For Jaycee in your time of terrible sorrow

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#1 Apr 28 - 7PM
Arwen's picture

For Jaycee in your time of terrible sorrow

Jaycee, your story makes me cry every time I come on this site because you make me think of my mother, and if I were your daughter I would tell you how much I love you and that you are more precious to me than gold and that you and I are going to get through this together and that means I will be here for you every moment of every day.

I want to tell you a story about a woman, the most beautiful woman who ever lived both inside and out, more beautiful than Elizabeth Taylor and Angelina Jolie combined, more talented the sweetest songbird that ever flew, funnier than Don Rickles and kinder than Saint Mary, and this woman who had every potential to get away from a terrible narc but didn't is now a bitter, mentally ill, sick, addicted old lady living in hell. That woman is my mother, Jaycee.

When my mother was 28 years old she already had the five of us. She met my father at fourteen and married him at eighteen, had my brother Martin at nineteen. Her mother abandoned her and her younger siblings to re-marry and her father loved her but was an alcoholic. She ate her way through her childhood and sang professionally. She should have been Deanna Durbin - Julie Andrews - that's how many offers she got to be in film, on stage, etc. But my father, this insanely talented and charismatic narc who was at the top of his field in the 50's stole her heart, and of course she had no parents who wanted her in their house, so she flew to my father. Within one week of their marriage, my father went into a dark room and did not come out for a week, did not speak a word to my mother except to order her to get food or drink for him. She saw then that he was bi-polar but did not know how to label it then. When she was 28 I was born in the midwest. My father was clergy and we moved every two or three years because he had developed a prescription drug addiction as well as a severe obsession with cheating, and he fucked up one job after another, dragging my mother and all of us down with him wherever he went. I lived in 10 states by age 14.

Six months after I was born my father came into our house with a woman named Bonnie. He and Bonnie sat my mother down in our living room and Bonnie said to my mother, "your husband and I are getting married, and I have $10,000 here to pay you for your five children whom I would like to have in exchange for the money". Your mouth is hanging open right? My father just sat there with his head hanging. He didn't stop this woman. My mother told her to fuck herself and she then packed and took FIVE children under the age of nine to Brooklyn to one bedroom, at my grandmother's who did not want her or us there. My mother did not have money, family money or any self-esteem despite her many charms and talents, and my father hoovered her like hell and she took him back. She has told me many times that she never loved him after that and in her heart he was dead. But she could never, ever leave him because her sense of her own worth was NIL - ZERO, and he died at age 53 leaving her nothing but her memories of their shared good times, horrific bad times and five children.

My mother is now re-married for 22 years to a man who has a good heart but has many, many issues that do not allow them to have sex or any real romance. She has always looked twenty years or more younger than her age. She is now a limping, sick, depressed and anxious woman who still lives in her low self-esteem world of my father. Blaming herself still. Married to someone she doesn't love just so she wouldn't be alone. Jaycee listen to me - YOU HAVE CHOICES. YOU HAVE OPTIONS. YOU ARE NOT 73!!! YOU HAVE YOUR WHOLE LIFE AHEAD OF YOU. Do not become my mother.

I love you.

Apr 29 - 5AM
Used's picture


Apr 30 - 1AM (Reply to #18)
Arwen's picture


My mother was not always a narc...she truly became one at some point living with my father when I was a child but it became pronounced after the death of my 32 year old brother Ben after he OD'd on Heroin. Then all of her strange delusionary vanity issues came out, spending, total self-absorption, abusiveness really reared its ugly head. Used - I did write about my mother being a narc, but she is very different from the narc my father was and there are many beautiful times I shared with her and continue to. It's not black and white and the gray is what hurts - to sit with the fact that things are gray.
Apr 30 - 6AM (Reply to #19)
Used's picture


thankyou for explaining, it is all so sad and your brothers tragicxx i am so glad you have good memories of mum, it is all such a shame how someone [your father] can in affect destroy so many lives, the story about his g/f offering money for you children made me want to gag, you say he sat there with his head down in shame i hope[my 2 exs would just look down or above my head], i just to wonder why?, until i got it, they were spewing out lies and bs, oh once i began to read the signs at least i began to get out.xxxx
Apr 30 - 10PM (Reply to #35)
Arwen's picture

used were you married to n?

