Insecure Morons.

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#1 Jul 20 - 11AM
whatever2009's picture

Insecure Morons.

Through all of my reading and trying to understand. Im wondering why I havent heard/read that much about the N and how deeply pathetic and insecure they are. Ive known I have had to get out of this relationship for a long time now. So I guess knowing this while researching stuff
I was also analyzing him at the same time.

He is EXTREMELY insecure, he takes everything personally. If I were to comment on another guys shirt, he would get really jealous, if I were to say how wonderful another man was, he tried so hard to degrade that man, or show me he
can be better then that man. If I dont answer his calls, he starts freaking out and wondering what happen to me. If I dont give him the "tone" in my voice he's looking for he becomes extremely concerned. He told me not to long ago, that he had a huge ego, but knows he really doesnt. He realizes he has no friends and is not going anywhere in life. He bites his nails, paces and freaks out really easily. I also found his obsessive need to comment
on other women, was always to get a reaction from me. To let me know, "there are other women" out there. He has said numerous times not to leave him he knows he will never find another women like me...he has only ever "dated" bottom of the barrel girls.

Yes he has the inflated "self" ego...however he is more insecure then I am. I never realized this until now. Is this a different type of Narc? They obviously need us more then we need them, but Im confused as to the really low self esteem, I mean its really low and very obvious.

Does anyone else see this?

I dunno, but if I was an evil bitch I could ruin him based on knowing this....I will not as it doesnt matter, but Im curious as to the connection.

Any comments?

Jul 21 - 5PM
Marie's picture

Inflated ego

Inflated ego? You betcha. Thinks he's the most intelligent, charming, sophisticated, creative person there is. What is he successful at? NOTHING!!!! All huff and puff but nothing to show for it. He believes one day he'll be rich and famous and will then be able to tell everyone to eff off. Nice, huh? Sad really, I always enjoyed talking with him though. He's really not a stupid guy just freaking lazy. He would often comment about how hard I worked and that he felt sorry for me. It would drag me down at times especially on a nice day when I would rather have been doing anything else other than work. My mom would do the same thing about my work often asking when are you going to quit that "silly" job. Silly?!?! I guess she would have been happier had I been a hooker. I've worked at my job 25yrs now and the past 12 out of my home sometimes even sitting out in my garden now that I have a laptop. I think it's pretty nice. He's also critical about anyone who works. He loves that he makes more on disability than he does working, so he stays home. Not only is he critical of other people's work ethics but just in general especially their appearance. We have this fairly hunky looking mail carrier, he's not my type but if he says hi I return it. Well, this got him going the one day he got quite nasty about it too. He always writes guys off that look like that as being gay. He's very sensitive about his weight so feels threatened by anyone in the slightest bit of shape. Someone mentioned how their N analyzes everything, he is the same right down to how many rings it took you to answer the phone. Pathetic. Often times he complains how needy everyone is and he has to do everything for everyone. He'd complain incessantly about everyone calling, texting, emailing that everyone seems to think he has all the time in the world. And how could I forget that out of all his sibings he's the most responsible one, that the family would fall apart without him. He is the most upright pillar of the community a great guy (puke). It's a rant that has well passed it's expiration date. Funny as much as he huffs and puffs beneath it all is a very insecure needy person. When I first became angry with him, he would call every 30 min until I finally answered. Then there was an odd thing with email. For about a month he'd send the same email an hour apart from one another everyday. He was very angry to discover I blocked him online. But it's perfectly ok that he has another screen name I'm not privy to that he uses to spy on me with. He mentioned in passing that he was surprised I was up so late one night. Of course didn't see him on so I figured he was on with another name. There have been times during his odd job hunt where he'll comment that no one will hire him because he has a horrible track record. So as much wind as he sometimes blows he also blows the other way of degrading himself. He'll say it jokingly at times, in a bitter way other times. I've found him to be oversensitive, moody, easily depressed. I try not to give him too many human qualities any longer because then I feel sympathetic.
Jul 20 - 1PM
Kemars1's picture

