It's all in your head

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#1 Aug 29 - 7AM
Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

It's all in your head

Why is it taking so long to get over this person?
Why do I have these obsessive thoughts about this person?
Why am I experiencing this entire emotional and psychological trauma for this experience?

What’s wrong with me?

These are just some of the many questions we are now asking ourselves. It’s my experience and believe is it’s all in our heads. Our brains aren’t functioning on a normal level and the chemical exchange within our brains. In short our brains are short-circuited and needs to be realigned and back on a more normal exchange of a chemical reaction within our own thought patterns. This takes time and help through therapy aided by natural and man made chemical treatments. Diet is also very very important. Antidepressants and anti-anxiety chemical treatments might be necessary if these behavior traits in us continue for too long. So I suggest reading some of Dr. Daniel Amen books whom is a prominent author with a worldwide readership. Dr. Amen understands how important our brain are whenever we see our lives become dysfunctional due to outside influences and toxic exposure which is what happens whenever we get involved with a toxic person who show sighs of having a pathological nature. I believe much of what Dr. Amen is writing about can help us get back on track insomuch as to concerns about having a healthy normal functioning brain and therefore will have a healthy normal functioning life.

Here is Dr Amen website and the many books he was written so far concerning how much our brain affects our body and generally that we if want a healthy body we need a healthy brain. We can’t have one without the another. Both go hand in hand.

His writings include 35 professional articles, 4 book chapters, and 22 books—including the successful New York Times Bestseller: Change Your Brain, Change Your Life. Others successful books include Healing the Hardware of the Soul, Healing ADD, Healing Anxiety and Depression, Making a Good Brain Great, Sex on the Brain, and Magnificient Mind at Any Age.

Hope this helps!

Aug 29 - 11AM
quietude (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

our brain

Thanks for the info, James. I was really amazed when I learned about the chemical changes that take place in our brain when we are exposed to this type of abuse. This is why it's important for people to know that a few good cries, some chocolate, and a great night out on the town with friends is not the 'cure all' with this type of break-ups. I've gone back and forth with thinking I'm okay to things happening with my body & mind...and realizing, nope, I'm actually NOT okay, better take care of it. It's important to 'listen' to your body...there are many tell-tale signs that come up, which are sort of kick-in-the-butt reminders to not ignore these feelings & symptoms.
Aug 29 - 3PM (Reply to #2)
James (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


I like to think of it this way. Our minds are the tracks that our trains (thoughts) run on but our bodies are the signalers giving us information where the train is going. Under stress our minds react with strong physical signs to our bodies telling us something is wrong and the train is in danger of derailing or simply being unable to function properly. We all need to pay attention to these “warning” and “signals”. We then need to take the appropriate steps to correct it through therapy and if necessary to get in an chemical treatment program too help our brains recoup and recover from this damage done to many of us and sometimes for years of abuse and a dysfunctional relationship for years. If one is abuse and sometimes for years our brains become short-circuited due to the many emotional and psychological abuse. So please readers listen closely to whatever it is that your bodies are telling you for truly your body is your “best friend” and this is how our brains and body communicate with each others.