I have not read your story I must.
Apr 30 - 7AM (Reply to #20)
jaycee's picture

used ditto

pg, as used said, im so sad you lost your brother, and how tragic it is........but am glad you can look past your moms saddness and know deep down shes a beautiful person who was emotionally tormented by your dad, please continue to love her, as i pray my children will continue to love me as well..........and as for the tramp who offered your mom money for her children, i hope she paid dearly for that, and hope she ended tragically herself........and as for your dad putting his head down, damn straight he should have,,,,,,,,,,now thats a coward, reminds me of my hN a big fat offense, i know hes your dad......xoxo


Apr 30 - 10PM (Reply to #21)
Arwen's picture


Yes it was so cowardly of my father, and it's so interesting to be on these boards both as the ex of an N as well as the daughter of an N because I have these two perspectives as the victim. I loved my father very much but he was so so ill. And when I realize i can say that I loved my father but also recognize the illnesses he had mentally, I can then apply that to my ex N's and it is easier to cry like hell but forgive and get on with my life. And yes I know your children will not be able to help but love you. xxx
May 1 - 4AM (Reply to #22)
jaycee's picture


pg im very sad my children have witnessed my overwhelming weakness and horrific saddness over their dad, yet, you are so right, they cannot help, but i do believe they will always always love me. i just feel sick inside that they have had to deal with my shit, in terms of my relationship with their dad. as i soul search and look back at my life with their dad, i see that my children have witnessed such underlying and such blatant emotional, mental, and occasionally physical abuse by their dad and no child should be subjected to witness such bullshit. but I allowed, I myself allowed it, i should have walked away from him when they were little, the first time we split up, but i went out of my mind crazy, because i didnt know what he was about, i had no idea back then that he was a serial cheater, nor did i have any clue as to what a narcissist was. so funny how we all, my family and friends, always joked, oh God he loves himself, oh God look at him, staring in the mirror again, etc....and we would laugh, but none of us, honestly, ever realized the depths of his deceit and the utter selfishness of the man he truly is.........all that said, my poor children, our daughter especially, our son was lucky he was extremely involved in sports, thanks to me, very popular and had many many friends, and was a great student, was bless to go to prep school for high school and live there, so he was spared alot more than his sister who was shy and had a tough time in school academically, and eventually became a heroin addict and has really never left the house, shes been paralyzed by the emotional worldwind of her fathers push and pull of all of us, and yes, she admits what he is but says shes so desperate for him to love her, that she will take whatever crumbs he gives her, as he is her father...and the things he says to her, are mouthdropping, what kind of father tells his daughter of his pot supply, his drinking, his illegal steroid use, and worse how he sniffs coke with his friends, especially a daughter who is a recovering addict.........please God, tell me why i care this man is no longer living here, why i care who he is with, i should be grateful, yet, im sick inside, sick knowing he is making a life with his ow and mocking me and laughing at me with her....its all so sick and sad, i wish i could say i dont care, let her have him, but the thought of him becoming a wonderful husband and partner to her sends me right over the edge, because i know in my heart, even if its just for a few years, he will give her an illusion of love and comfort and all the things i need right now. I dont know why people are different in different relationships, but i feel in my heart hes different with her, because she is who he wants, i was never what he wanted......i could never give him a life that DIDNT include responsibility, and she can.........that eats me alive..........and another thing, shes lucky, she has no idea who he is, she only knows she was sooooooooo special she destroyed his family and got his wife to throw him out, so they could be together......she gloats and boasts, and now has my husband in her bed....


May 1 - 10PM (Reply to #23)
Arwen's picture

Jaycee I had and still have

Jaycee I had and still have terrible resentment towards my mother that she did not take us away from him forever. But as a mother I see now that she did the best she could at the time, given her background, her own mental illnesses which were anxiety disorder and bi-polar II depression, and she had no self-esteem. She also frankly needed his money with five kids. And like your daughter, my father used to fall on the floor crying in front of me asking me to take him to the hospital when I was eight, had me get dime bags of pot for him when I was ten and older, and did all kinds of reckless stuff that could have killed me. My beautiful brother Benjamin did die at age 32 of a Heroin overdose. Jaycee, you know what you need to do and you know who you need to do this for: you need to do this for your children. When you talk about what your daughter has been put through by your staying with him this long, to be honest I feel a lot of anger towards you, and I also feel your pain mind you. But, you still have the opportunity to be a role model for that girl and if you don't do the right thing by modeling for her what it is to be a strong woman who won't let anyone hurt her babies, then you will regret that THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. She still needs you no matter how old she is. I am 45 but I still feel 12 when it comes to needing my mommy and daddy and that never goes away for anyone. Jaycee I'm telling you, as the daughter of a mother just like you, do the right thing and cut him out of your life like the bubonic plague and you will see your children's hearts start to show some confidence in themselves, some sense of worth, some courage. It's not over still have time to help them. If you can't leave this mother fucker for yourself then do it for ME and for your chldren.
May 2 - 4AM (Reply to #24)
jaycee's picture

