Help me. He spoke to me

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#1 Apr 11 - 8AM
helldweller's picture

Help me. He spoke to me

I was walking behind him this morning, as we both walked home from school,and he stopped and turned around. I kept walking until I was in front of him and said, with hostility, "What?" I thought he was going to tell me to please stop bothering him, to stop involving the school, or to stop blogging about us (as I started a blog a few weeks ago and thought maybe he saw it)--something like that.

He looked into my eyes and said, "I love you with all my heart. I love you every day and I miss you every day." Then he put his hand on my cheek and stroked it. I was so overcome with emotion. Tears were streaming down my face. I said, "Then why? Why that and why this? And to the children? Why?"

He said, "I love you. Know that I love you." In an instant I thought to myself, "This is as good as it's every going to get with closure" and so I went to embrace him, but he held me away by my shoulder, at arm's length. I looked at him, incredulous, and he said, "I can't." I said, "Why?" He said, "I just can't. Just know I love you." And I shook him off, crying, and walked away.

I walked and walked and walked, crying and crying, for almost an hour. I'm still crying. Why did he do this? What did it mean? Was it supposed to be closure?

Apr 12 - 9AM
gettinbetter's picture

Helldweller please move away

Helldweller please move away from him. I know you love the school but honestly your kids academic skills won't mean squat if they and their mother are suffering from emotional abuse. Your kids can always work on their academic skills but as you know some people never develop a healthy sense of self from emotional abuse. Its sounds like this has all been emotionally taxing on them as well. Your pooe little angel is in counseling! An 8 year old should not be I counseling! Kids are smart they see how this effects and I promise you deep down inside its unnerving to them. You don't wants that for them I know you don't. Sacrifice a little on the academic side in effort for all of you to put this abuse behind you. You are strong hd but watching this shit day after day isn't healthy for anyone especially your kids. Take the summer to get yourself out of there. Your children will probably instantly adjust once they and their mom are completely out of range of the toxixcity You know I got nothin but love for ya girl!
Apr 12 - 8AM
helldweller's picture

the mindf*ck has me again god dammit!

That son of a bitch must have hugged six women on the playground this morning. I freaking kid you not. He never touches anyone! He doesn't freaking HUG people. You will recall that when I went to embrace him yesterday he told me, "I can't. I just can't." Had no problem stroking my face and telling me he loves me but his freaking imaginary, arbitrary, secret RULES dictate that he can't hug me. Anyone else on the face of the freaking EARTH but not ME! Am I losing my mind or is he going out of his way to hurt me some more? When I first saw the hugs it didn't hit home right away. I thought, "Gosh, he is hugging those women because they are not really a part of his life, they are not a threat to him. His saying he couldn't hug me was a true statement because he feels too close to me." But then, I started to wonder if he was just rubbing my face in it, and then I jsut stasrted to feel lke, "F*ck him!" He can chit chat with and hug every sweat-panted ponytailed bitch on the playground but not beautiful, elegant, competent, trusting, loving, hardworking me who licked his ass for four years????!!!!!
Apr 12 - 9AM (Reply to #28)
sara-smile's picture


This is exactly why he did what he did yesterday!! Look at you! That sick bastard wanted this. You've been doing so good and ignoring him and he had to change the game!! He's a sick dickhead and I'd like to punch him right in the damn face!! Calm down and think about it HD!! Don't give him the satisfaction! He did this to torture you because the bastards are all about torture! They get as much out of seeing you tortured as they do when you are licking his ass! I'm so sorry you are going through this. You can handle it! Calm down and think about it. Pull yourself back together and think about what you are going to do NOW. Don't let him see you sweat!!!! Don't give him what he wants!!!! HUGS!!!!! STAY STRONG! Sara
Apr 12 - 9AM (Reply to #31)
jen79's picture


I agree with Sara. The satan did this only cause of this, hugging the whole world but you, as if you have the pest. Monsters. We cannot grasp their evilness and stragedies, cause its so beyond our horizon. Please listen also to sick of it. I think you will only find peace when you move away far far away.
Apr 12 - 9AM (Reply to #29)
helldweller's picture


