into him again sooner or later as our industry is small. Maybe he'll try to hoover, maybe I'll get the satisfaction of ignoring him.... maybe by then, he'll have pissed off a few more people and I'll be HIS boss... haha, now that would be Karma for sure! But seriously, I hope I'll NEVER have to work with him again.. UGHHHHH...
Nov 30 - 9AM
Hunter's picture

Yep... No contact.. No

Yep... No contact.. No pain, Hunter
Nov 30 - 9AM (Reply to #7)
Hunter's picture

True D.. The solution is

True D.. The solution is really very simple.. But that damn heart gets in the way.. PM me your # its FL time .. I'd love to see you. Hunter
Nov 30 - 9AM (Reply to #6)
Deidre40's picture

hey girl...i owe so much of

hey girl...i owe so much of my recovery to you. really. thank you, hunter. i will say...there's some pain in the beginning stages of nc. but that pain is from disconnecting from abuse. but once you get through that. life's good.
Nov 30 - 9AM
Deidre40's picture

I think ignoring them is

I think ignoring them is honestly tantamount to torture in their heads. seriously. but saying that...that is NOT why we go NC. but i can't lie. it feels damn good knowing i regained control of my own life...and he still has none over his. still seeking supply. sniffing around back to me...for old supply. seeing is believing. stay nc peeps!
Nov 30 - 9AM
sara-smile's picture


This is so perfect! I never felt like I had any control until I went NC and stayed NC! It's an amazing feeling because you are actually in control for once with the Narc! Remember that NC = FU! LOL!
Dec 1 - 1PM (Reply to #3)
EiPuff (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


Lol at your great post & love your profile pic!
Nov 30 - 9AM (Reply to #2)
Deidre40's picture