pg please dont be angry with me, im struggling

pg please dont be angry with me, im struggling so hard to make things right by our children. they see the weakness and the saddness yet they see through it all i have always put them first and have never left their side. i know my daughter needs me to be stronger now, but she also says please be phony for a little longer dont snap dont go nc as we need his money right now, i will do what i have to for a little longer but for the sake of my mental state in need to rid myself of his plague, he is the bubonic plague in every sense sorry you get angry with me, i dont blame you, i have never done the right thing with this guy ive always let him abuse me, and its to the point of no return.......ive got to cut him out and allow him to be with ow and prance around as he wishes and stop worrying what will become of them......its sickening, to the point of sickening.....and you are right i may still have time although im in my late forties in need to pick myself up and start my life over again.......please continue to talk to me and help me get through this...and im so sorry about benjamin, as my daughter is a recovering heroin addict and i dread the day she uses again......because they fall back so many times, its a struggle for her and for me, as for her dad, he thinks its no biggie to discuss his drug use with her, he doesnt believe its a struggle, hes convinced its a choice and shes cool she wont go there again......hes so stupid.....


May 2 - 7AM (Reply to #25)
Arwen's picture

No I am not angry!

Jaycee I didn't mean to make you feel worse...I am just trying to give tough love if you know what I mean. I understand your struggles so well. So you tell your daughter "I don't give a damn about the money - this person is never stepping foot in my house or my life again". YOU have to set the bar for those around you. YOU have to set the example. You cannot control your daughter, her need for him to give her crumbs of affection, etc. You can only teach by example. Trust me in the long run putting your foot down is what everyone needs. I will keep asking you to think of those you love rather than obsessing about him and stupid OW. You do need to talk about that and keep talking about it and getting it out. But in terms of practical things that will keep you from him, remember that you are setting an example every day of what you choose to do with you life and your own behaviors. Work from the outside in - do the behavior and soon it will become part of you. HUGS PG
May 2 - 8AM (Reply to #26)
jaycee's picture

so glad you are not angry with me

my constant need to talk about him and ow is so repetitive but i need to get it off my chest, as i dont want to drop dead of a heart attack keeping it in. it eats me alive, and i know the best thing to do would be to forget about them and move onto me. im so low to the ground right now feeling i cant get up its sickening.......i want to hard, for me, for our children, and especially for the fact that i did everything to make this man happy, and he has chosen her, and left us high and dry, because she can give him so much more. the pain is so blinding...


May 2 - 11AM (Reply to #27)
Arwen's picture

Jaycee, you sound very, very

Jaycee, you sound very, very depressed, and I suspect you may have underlying depression in addition to what has happened with your N. First and foremost, you must talk to a professional therapist/psychiatrist team who can supply you with good talk therapy as well as meds. I think everyone in this group would agree with me on this. It's very important right now that you first get rid of some of that anxiety and lift the depression...then, you can start to handle some of the bigger things you need to tackle. I feel very, very strongly about this.
May 2 - 11AM (Reply to #28)
jaycee's picture

thanks pg

thanks pg you got i do have depression, but didnt until all the years of push and pull took its toll on me. im very depressed and sick to my stomach about all that has happened and i dont see and end to the nightmare for sometime....its scary.....this guy will torment me until i say enough......and it has to be sooner than later........xoxo please help me know, the one thing that is eating me alive, that he will never change not for her, and that his obsession with her is only temporary and its not true love.........please continue to remind me that he cannot change, will not change, and cannot love anyone....please tell me that is a truth.........


