"I don't have a choice."

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#1 Jun 30 - 9AM
rhiannon's picture

"I don't have a choice."

When I got "home" last night (I put this in quotes because even though I have my own place, I'm driving to my N's house at night and staying with him), my N was intoxicated and told me to "get my shit and get in the truck." When I asked him where we were going, he said, "Just get your shit and get in the truck. Stop asking questions." So, what did I do? Got in the truck. (I realize I should have gotten in my car and gone home, but for some reason, I didn't). Once we got in the truck, he shared with me that we were going to a bar to meet some of his friends. He told me that one of them asked him if it was OK with me. He then informed me that he told his friend, "She doesn't have a choice. She's coming whether she likes it or not."

WHY do I keep putting up with this???? I feel like I am absolutely about to go insane.

Jun 30 - 9PM
querida's picture

if your sister or best

if your sister or best friend or your DAUGHTER told you this same story, how would you feel? Think about that... and stay away from that man. You're not safe.
Jun 30 - 6PM
Steph's picture

2 words

No Contact!
Jun 30 - 3PM
ewa's picture

Oh my God. Get him out of

Oh my God. Get him out of your life asap before he will make a bigger damage to you. Run away from him asap. Do not look back!
Jun 30 - 11AM
Janet's picture

It is not a game. NC is the

It is not a game. NC is the only answer. You DO have a choice. Make one in your own favor. NC Peace. J

Peace. J

Jun 30 - 10AM
NinjaGirl's picture


If someone told me to get in their vehicle and not ask questions, I'd assume they were going to take me out somewhere, kill me, and dump my body. I would have told him NO in a very strong tone of voice, gone home, gotten my sword (I use traditional weapons rather than guns), and looked out my blinds and made sure that b@stard didn't come near my property.
Jun 30 - 6PM (Reply to #6)
NancyM's picture


Got to agree with ninja...If someone told me to get in their vehicle and not ask questions, I'd assume they were going to take me out somewhere, kill me, and dump my body..... That's who he is RUN!!


Jun 30 - 10AM (Reply to #5)
aceonelady's picture

Ninja is right...

Ninja is right...That is creepy like he is.....


Jun 30 - 10AM
aceonelady's picture

you are Not a slave...

Well he is making you go to bars to be with his friends...what next?Be careful,get out dump him....


Jun 30 - 10AM
Lisa E. Scott
Lisa E. Scott's picture


You deserve so much better! He is a pathetic loser. Run!
Jun 30 - 9AM
smileyfacepr's picture


Run the other way...QUICK!!! Is he worth that huniliation?? I think not!! U DESERVE BETTER!! What an asshole!!!
