JoeP's story

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#1 Mar 24 - 5PM
joeP's picture

JoeP's story

I was in a club when a friend of mine walked in with her. He introduced her around and within a half hour we were talking. I felt an instant connection and even told her I wish I had met her first. She told me that she and my friend were just friends and asked if she could get in touch with me. I told her I had to ask my friend first to make sure all was ok as I didn't want to cause any bad feelings. My friend hesitated at first but finaly said go for it but keep your eyes open. I so wish now I ask him more about that. I went over her house on our first date and she was on the phone. She totally ignored me until I got my coat to leave then she hung up and gave me some BS story and asked me to forgive her. She seemed really interesting and so different from anyone I had ever met, not to mention I was so lonely, so I let it slide. I kept trying to get close to her but she would only let me get so close then she would push me away. When I got frustratrated she would pour on the charm. It seemed she would go thru this I want you-you suck, I want you-you suck cycle which was the start of the crazy making for me. It kept me off balence and wanting things to be better because when she wanted me I was in heaven. The honeymoon was the best thing I had experienced in years if not ever. Now I began to see some red flags. When I asked her about them there was always some doubletalk and irritation so I learned to not ask. By this time she owned me. Then her true colors began to surface. She started to change. Slowly I began to feel insecure, confused and the stress was ever present. I began to lose my appetite and I could barely sleep nights. I lived to get back to the early weeks of the relationship. I began to do everything for her thinking if she saw how committed I was and how much I cared for her she would reciprocate, but that was not to be. I bought her clothes, presents, holidays, and gave her money thinking if her life was better she wouldn't be so stressed out. Never getting anything in return mind you. Now the cruelty started. The emotional abandonment, the lies, the manipulation, the control, the distain. Everything designed to hurt me to my core. This is how most of it went until the end.... In the end I was discarded like yesterdays trash. This is definately the short version. All I can say is in the end I didn't recognize who I had become. All I felt was numbness, nothing I could put a name too. I had lost 25 pounds and I was thin to begin with so I couldn't afford to lose that kind of weight. I was racked with such pain as I have never experienced before, I literally ached for her. What hurt even more is she didn't even miss a beat. She was with her new supply I think before it even ended. It was as if I never existed. The one thing I was able to do instinctively was to tell her I never wanted to see or hear from her again. I will be forever grateful to a good friend of mine who was an abuse survivor. She shed light on what had just happened to me. It even had a name - NPD. Since then I have been in recovery. I have learned all I can because in dealing with these creatures knowledge is power. I got into therapy shortly after and began doing all the suggested things, excercising, eating right, sleeping right, getting online support and helping others. I have a way to go but now at least there is sunlight at the end of the tunnel. When I was with her the light at the end of the tunnel was the train's headlight barrelling straight for me...

Apr 14 - 8AM
The Girlfriend ...
The Girlfriend of Dr Jekyl's picture

Dear 'JoeP'

Hi there. Glad you found your way here. I have found this support website to be one of the best for info and real support. And after a relationship with a Narcissist...we all need alot of support! one can give it like others who have been with someone with NPD themselves. Most others don't 'get it'...the peculiarities and abusiveness of NPD. I too met a wonderful fella via another support website, before I found this one. I had joined an online support group for people experiencing infidelity...something VERY common in a relationship with a narcissist. He & I have kept in communication with one another for over a year now, and he has come to mean much to me as someone special and important in my life...he is someone that I consider a friend and a very good man too, though we have never met face to face...I hope someday we he has helped restore my faith in the existance of normal & truly 'good guys'. He is sincere and genuine. Something his wife definately was not. I am sorry for the hurt you experienced in your relationship with your narcissistic wife. Although NPD seems more common in DOES exist in females too... When I was in Nursing School, there was a gal in my class who I now recognize as a Narcissist. At the time I remember her bragging about how she used men to get whatever she wanted from them. She bragged about cheating in all of her relationships and getting by with it. She even blamed all the other men involved, including her husbands (yes pleural, by age 36 she had been married 4 times)for not knowing they were being used...saying that if they were 'stupid enough' to get involved with her, then they deserved what they got...which was usually taken for a ride...and left with empty pockets...after she had seduced them and caused them to think she was 'in love', she said it was so easy to get them to give her whatever she wanted...she had a number of 'sugar daddies'...bragging that this behavior started in her teens...when she was 18 she had an affair with a married CEO of a major company...who would give her ANYTHING she wanted...which included a new car, nice furnished apartment, money, credit cards, trips, travel, vacations, jewelry...and an unlimited free for all of exchange for a sexual relationship, and her only rule to follow was that his 'wife' was to never find the end. she explained with glee how much fun it was flaunting her relationship to the wife...and how it 'served the CEO sugar daddy right' that he ended up losing hs status...and his wife/family etc. That it was 'his own fault' for getting involved with her...after all, he 'used her for sex'...why shouldn't she use him for whatever she wanted (according to her sick way of thiking)??? She couldn't care less about the hurt and devastation she caused to the innocent parties involved. This gal was very pretty. Movie-star pretty, and she also used to brag that she could bed any man on the planet(married or not)...even the most moral, strong man who loved his wife. She also regularly wanted to be invited over to my house to 'study'...OMG no way!!! then husband was an attractive dentist...and I am sure she saw $$$ and opportunity in this too...I wasn't going to let her anywhere near my own little family!!! She was positvely POISON!!!...and this is how I have come to see ALL of poison...they ruin lives...cause immense destruction...then walk away self satisfied with a smile...leaving you in a heap and barely breathing...they are LETHAL, and alien...not real humans. Anyway, I am glad you have told some of your story here 'JoeP', it will help you alot to write things down and share...and someday after you have leave behind your story here on this webpage for someone else to find and read...and help them understand...that just like it wasn't your was NOT their's either... One step behind... xo
Apr 13 - 9PM
Introspection's picture

