I'm really angry
I'm really angry
I'm on day 3 of no contact and to be honest, anger is setting in.
I feel really really anger that I'm almost scared of what I might do.
I am LOATHE with absolute fury for this toxic, abusive, disgusting, chameleon, using, narcissistic piece of filth who wasted my valuable time and wounded my sensitive personality.
How DARE she treat me this way. In fact 'how dare' isn't even an appropriate term for what she did. I am shaking with anger that I feel near to tears with it and don't know how to channel it.
I have a strong feeling that she'll go ahead and marry this girl now that DOMA has been knocked down in the States and she had a good person in me and she uses me, uses my friends and family for their warm hospitality.
Why can't I press charges? Why? It should be against the law.
I actually feel like revenge. I actually feel like typing up a page of her abusive behaviour and faxing it through to the Head Office of her job, along with all the b*tching she did about the top Directors of her company and getting her fired!!!!
Her ex almost killed her in a relatinoship years ago, and she told me she nearly died. Well guess what, she should have and pity she didnt!!!!
Yes, I'm aware I sound like a psycho, but that's how angry I am.
It's taking me all my energy and focus not to do something stupid in a bid for revenge.
So be angry...but instead of
I wont do anything, I know
Honey it's only day 3
Trixy, That is a great
If it's any consolation HB...
Im the same. Im NC yes but
Crying releases toxins, it is
You probably are setting
Revenge, at first though
Revenge gets you nowhere...
Hi Heartbroken78
Thanks Dallas