Thanks so much! I was very, very good. I didn't even look at him when I dropped off my kids right in front of two of the women he was talking to, and he actually walked right by me when I was getting back in my car (he had been crossing the street if you recall), but I just ignored him and got in and drove away. Screw that little sissy bastard and his stupid kid! Those clueless doormats can have him; I'm not in the freaking doormat club!
Apr 12 - 9AM (Reply to #30)
sara-smile's picture

Woo hoo Helldweller

Good for you! We are not doormats!!!!! I swear your Narc has got to be President of the Narc Club! He's a piece of work! Bastard!!!!! Ugh it drives me NUTS! You are better than his silly mind games!! He's a child! How fitting that he's acting like a 5 year old at SCHOOL! Idiot! Hang in there. It's all mind games!
Apr 11 - 4PM
Happy1's picture


He did it because he can. Because he's selfish and cruel and sick!! I'm so sorry! Contact truly does suck! The mind games are crazy and he just wants to know that he still has you. He wanted to mess with your head to make you miserable! I'm so very sorry! When my narc called me last week, the last thing he said to me was "I love you, see you on the other side". It's sickening!! He wants me to pine after him the rest of my life. This is not happening. I will keep moving forward. You need to do the same. Stay away from your monster! Hugs Happy1
Apr 11 - 1PM
helldweller's picture

Thank you everyone

for your support and very helpful comments. Someone suggested that he might be on the way to disappearing completely or publicly hooking up with someone else. Indeed, just five minutes ago I saw him walking down the block of the woman whose house I saw him go into last week. Yep, he's probably getting married and just wants to make sure I'm still here "in case." Boy, I'll tell you: I am really f*cked up again. Contact sucks. I've been crying absolutely all day long. I think I'm going to figure out some way to get my girls to school and picked up without me, even though they don't want that. I wish their school wasn't one of the top ones in the city or I'd pull them out and move out of the district. Still considering it.
Apr 11 - 7PM (Reply to #25)
gettinbetter's picture

Yes Helldweller it was

Yes Helldweller it was desinged to do just that "set u back" trust me that is exactly what it did to me. I had been focusing on me and getting myself healthy and finding out why I let him do it to me and what I can do going forward to protect myself. I told him I forgave myself and him and what did I get "Im getting married" Hmmm wonder if he she knows that he used the professional Pics that she took (shes a photographer) on only 5 months ago. Only 5 months ago he was telling his married ex that he still loves her and its not over and that hes coming to see her in a couple of weeks. You really can see how ridiculous they are and how they really dont have feelings of any depth. so lets see in 5 months youve been picking up women on Telling you EX you still want to try and work things out and have gotten engaged to a girl that you and I quote "kicked to the curb" when your ex (me) showed up. Oh yeah thats gonna be a lasting marriage. My heart breaks for his gf/fiance. Really it does. Im sure she has no idea what he is capable of
Apr 11 - 1PM
spinning's picture

HD, oh my

your post triggers me so much. The disordered one I was involved with constantly said that: "Just know that I love you." The night before the text-message D & D he left me a note when he left my house that said 'I love you' with hearts drawn all around it. I now know this was designed in an attempt to utterly destroy me. Less than 24 hours later he disappeared. Yours may be on the way to pulling a disappearing act; hooking up permanently with someone else or doing something equally hurtful while making sure you remain confused as hell for as long as possible. I feel for you so badly, HD. You've come so far and now this...UGH. Big hugs to you and good vibes for some peace of mind. sincerely (slowing down again from) spinning


Apr 11 - 12PM
Journey's picture

Evil Turd!

I'm sorry he did this to you today, what a piece of shit he is! Please feel better soon, I agree with what others have said here and I think from what you've said about him, that he is one of the worst narcs I've read about on this forum. And about it being closure? IMO no way, it was about hooking you back in and likely for no other reason than him feeling that power again. I'm so sorry. ((((((((hugs)))))))))

Journey on...

