Just getting over my latest narcissist

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#1 Nov 1 - 10PM
surroundedbythem's picture

Just getting over my latest narcissist

Hi All

I am divorcing my husband who is a narcissist. But having been separated for ten months I have been attracting them like moths to candle light. I am in therapy and my therapist told me I am a narcissist magnet- according to her I have model looks and low self-esteem which combine to form the narcissist's dream. The man i just broke up with(dating for 2 months exclusively) is seven years younger than me. Most people think I am in my 30's but I just turned 50. I do attract many younger guys but my cut-off is 43 (I think I'll raise that!)Anyway, he started dating me and came on waaaay to strong. He told me he loved me after our fourth date. After that he told me he loved me every single day up to ten times a day. These professions came as texts, phonecalls or in person. He tried to see me every day. He would leave work early. Wrote me two love poems and said in the poem
"Something I Must Say

So I really want to tell you,
Exactly how I feel,
Don’t want to scare you away,
But my emotions are for real.

Maybe it’s too soon,
To let it all hang out,
But I don’t want to wait,
And I don’t have any doubt.

So let me go ahead,
This is something I must do,
I just want to say,
That I’m in love with you."

This is after 7 dates over the span of 2 weeks. He also told me he never wrote a poem for anyone including his ex wife. Everytime he saw me he gave me a single red rose. He texted me nightly at 3 AM to say that he loves me and fantasized about me. I broke up with him today because yesterday because i happened to check Match.com and saw he reactivated his profile (he denied this which is stupid since it is easy to prove) We had a little disagreement yesterday morning because he was upset that I was asking too much from my divorce settlement ( what has that got to do with him?) but he smoothed it over and told me he misunderstood and all was well. Hmmm. I am hurt beyond belief! He had made palns for us to go away, plans for New Years, plans for our future. Then he goes behind my back, lies.Today (prior to breakup) he didnt text me except to say he was busy at work. He finally called me and denied the Match thing (liar) and told me that he decided I was to high-maintenance (I am?!!!) This was 24 hours after spending a passionate weekend in which he spoke of marriage,growing old together,etc. I told him that his behavior throughout was abnormal and that he needed help. He blew his lid and said I cross the line. I told him to f himself and good bye. So why am I so sad and mad at myself?

Nov 2 - 3AM
fooled no longer
fooled no longer's picture

Disappointed can seem like

Disappointed can seem like anger at yr self. Its more time u wasted. More lies u had to listen to. Destroys your faith in ever finding the right man. Thats all frustrating. Dont turn your anger inwards kust brush it off and start falling in love with yourself again. Spent time with you.