May 2 - 12PM (Reply to #29)
Arwen's picture

I don't care if you never had

I don't care if you never had a symptom of depression before this situation came to a head - you do NOW and you have to get help NOW. I don't want to keep saying the same things over and over again about the OW because you KNOW this is not the issue but you are so anxious right now that you can only see her, but not all of the abusive shit he has pulled with you for SO MANY YEARS. Focus on that. Jaycee - people who are abusive are not MADE abusive by their wives, meaning you. When you say he was abusive with you and you think he's not with her, what you are actually saying is that you believe deeply that you did something to cause his awful behavior towards you all of these years. So here's a question: you are a good, kind person, right? Is there anything that another person could do that would cause you to become abusive, aggressive, addicted, etc? Could another person CAUSE YOU to be an asshole? NO! So, why do you think that SHE can cause him to be all of a sudden some great guy? THINK ABOUT IT. You are not being rational. Go back and read what I just wrote, please. You are not responsible for his behavior, nor is she, and neither you nor her will have any influence on who or what he is, EVER. He will destroy her as he has destroyed you. It is called "track record" - hello????
May 2 - 1PM (Reply to #30)
jaycee's picture

pg thanks

yes i am a kind person and a wonderful person and even though his behavior has turned me into an unstable human being, my person is kind and wonderful and cannot be changed, so i guess you are right, not even the ow can make him something he is not, i just wish i could stop believing that it is my fault for giving him so much freedom for making him a priority when i was only an option, for not making him accountable as a husband and father, i wish i could believe he is what he is and he will never change, im trying to believe it, but there are days when i wish i had expected more from him and maybe there would have been a difference. i just gave and gave my heart and soul, my blood sweat and tears, just wonder if i demanded more would i have gotten it....????????


May 3 - 12AM (Reply to #31)
Arwen's picture

The answer is no. And again

The answer is no. And again you are involving yourself in a sort of magical thinking that is dangerous - the thought that if you gave more he would be different, or if you demanded more, etc. Nothing you could have done or said would have stopped his pathology - nothing. If he had asked you to be a horrible person who derided others and abused others, would you be able to change your basic nature and say to him, "ok I'll go along with that - I'll change into an evil person". No you wouldn't be able to do that any more than he is able to change his cruel and abusive behaviors. You have to start seeing things in this light - put whatever you think he is on to yourself and ask yourself if you would ever willingly become someone like him. When you realize the answer is no, then I think you can start letting go of the notion that you could have somehow done something different to "change" him.
May 3 - 4AM (Reply to #32)
jaycee's picture

pg why does that eat me alive

why does the thought of me being different and demanding more, eat me alive, its like a circus going on in my head, had i been this or that, or forced myself to have more in common with him, or demanded more of him, etc...that the outcome would have been are right i cannot and have not ever been able to change him, he is selfish, self centered, arrogant and has so little empathy for me. i dont know what he is like with the ow, im assuming phony and playing lover of the year for her, but who knows, maybe because hes happy there right now, hes not a moody prick to her, maybe because they have so much in common and laugh alot together, maybe just maybe hes not so cruel to her, i get so sad thinking about them laughing together, it kills me, we used to laugh alot together, but not from getting high, just from different shows we liked, and things i would say, etc.......but its been a long long time since weve truly laughed together, ive been going through this bullshit with this particular ow for three years now, and hes been gone a well gone on and off for the last year, so laughing has not been a priority but on so sad,,,im sick today knowing that he took more money out of his account and am assuming because he is buying her something expensive for her birthday which is next week, its normally about how much she can buy for him, but he has a little money from back taxes and so im assuming hes being a big shot right now, with her at least, hes sick twisted and demented......take that money and do things around the house, not act like a bigshot to ur ow, luckily this never happens because hes normally ninety nine percent of the time so broke because he pays all the house bills here, but its eating me that hes going to buy her a birthday gift...but what the hell for a couple hundred dollars, he lives there rent free, no bills, pays for nothing and gets oddles and oddles of new clothes......sneakers shoes, etc, and oddles of illegal steriods, and goes out to dinner every night he is there. so i guess he can be a bigshot for a day right??? oh pg, i just wish i didnt care about him and her and them and this whole they live two minutes away and prance all over town together it kills me, literally kills me daily, if only he had fallen for someone down at the beach and was never around here and it wasnt thrown in my face.......on a daily basis...and if he wasnt so close, he wouldnt be here everyday, torturing me, being nice one day, rude the next, loving the next, horrible the next, i could go on, but as you see, when it comes to me, this man is a mean bastard, a cruel beast, he treats me so badly, its sickening and i take it which is worse.......last night i said to my daughter i wish dad were still here, like this never happened, and then i stopped and said, but what, hed be in bed snoring by seven so as he could get up and go to the gym by four thirty in the morning.....its never been about me being happy and satisfyied its been about him being here, its weird i think of that and dont miss him, i think of him being with her and miss him........i dont get it.i do get that i need to get rid of him once and for all........hes toxic to my soul........please pray i find the strength to rid myself of this pos...please......


