I need you guys right now

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Dec 26 - 7PM (Reply to #5)
Briseis's picture

Just "not calling you names"

Just "not calling you names" is NOT change. And you don't want a boyfriend who has to TRY HARD to not call you names!! Or that has to change such huge, obnoxious things so you can RELAX around him!
Dec 26 - 6PM (Reply to #3)
Deidre99's picture

Agree with Briseis. I will

Agree with Briseis. I will say, that true love. It doesn't upset your peace. It delivers more peace. When you fit with someone who cares about you, has your best interests at heart...it shows in his actions. His words are not just bait to lure you into believing he'll act upon them. But, his words and actions will match up--CONSISTENTLY. But, moreover. Peace. When love is right and true, and someone isn't jerking you around...and he truly loves you. You will have a sense of peace about it all. You won't be anxious. You won't be jealous. You won't be scared. You won't be waiting for shoes to drop. You will just be. He will just be. You will be ...together. And you will have peace. Hang in there. I'll be praying for you to get through this, and to find your sense of peace again. *~hugs*~
Dec 26 - 10PM (Reply to #4)
apple's picture


Thank you, sweetheart!! I have never needed your prayers more. I have been preparing for this for months mentally. I didn't realize that it was gonna hurt so much when I finally did it. And I don't want to hurt him at all ever. I feel like I just did a horrible thing but I am killing myself with the stress and untrust I have. My therapist said that if I love the divine more than myself I will let him go. I feel so lost.