I was the OW... and was/am married too...

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#1 Mar 6 - 12AM
mystified62's picture

I was the OW... and was/am married too...

I've told my story on here, and I'm not proud that I was the other woman,I am hoping I will bring comfort to those that wonder if the OW is treated better than you, or what ever your concerns of the OW would be, I can only tell you by my own experience with the N.. I thought it was wonderful, I felt as if I found my best friend, the first 3 years were great only because he was getting everything from me,but at the time I didn't realize it. then the more he told me about himself and things I learned, and the things I saw, were so unbelievable to me, that is when I started to pull away from him, but for the following next 3 years I was in the fight of my life for me and my son.

THE List
I always thought he was stuck in a time warp of the age of 16 or 17 and he was in his 40's
He insulted and put women down all the time.
He slept with his own brothers wife
he would brag about himself, that he was good at everything he did.
He would be livid if he knew a woman (not the man) was having a affair, and would say all kinds of names, (I guess I found out where I stood Huh?) but yet he had affairs his whole marriage, he said it was nature for guys to cheat, (his words)
when he didn't get his way he went on rampages.
he had grabbed me several times by the throat
he accused me of sleeping with any and everybody (which was not true) he was the one sleeping with other women
he was always bragging about his d*** and by far nothing to brag about, he was not good at all!!
he was into porn
he never confronted men ever
just women and kids and teenagers
at one point I thought he was gay
he slapped me.
he would have that awful smirk on his face, when he would get somebody upset (wife) mainly,
he had the cops called on him all the time, but it seems like he gets away with everything he does
he called his mother-n-law and would call her names
he called his wife a 3 belly bitch all the time
he told her when he didn't get what he wanted.. such as money, pills etc... that he wished she was 6 feet under
he wished she would die, that his life would be so much easier,
he was very controlling
he blamed everything on everyone else
he would steal from me and everyone else
what was mine and my husbands he thought was his too
he threatened and called my son names
he would call his young daughter a bitch etc..
and his son names too
I could go on and on..

They DO NOT change no matter who they are with...
Its been hard to share my story and what I'm sharing now...
my affair ended, he sexually assaulted me, and the police came.. that's in my story..
As far as I'm concerned these people are very dangerous.. I have had no NC and I've been in therapy for a year and a half, I'm so grateful I found this site, I feel nothing for him and am so glad him and his family are out of my life!!! I still feel anger and guilt with myself, but I'm working on them
Thanks for letting me share, hope this helps someone!

Mar 6 - 11AM
sunny1973's picture


Mar 6 - 10AM
mystwoman's picture

This could have very easily

God sometimes removes a person from your life for your protection. Don't run after them.

Mar 6 - 2AM
mystified62's picture

When I went over my list I

Mar 6 - 12AM
solidground's picture

My experience was somewhat

Mar 6 - 12AM (Reply to #2)
mystified62's picture

Hello Solidground!

Mar 6 - 12AM (Reply to #3)
solidground's picture

Sometimes I think that's what

Mar 6 - 1AM (Reply to #4)
mystified62's picture

You are so right... Solidground

Mar 6 - 8AM (Reply to #5)
comingundone's picture