May 3 - 9PM (Reply to #33)
Arwen's picture

I understand this jealous

I understand this jealous more than you can possibly know. My ex N had the OW walk into a bar he and I were spending a lovely evening at, and in front of me he yelled her name ran to her side, and then ran to me and physically dragged me to say hello to her and made me tell her that I was his "friend" from childhood. Well this woman who looks like the bottom of my foot with eyes (see? they don't care if you're beautiful only care if you have money and/or if you love them unconditionally and let them abuse you to high hell all of which she did) gave me a look that could kill! THEN he ran after her when she went flying out of the bar to console her! I have never been so humiliated in my life and I told him so, and when I told him, he replied "a MARRIED woman, complaining that I humilitated HER". He called me a whore is what he did. He came into my life after thirty years of silence into a very poor marriage and he swept me off my feet promising the moon and marriage and taking care of my kids and POOF! all of a sudden i was a whore. Wasn't that convenient for him Jaycee? So you see, this OW my XN was with I believe is no longer in his life and if she still is, she is suffering his infidelities LEFT AND RIGHT plus, he's a criminal and a sociopath. So you think your N is having a better time with OW? If she is a narc as well, they may understand each other somehow, but, it must also be just about the world's sickest pairing in the entire world, and neither of them are happy or normal people. You have to get that through your head. From everything you have said about her, she is a complete and utter narc. That pairing is the most psychopathic, disgusting, evil, lame, and sick pairing I can imagine and I don't know WHO would want to be around them! I know another narc couple - both narcs - and SHE is abused by him constantly even though she knows what he is and she is horribly upset by him all the time. She has chosen to live her life that way. you don't have to. you are the lucky one Jaycee - you are the lucky one that got away.
May 4 - 2AM (Reply to #34)
jaycee's picture

pg thank you for saying that

i assume she is a narc as well, very much in love with herself, thinks shes the cats meow, and shes as ugly as sin. she could care less if she ever meets our children as she wants him all to himself.....and yes, she buys him and buys him and worships him unbelievably. she thinks they are a match made in heaven and they have belonged to each other from the start.....she insists i was never his wife and just the mom of his kids, and we never had a relationship, but i think she tells people that because she knows everyone knows she was the homewrecker and an evil one at that. i hope you are right and they are never happy and they live a miserable life and when it ends it ends horribly......maybe she will call the cops on him again, now that would be sweet


Apr 29 - 4AM
jaycee's picture

That was one of the most beautiful things anyone has ever said

thank you for pouring your heart out to me, for sharing the sad story of your beautiful mom, as i know, she loved you and your siblings dearly, but the pain and destruction that came from her narc, blinded her to see any other road to take. I applaud your mom, as i see how much you love her, so i know she was a wonderful mom.......and yes, like your mom, i was as funny as any comedian, and as kind as any saint, but now i am living sheer hell, so blinded by the pain, i cant see straight.........and my daughter who tells me everyday i need to move on, just doesnt get how mentally ill this man has driven me. its so over the top crazy, its so hard to let him go, to say fine, you want her, go whereever you want, let her be your next of kin on the hospital papers, let her take you to your appts, let her be your wife now, i cant do it, im stuck, i dont want him to let the world know he chose her, not me.......i cant accept she is who he truly wants, and just uses me to be him mom, since its so easy for him to manipulate me into doing things because he knows how much i love him, and he thinks hes doing me a favor by letting me take him for his medical things, yes, a favor, thats what he thinks....but it is her he wants, it is her who can afford him and give him all i i understand your mom and what your dad did to her, i get it, i pray for her, and for all of us who suffer this way.......but i do have choices, im just afraid to take the leap and have faith life will be afraid he will marry her love her and be the man i always wanted.......thank you for what you said your post was beautiful and your mom is beautiful inside and out as are you.........xoxo