Apr 11 - 12PM
onwithmylife's picture


i think you need to find a way for you to not keep running into him, what ever you need to do,wait till he takes his child to school, walk the other side of the street, whatever, he is trying to see if he has control over you and then pushes you away, it would have been nice for you to not try to reach out to him physically, but hey I understand and probably would have done the same thing. He is still pulling all the strings, look how you are now, there MUST be a way for you NOT to see him anymore!!!It is the only way you will recover from the monster and from what all you said, that he is...Take it as closure and as someone else said words are MEANINGLESS, he cannot love you, anyone else or HIMSELF, remember that.
Apr 11 - 11AM
Scoop's picture

Its the cookie game !!!..

Its the cookie game !!!.. Young children of about six play this and i will explane the game between Jim and Jo .. Jim says to Jo "i have a cookie would you like it " and he holds it out to her , Jo says " i would like that cookie yes please " and she gose out to take it from him and quick as a flash he swipes it away for her and laughs his head off , sometimes the cookie gets licked and Jim would hold it out again . Most children grow out of the cookie game at about 7 as they learn that its uan unkind game but of corse a narc is stuck at six for ever and stills get the thrill of it .. Helldweller, what he did today is just a more sofisticated form of the game but the princeples are the same ..he is 40 plus years old but really he is a child .. but you know that .. big love xx
Apr 11 - 1PM (Reply to #16)
helldweller's picture


That is so eerie, because that's exactly what the narc's foster child did to my daughter last week. After not talking to our playing with my daughter for three months (on orders from the narc) he went up to her last week and said, "Can I have a hug?" She, delighted that her "brother" was talking to her again, said, "Yes!" and went she went to hug him he punched her in the stomach. I'm too old for the cookie game. So is my daughter.
Apr 11 - 2PM (Reply to #17)
dudette's picture

That is

Apr 11 - 2PM (Reply to #18)
Scoop's picture

Yes so sick . A narc gets off

Yes so sick . A narc gets off on youre frustration ,frustration is golden supply for him . Never tell a narc what you really want as that is a sure fire way of making sure you never get it . They are the eternal carrot danglers ... Its all a big game to a narc and just when you think you have learnt the rules the game changes xx
Apr 11 - 4PM (Reply to #20)
Susan32's picture

Dangling a LIMP carrot...

Wow. You sum up my relationship with the ex-Psych prof PERFECTLY. "They are eternal carrot danglers."- Here come the examples. The ex-P presented himself as a Wittgenstein expert... but when I brought up Wittgenstein, he'd evade, change the subject, he even used a line from Derek Jarman's biopic about the philosopher. In one scene, Bertrand Russell's mistress, Ottoline Worrell, tells Wittgenstein, "You're a philosopher and I'm a woman." The ex-P recast it as "I'm a philosopher and you're a woman." He considered himself a philosopher of language... but he didn't want to talk about it. I'd say, "Philosophy isn't EMOTIONAL. We can talk about that." Of course, he'd go flaccid. The ex-P went to see "Shakespeare in Love"-it provoked lively debate. But when I wrote an article for the college newspaper about a performance of "Twelfth Night",he FREAKED OUT. I showed it to him, to reassure him that he wasn't in it(??) The ex-P's lecture my freshman year was about Augustine's "Confessions." I did my senior thesis on Augustine's "Confessions." Needless to say, he has NEVER written about Augustine again... and he zoned out, fidgeted during my senior oral examination (despite being on the panel as presenter) He considered himself a philosopher on the subject of religion... he no longer considers himself a philosopher, or an expert on religion.... LOL!!!! "Never tell a Narc what you really want"-The ex-P was from Massachusetts. He discouraged me from going there. My sister moved there 4 years ago... YES, I have seen Boston. Loved it. The ex-P did NOT meet up to my expectations. I idealized Boston, and it EXCEEDED my expectations. MFA, ICA and ISG FTW!* I told him I wanted to write about religion, philosophy, be a journalist... he discouraged ALL of those. But I did them anyhow. His favorite work was "War and Peace." Still is. (Frankly, his obsession with "War and Peace" is like my nephew's with Kipper, a British cartoon dog, and the Australian Wiggles-except my nephew makes sense) Of course, I was interested... but he was so paranoid and territorial that my senior year, we were assigned "Anna Karenina" instead. The ex-P expected me to be frustrated. Instead, I loved it. He KNEW how much I liked it. I'd even say, "Wow! You're like the self-absorbed, bureaucratic Alexei Karenin who sees his wife as if she were a child instead of a mature adult! And he's more concerned with propriety than morality!" When my senior class was assigned "Anna Karenina" instead of "War and Peace", it raised a ruckus. I think the ex-P fed off the conflict. Some seniors were really upset. I think the ex-P was afraid that at some level, I was getting off on his frustration. That I could send a mere teacher into conniption fits. *Great Bostonian museums: Museum of Fine Arts, Institute of Contemporary Art, Isabella Stewart Gardner.
Apr 11 - 2PM (Reply to #19)
sara-smile's picture