Yeah, I'm recognizing a lot

Yeah, I'm recognizing a lot of traits that you described - Low/no ambition, not very involved with people around him, calling back to back if I didn't pick up, anything that I admired in another guy was IMMEDIATELY a reflection of him on how he did or didn't measure up, commenting on the "hotness" of female celebrities, analyzing every intake of breath, every glance, gesture, sigh, facial expression, tone of voice - that creepy hyper-analyzing in conjunction with his police officer training made conversations a nightmare - he acted like he had every right to know every thought that crossed my mind, and made it a point to ask constantly what I was thinking about. And for me too, that's the one thing that still kind of baffles me - the level and depth of neediness and insecurity coinciding with the pride and ego - EVERYTHING is about how it makes him look - worrying about what other people think of him, trying to be 'cool' and fit in socially, morphing his behavior based on different social variables, his appearance and his car, not being able to handle criticism or called out in anything, etc. etc. As far as your question goes, I'm not really sure if this is another or different variation of the typical Narcissist - Maybe this is why narcissists make everything about them? - they need constant affirmation and validation from their relationships with people, from their possessions, and from their environment to build them up - anything or anyone that says otherwise about them or 'calls a spade a spade' with their behavior, they can't handle - how they react to people 'calling them out,' from what I've read on here, seems to vary. What I do know, however, is that mine was a Somatic Narcissist - Everything was about the physical, external, and appearance. I was without a doubt smarter than him - education-wise, vocabulary-wise, and just smarter in general with personal life wisdom and common sense. Not really any mental stimulation as far as conversations to be had with him.
Jul 20 - 1PM (Reply to #2)
whatever2009's picture


I am also WAY to good for my N as well. EVERYONE knows this. Altho it doesnt stop me from loving him. Sometimes i think mine is somatic as well, but then other times im not sure. Altho him claiming to sleep with anything I suppose boosts his self confidence and makes him feel wanted. I dunno. If I ever wanted to piss him off, I would just act like I didnt care. He once told a friend he has become so dependent on me, and cant help it. He will call me everyday, with something really stupid to ask me, basically a question, he already knows the answer to, but uses it as a reason to call. If I dont answer he will leave me a message, something stupid or trying to be cute. He changes his "life" goals daily, because really I think he knows he will never amount to anything. It is very confusing because they are SO pathetic. The other thing I wonder they become obsessed with us as well. Cuz it feels like that. According to EVERYONE and himself he is always thinking/talking about me. Im a little concerned. Maybe its also an addiction for them as well? I mean other then supply, they kno that you are the best they will ever do, so losing you is detrimental.
Jul 20 - 2PM (Reply to #3)
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


NO CONTACT is what you need to do to this guy. For YOURSELF! ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Articles & information for abuse victims - Updated Daily Online Coaching for Victims of Narcissists/ Psychopaths
Jul 20 - 2PM (Reply to #4)
whatever2009's picture


I am doing no contact. These are a bunch of questions running thro my mind.
Jul 20 - 2PM (Reply to #5)
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


very good. Some Narcs do not show their insecurity - in fact they behave in the opposite manner. Most of them, IMHO - are not in touch with themselves in any way and so would deny being insecure. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Articles & information for abuse victims - Updated Daily Online Coaching for Victims of Narcissists/ Psychopaths
Jul 20 - 3PM (Reply to #6)
whatever2009's picture

i dont get it...

I just dont understand how people that insecure and obvious are considered Narcs?
Jul 20 - 3PM (Reply to #7)
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

whatever2009 - insecure

Narcs come in many shades & "flavors." Unlike the DSMV let me say that if everything he says or does REVOLVES AROUND HIM and propping himself up - he's a Narc. Does he have any of these: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Articles & information for abuse victims - Updated Daily Online Coaching for Victims of Narcissists/ Psychopaths
Jul 21 - 9AM (Reply to #21)
GhostBuster's picture


This definition of N fits my 2nd ex N perfectly. He was insecure (though he'd never admit it). Oh yeah...and both of my ex Ns always claimed to be honest, though I know neither were. 1st N was a pathological liar and he was "brutal" in his honesty. I became so exasperated with my 1st N's lying that I actually said to him once "Stop lying to me. I'm like a drug sniffing dog--I smell it on you!" Just the role you want to play in a relationship--the canine cop. That was a low point for me. ;0)
Jul 20 - 3PM (Reply to #8)
whatever2009's picture


there is something VERY wrong with him, but im confused as to the "brutal" honestly he pretends to have and his lack of self confidence. Its almost as tho, he pretends to act like a NARC/PSYCHO as a cover up for his lack of success. But then when I really think about it....he is fuckin nuts and needs to be admitted. So .... you can be a wack job whether you have confidence or not. Do they become obsessed? It feels as tho they do. All they do is think. And obsess...
Jul 21 - 2AM (Reply to #10)
Scoop's picture

My ns use to say he is

My ns use to say he is "brutal honest" as if it was a good thing and i should be grateful for his input . " brutal honest" means he has given himself free licence to be as rude and hurtful as he likes . He would say something like "i dont love you the same as **** " after seeing my shocked face he would try and lessen the blow by saying "at least im honest" I wonder if he would have taken my Brutal Honesty . Whats that line from Friends ? "it is a problem and it doesnt happen to every guy " . but i would never say that because i am a lady ! Peru x
Jul 21 - 6AM (Reply to #19)
quietude (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