Apr 30 - 1AM (Reply to #15)
Arwen's picture

Jaycee in time, when you are

Jaycee in time, when you are starting to feel better about yourself, you will see that no other woman can replace you. You will see that they just keep going along with their sick habits without a care for any woman, including this one. How is it that if he really wants her as you say, he comes back to you in his most vulnerable of moments as in sickness? It's fairly clear that his feelings for you are very strong, but the question is, is it possible for a man at this level of illness to be truly capable of loving another person and acting on that love - behaving in a loving way? He has proven that he cannot. His track record sucks. You keep thinking he is caring for her more, but if that were the case - How can he do be doing this to her??? Do you see what I am saying? There is no such thing as him caring for her over you. He sounds like he truly only cares for himself at all times, and that is the bottom line. You should not for one second be thinking about what other people think about he and you. I'm sure most everyone knows who and what he is, even if you don't see that, they really do. People are not idiots...give the world more credit than you are doing now. Karma is going to break his back and you will see it sooner than you think. But for right now you are in a crisis and you need to totally focus on yourself and be easy on yourself, do nice things for yourself, sleep and cry when you need to and as much as you need to but get out once a day even if it's just around the block and back. The air will freshen your mind even if for a few moments. You are doing great! In a little bit of time things will get clearer to you. Much love PG
Apr 30 - 3AM (Reply to #16)
jaycee's picture

thanks pg

pg, thank you, especially for sharing your very personal and sad story.....i pray my children never see me as a narc, im sad though, they do see me as a woman with a mental illness brought on by the severe push and pull of my relationship with their dad. my daughter cried last night, as yes, she too, like Ben, is and has been a heroin addict for about three years, since this ow came into her dads life, that is when he became blatantly cruel to me and to the kids, he would be so emotionally unavailable, it was scary, scarier that he was blatant about his affair with this woman. he would get up and leave and say he was going for a ride and not come back for hours, i would call and call his cell and he wouldnt answer, then he would say he was driving around with the top off his jeep and didnt hear the phone, and i still didnt get it, but i was getting more and more insane and not seeing the drug addiction with my daughter, i honestly didnt see it, i would lay in bed with her and watch movies and go to the mall with her, and still didnt see what was happening to her, or what she was doing, how sick how sad, i hate myself for being so blinded to him and loosing my mind over him when my child was screaming out for help, when i did finally find out, i was so shell shocked and in disbelief i had a complete nervous breakdown, but did everything i could on a daily basis, as i continue to do, to help her conquer this horrific addiction. i took her to psychiatrists, therapists, drug counselors, the clinic everyday, as i do now, even when he was here, i did all this, he just continued to tell her, oh, you are like me, you like to party, you will be fine, you dont need the clinic, there started the push and pull of my daughter, her absolute love for my being there, and her hate for me wanting her to do the right thing.......and the push pull is still there, as he talks to her about how he and the ow love to drink, smoke pot, do steroids, etc, and how they have so much in common, as where as he says, mom and i never had anything in common, this ow and i get high and laugh, etc........then he told her how him and the guys down at the beach, his old looser friends he sees on the weekends, love to blow lines, nice, telling a struggling addict, trying to recover, how he likes to blow lines, fucking nice, he really is a piece of work, yet, somehow he has me convinced hes better than me, and shes better than me and that is why he is with her not me.....go figure, when my mind is clear, i do believe the world knows what he is, but since he has always been so secretive and so to himself in all the circles we've travelled i dont know if the people here know he truly is a piece of shit, they dont know about our daughter, but what they do know is our son was in Iraq, fighting for our freedom, as he was abusing the hell out of me and letting his sister go to hell and back with drugs.......and he says our son hates him because of me......and you know what, hes half right, im sure deep down they resent my weakness, but i do know they know, i have always been here, no matter what..........and even in my deepest darkest hours of need and saddness, i am open to whatever both the kids need......i pray they remember that........thanks again for all you are doing with this post it is helping alot......;just wish i wasnt so damn humiliated and so damn sad...........