Goldie and Helldweller

I posted this comment earlier. They get off on our grief and agony just like they do when we adore them. Sick bastards! "Ns get an equal amount of Narcissistic Supply out of seeing you in writhe in agony at their hands as they do seeing you adore them. Once they have devalued you, they may actually get more supply from causing you grief."
Apr 11 - 11AM
jen79's picture


Oh my god. OH my god. Oh my god. Oh MY GOD Bastard. Bastard. and true. Thats the best you will ever get as a closure. Never ever speak to him again. Ever. Time to move on. Time to leave it behind. I wish you would not have tried to embrace him, but who cares. You will not get a better end than this. Just never look back. Just leave this devil behind. Your head held up high. He loves you? Yeah, great, you love yourself more.
Apr 11 - 11AM
mystwoman's picture

Xnh did something similar

Xnh did something similar this one time when he showed up unannounced to hoover. I wouldn't let him in the house because I wanted everything to do with him to VERY public. Xnh started crying and crying on my doorstep, telling me how he's always loved me and how "losing me" was the biggest mistake of his life. He didn't "lose me". He drove me away by himself, but that's beside the point. Then while he was standing on my doorstep crying like a baby, he started touching me on the face and kissing me on the forehead, After all of this, he started acting really coy and flirty, telling me that he still thought I was incredibly sexy. He did this complete with batting his eyes at me (seriously). In my case, at this point, I told him that I wasn't going to do this, and that he needed to go. Being in his presence was torture for me. He got into his truck and left. I cried the rest of the afternoon. My opinion of xnh's behavior (and your xn as well) is that they were deliberately emotionally messing with us. I don't think it's closure. It's a control game. They want to know that they can waltz in on us any time they wish, upset us completely, and then prance on away without a backward glance at the pain they've caused. Mission accomplished. They got NS from us, and tormented us some more. They now know they still have a hook into us. We reacted. I'm so sorry this happened to you. I know that it's incredibly painful. I have discovered since then, that no matter WHAT I feel underneath, whenever xnh has tried something similar, I will NOT allow him to see a reaction from me. He will not be allowed to prance into my life, that I'm currently rebuilding because HE dumped me, get me upset, and then *I* spend the rest of the day crying because of him. Showing him no reaction is very hard for me to do, by the way. I'm normally a very open person emotionally. I loved him, but I can't let him see my pain. He feeds on it, and gets NS. I'm sure that you're well aware that NC is the best policy with these narcs. However, if they do manage to get to you (like your xn did, and mine has), the next best thing IMO is no reaction. Don't let him have the satisfaction of seeing you hurt. To him, it's NS. Heartfelt hugs!

God sometimes removes a person from your life for your protection. Don't run after them.