My first love and only love....

has been my x and I say this with a heavy heart. I do have someone that really loves me and wants to have a relationship with me and I just can't love him!!! I read through your story and it very similar to mine. Always doing all he wanted so that he could see how much I loved him although deep down inside, I knew he would not stay. Honestly, I think both you and I knew they would leave and this is why we did ALL we could to keep them happy! I know that we are on our way to recovery and one thing I can say is that I am a better person after this awful experience. I could have gone through life without it but since I did, I'm now in a better position to choose the right man next time. Are you at a point in your life where you may be ready to go into a new relationship JoeP?
Mar 24 - 6PM
foolmeonce's picture

Female N's

At the time I was involved with my exN, I met a new friend - she was fun and interesting and always up for a good time and she was definitely an N. It's funny that I saw thru her so quickly and ended the friendship- but I could not see thru him. Maybe it was because I was more familiar with how women are and she was so off - or maybe it's because I was not in love with her - I don't know. I wonder if guys are able to see male N's more clearly. I sort of think they can because they probably don't fall for the whole prince charming thing - the people who tried to warn me that my exN was an N were males and they definitely weren't buying his false self.
Mar 24 - 7PM (Reply to #6)
joeP's picture

I tend to agree

Yes, I can definately see thru a guy's BS. What's realy confusing about this is I can usualy see thru a womens BS as well. I think it was the fog of being so lonely that I didn't want to see it
Mar 24 - 6PM
Kelly's picture

A guy?

So many women on this site going through the pain of being D&D'd by a narc or psychopath. I have had nothing but bad experiences like the one you described for the past four years with different guys who were all "different" from each other on the outside. I have to go to therapy so I can learn how to trust men again after this. I'm paranoid that they are all narcs or abusers. I'm glad you're here. Good to know there are men out there who actually feel something for a woman, but just out of curiosity and I hope you will not be offended. Being hurt by a narc is so brutal and if you are in the initial stages of healing, then it will take time. Do you think you would have wanted to stay with her if she wasn't keeping you walking on eggshells? Seems like for me, as soon as the honeymoon is over, the guys run for the hills. When they know I want them, they are gone.
Mar 24 - 6PM (Reply to #3)
joeP's picture

That is a valid question

"Do you think you would have wanted to stay with her if she wasn't keeping you walking on eggshells?" I think that her keeping me walking on eggshells was strangley familiar to me. Because of the emotional abuse (I believe my father had a disordered personality, possibly NPD and my mother was an adult child of an alchoholic) I experienced as a child definately made her a powerful attraction for me. I think it kept me loyal to her far longer than any reasonable person would have been. However, being drawn into sickness is not what ultimately makes me happy. Even though her sickness was a powerful attractent in the beginning it was what caused me to want to flee early on, I just couldn't... The last relationship I wanted to stay in forever was with one of the most healthy women I know. It was in the end her wish to seperate. To this day we are the best of friends and I love her dearly. Sorry but I think my answer to your question is yes and no....
Mar 25 - 12AM (Reply to #4)
Kelly's picture

Fair enough

Thanks for the answer. It's comforting to know that you have been involved with someone healthy and wanted to stay. My first boyfriend was healthy. It's the only thing that keeps me grounded and believing that are good guys out there and that it's not just me only being attracted to the sicko's.
Mar 24 - 6PM
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Welcome joeP

Welcome... This article may help: get into therapy with a TRAUMA COUNSELOR asap - PLEASE go through ALL the pages on 'Message Board' as I have loaded it with articles and your questions have probably already been asked and answered many many times. Click through the pages and read what interests you. You'll get up to speed and learn a LOT. - PLEASE read the stories of others on SHARE YOUR STORY. This alone is one of the most validating things you can do! Far too many become completely wrapped up in their own drama... which just makes it all worse. It will also help you see the pattern of their INCURABLE PATHOLOGY. Your story is very very common. - PLEASE read through our whole blog: - chock full of articles about Ns and healing Please read all the Rules prior to posting, as well - listen to our free radio show - archived at: Remember this board is NEVER to be used as a replacement for therapy. Please find a therapist and start going as SOON as possible for whatever level of PTSD she's left you with!! BLOCK HER EMAILS, IMs and TEXTS change your phone & cell numbers NO CONTACT! AGAIN -- Get to a PTSD/ trauma counselor ASAP... Healing takes a MINIMUM of 18 months (with TOTAL NC) and you will need support & help from a professional. Please get it ASAP. Do not date before 18 months has passed! ~~~~~~~~~ The world is a dangerous place, not only because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing. - Albert Einstein Visit My Info. Website for Abuse Victims