Apr 29 - 1PM (Reply to #14)
ShaynasMommy's picture

Aha, Jaycee

I think I just understood something about this relational dynamic he's got set up here....and it only reinforces my beliefs about him and OW. from your post: (PLEASE PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION TO LETTERS IN CAPS, IM NOT YELLING AT YOU THOUGH)"i cant accept she is who he truly wants, AND JUST USES ME TO BE HIS MOM, since its so easy for him to manipulate me into doing things because he knows how much i love him, and he thinks hes doing me a favor by letting me take him for his medical things, yes, a favor, thats what he thinks....but it is her he wants, it is her WHO CAN AFFORD HIM and GIVE HIM ALL i i understand your mom " There IS ONE thing she can't afford to give him though, because she hasn't got any. EMPATHY.COMPASSION.LOVE. That's stuff that money cannot buy. She can't even pay someone else to give that shit to him. BUT....YOU can give it to him. That's why he continually fucks with your head and won't leave you alone. If she truly loved him he wouldn't need your validation and admiriation.....and help (for God's sake quit taking his lame ass to his Doc's appt, tell him to take a frakkin bus). So there it is...the one thing left he can get from you. If you could only bring yourself to withdraw it from him, you could stop all of the pain. You have to realize this before the pain stops. Period. I don;t know any other way to explain this to you. And keep going to your therapist, if you have one. If not GET ONE!
Apr 28 - 7PM
lostlove458's picture

Thank you for sharing your

Thank you for sharing your story! If this does not shed some light then I don't know what will! I have my good and bad days and everyday it gets easier, but I refuse to be treated the way my exN treated me! I allowed it to go on for five years blaming myself, hurting myself and comparing myself to new ow! I may be down but just like dust I rise, I have gotten better with NC for 8 months now and I have run into them twice but I won't allow my beautiful self to be sucked into his dead world, you see we have a beautiful life left and I won't let a loser take that from me!!! Stand up, shoulders back, head high and show they your a strong women that didn't let th break you because you my dear are WORTH it and so much more! Take control of your life don't let it control YOU!
Apr 28 - 7PM (Reply to #12)
Arwen's picture


Apr 28 - 7PM
Veronrose's picture

WOW PG, all I can say is WOW.

WOW PG, all I can say is WOW. :( I think many of us share a wounded past and therefore we keep seeking validation and acceptance from those that can't give it. I'm sorry PG for the pain you've experienced. (((hugs))) to you. ~Veronrose
Apr 28 - 7PM (Reply to #10)
Arwen's picture

Vrose thank you :-( It's

Vrose thank you :-( It's always an uphill battle for me, just living, and I think for many of us on these boards as well. I know there will be light for me one day at the end of this very dark tunnel. Hugs to you too.
Apr 28 - 7PM
Arwen's picture


...and one more VERY important thing Jaycee...because my mother stayed bonded to my Dad...she became quite a narc herself. Don't do now.
Apr 29 - 5AM (Reply to #2)
jaycee's picture

how can a non narc become a narc

how did your mom, obviously, a non narc, become a narc? i dont understand, did she suddenly stop being empathetic, stop loving, stop caring, i cant believe that could happen to your mom, she took all of you went to her moms and raised you, put all of you first, to get away from the horrible woman who tried to pay her off for all of you, she didnt let that happen, so how is it she became a narc? as desperate and lonely and sick as i am, i stop and say, i cant do this to my kids, i need to be here for them, daily, i cant come and go and put men before them, yes, their father, i pine over and have become sick over, but im still the most empathetic kind person ever, and even when it kills me, i put those feelings aside and take our daughter to her appts everyday, stay home at night with her bring her where she needs to go, he prances around town with his ow and occasionally with her kid as well, even though i have a feeling she gave her kid to his dad and she no longer has him living with her, as she chose my husband over her kid, only guessing, since my hN told our daughter he never sees the kid really ever now. he said, its always with its dad......nice......but please explain, i dont ever want to be a narc, ever.....


Apr 29 - 1PM (Reply to #3)
ShaynasMommy's picture

I think its possible for a victim to become a Narc

If they subject themselves to enough abuse for a long enough period of time. That's why people are always saying that to stay mentally healthy you must avoid the insane. Misery loves company. It will drag you down eventually if you let it. Think about how a Narc possibly becomes one. They are abused at an early age so that they are conditioned to be nasty and miserable and disordered. Now, "normal" people may take longer to condition....but it is only a matter of time before we acclimate, submit, and absorb the qualities of our abuser. Its a way of giving up, when the victim doesn't allow themselves the strength and the courage to break free. Little children have no choices when they are abused. Grown up women do. We don;t have to put up with shit, and we don't have to become like shit, either, in order to cope with the abuse. I can see this with my own parents sometimes. Neither of them are Narcs but after 40+ years my mom is becoming awfully negative in her attitude just like my father. Sometimes I look at her like "are those YOUR words coming out of your mouth, or DAD'S?" Your environment will eventually shape who you become.