Apr 11 - 10AM
JRB123's picture

He is evil

OMG! I can't believe he did this. What an evil piece of work. You and I are in similar situations in that we have to see the Ns on the school drop offs. I have read all about your N and he sounds so messed up. Remember these N men want to be admired and loved by all women - but do not give it back in return. He probably realises that you are getting stronger, getting over him and he doesn't like it. Even though he can't love you back he wants you to be besotted with him. By saying what he did, he is playing with your emotions to make you fall for him again. PLEASE BE STRONG! Do not give in to him. Remember always that actions speak louder than words and the fact that he kept you at a distance says something. Words are meaningless unless they follow it through with genuine actions. I can imagine your mind will be full of thoughts about him again now. I really feel for you - you deserve better - keep to NC as much as you can. Thinking of you.
Apr 11 - 9AM
sara-smile's picture


I am so so sorry! That sounds so painful!! I'd like to kick your Narc's ass! My Narc has done this 3 or 4 times. I was arguing with him about 3 weeks ago and all of a sudden he just blurted out "God I love you"! I went back to NC that day and I have stuck to it since. It didn't change anything. It won't change him or who he is. They are cruel bastards. CRUEL, soulless, selfish bastards!! Go ahead and cry and get it out. You'll be raging soon about it. IT's such a cruel mind game. Hugs to you!
Apr 11 - 9AM
ABC0311's picture

What a jerk

He is a jerk. Plain and simple.
Apr 11 - 9AM
Veronrose's picture

OMG, helldweller, I'm so

OMG, helldweller, I'm so sorry that happened to you. What a friggin rollercoaster ride these people put us on. I'm so sad that he's playing this game with you. ((hugs)) V
Apr 11 - 9AM
TLSM's picture

:( I'm sorry...He is SATAN

Oh Helldweller. I am so sorry. He is totally playing games with you. He gets off on it. Narc's love drama to stir up their empty and pathetic existence. I hate him! HOW DARE HE!!! Please. Don't ever make eye contact or speak to him again! Just keep walking! I am so sick for you. :( ASSHOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Apr 11 - 11AM (Reply to #8)
jen79's picture

I agree

He is the satan. I am not kidding. Satan. Get this demon out of your life, thoughts, and feelings as soon as possible.
Apr 11 - 9AM
ifinallygotit's picture

so sorry

this keeps the game going just in case you were getting over him - he does not want to become unimportant to you... They don't want us but they do not want us to recover and move on he likes the drama he created unrequited love...I love you but....creating fake tragedy I totally responded to this push pull insanity and it really wore me down stay strong! there may be a slight element of truth in that they may care a little but "can't do it" It is not your fault or problem that he is this screwed up
Apr 11 - 9AM
candy's picture

omg ... helldweller .. the

omg ... helldweller .. the sick sad monster, what a horrible bastard he is !!!!! ... im almost crying here for you darlin, please try to keep on going,and we can only offer you support here,and you need that right now,i know how hurt you must be .... lots of big hugs and kisses from me ..... XX CANDY XX
Apr 11 - 8AM
Used's picture

control helldweller

all he wanted was to see if he could still control you, your actions have said yes, he is a NUMBER 1 FUCKING ARSEHOLE, and i have known some, but he gets top prize, your crying in front of him will have him on a high for days, and unfortunatly you on the lows. i hate your narc more than any one else i always have done, i dont even hate my exn, i just feel indiffrent[i hope that feeling lasts tho], today ,i so feel for you i realy do, may he rot in the hell he exsists in, forever DAMNED. xxxxx
Apr 11 - 8AM
Deidre40's picture

i'm crying right along with

i'm crying right along with you, reading this. Why did he do that? To gain control. Those few minutes of control he saw...when you came towards him to hug him...he then realized...ah ha! she still wants me. still longs for me. And that was enough to recharge his batteries for the day. The don't love. They tell us they love us as a mere form of control. They withhold it...they ''give'' whim. This is right up there could a man have brainwashed an entire kill millions of people? (Hitler) Some things, have no answer. Except to say. God gives us free will. Some use it for good. Some for evil. These people use it for evil. May you have a better day. {{hugs}}