Mine did too...big surprise,huh? ;) "To be brutally honest...I've had other women in my life who were maybe younger, in better shape, etc etc...but YOU are the only woman who blah blah blah...." I hated these back-assward compliments, you feel violated and you're supposed to feel flattered?? Whenever he said 'to be brutally honest', I knew it was time to take a deep breath because my self-esteem was about to take a hit.
Jul 21 - 8AM (Reply to #20)
whatever2009's picture


the brutally honest comments are another way these losers protect themselves. yes - when the say, im so honest, this is what happened etc etc....its only to fool the trusting women we are, into beleiving they are capable of "really" telling the truth. its there way to say...."well Ive always been honest with you" mine would say, im ALWAYS brutally honest because then I know, I can never be told im lying. Meanwhile...he would only be honest when confronted, or when he was intentionally trying to hurt me. I realize they are obsessed with themselves. But how about us? Do they become obsessed with us? Esp. when you try and walk away, they start pooring on the charm etc etc....they dont want to lose the supply. However, the constant calling, talking about you to people and trying to get in your head must become an obsession. Agreed?
Jul 21 - 5AM (Reply to #12)
finallydone's picture

another OMG moment

Mine used to talk about being "brutally honest" ALL the time. This is unbelievable.
Jul 21 - 10AM (Reply to #13)
James (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Half truths

One thing I notice is how they will make statement but they are like half truths. Taking this statements about being honest. I do believe they are "brutally honest" and enjoy doing it. It's a way to be "honest" but get a free pass on being associated with the statement i.e. honesty. Also, they may be "brutally honest" about someone else but never expect them to be "brutally honest" about themselves. So if in fact they as they claim are brutally honest shouldn't they be able to do so with themselves? Don't bet on that, for that will never happen.
Jul 21 - 1PM (Reply to #16)
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


“Manipulators often lie by withholding a significant amount of the truth. I have treated individuals who have lied most egregiously by reciting a litany of true facts! How does someone lie by telling only true things? They do so by leaving out important other, important facts essential to understanding the truth of the whole story.” In Sheep’s Clothing, pg. 98 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Articles & information for abuse victims - Updated Daily Online Coaching for Victims of Narcissists/ Psychopaths
Jul 21 - 2PM (Reply to #17)
whatever2009's picture

n Sheep’s Clothing,

I hear this is an excellent book, in learning how to stop being manipulated. or to prevent it from happening again and how to deal with it, when you feel you are. any thoughts? anyone read it?
Jul 21 - 4PM (Reply to #18)
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


I read it and gave it to a friend. It is EXCELLENT!! This one, WWLP and Bancroft's WHY DOES HE DO THAT are among my favorites on healing from abuse. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Articles & information for abuse victims - Updated Daily Online Coaching for Victims of Narcissists/ Psychopaths
Jul 21 - 11AM (Reply to #14)
quietude (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


Yes, it's like they are sooo wonderful for being "honest" with us because we mean so much to them...and if you call them on it...then it's about how they guess we don't want an open and honest relationship afterall?? They are never brutally honest with themselves...of course not. And if we try to be honest about how WE feel about THEIR actions...HEH, you know how that goes!! I told mine early on one time I was concerned because he seemed depressed and upset lately. Hon, that's when the explosion went off followed by the mushroom cloud! With N's, it's always what goes for US, doesn't necissarily work for THEM. Hypocrites. It's a true MIND MELTING experience when you're with an N.
Jul 21 - 12PM (Reply to #15)
whatever2009's picture


I actually have started LAUGHING to myself thinking about the things he would say. They are really known for ...."saying one thing and doing another". Mine use to refer to himself as a celebrity in his own head. LOL He has no friends. And is not respected. and almost EVERYONE knows he is NUTS. But they accept it....people will say, "he is such an honest guy, he told you who he was from the beginning". ACTUALLY he said one thing and did the opposite, (they will never understand) I truly believe there actions are the way the "want to" behave....the words dont mean ANYTHING and because they are sick/pathlogical....they cant help it. They behave this way cuz they are forever SCREWED!!! Unfortunately, they take us with them :(
Jul 21 - 5AM (Reply to #11)
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


brutal - yes. brutality - yes. honest - no - no Narc I ever knew has had any relationship with the truth, reality or honesty. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Articles & information for abuse victims - Updated Daily Online Coaching for Victims of Narcissists/ Psychopaths
Jul 20 - 5PM (Reply to #9)
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

whatever 2009

of course they are obsessed... with THEMSELVES. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Articles & information for abuse victims - Updated Daily Online Coaching for Victims of Narcissists/ Psychopaths