He didnt like my dog

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#1 Jul 18 - 11AM
Scoop's picture

He didnt like my dog

I have a dog , she is a great dog and everyone likes her , ok she is a bit dosey sometimes and she likes to drink out of the toilet but all in all she is a great dog . My ex ns treated my dog with contempt laughing at her in a horrible way and calling her stupid and i thought he just didnt like all dogs but a freind of ours has a dog who he tells everyone about and how cute she is and how bright she is .
umm so i got to thinking how he also said he didnt like my car when i got a new one , and he also said he didnt like my hair and how i did the washing up and when i got to thinking the list was endless . he didnt like anything i did in the end every thing i said was wrong . He started each sentance after i had made a comment with " No peru its like this ..." it drove me crazy and when i confrounted him about it he said "no peru you wrong " arrgggg .
The devaluing was a slow subtle process . I had to yesterday write a statement on a group email list we both belong to and for me this was a big deal as its the first time since we broke up i have writen my thoughts on political matters (i use to write all the time on this political list before we got together )As i sent it i found my heart was beating really fast and i sat and waited to be contradicted by him and i though back to how i was before him and i would never of worryed about being contradicted , in fact i loved a good "ding dong" with someone . but this is where myself esteem is at . Needles to say he didnt say anything as i think the no contact thing has sank in to him , it was proberly me calling him a " twat " that did it .Its hard when we share friends and intrests to do no contact , how do others in this situation juggle it ?
I dont know why i wrote this for the forum today but if it rings any bells with others then thats a good thing .
peru x

Jul 19 - 5PM
Carolyn's picture

A neighbor I had divorced a

A neighbor I had divorced a naricssist and they had a great manx cat- coal black and totally smart. He came back and stole the cat and let him go downtown. She looked for the cat for weeks until finally she figured it out. You never know with these kinds of people what they want to remove from your life in order to make you miserable. they take one thing at a time until you are sad and then they feel triumphant. they all end up in a mess. Not one thing he told you was true it was just verbal abuse. You liked the dog and had a good relationship that was unconditional love. He just played mind games with you about your pet, your dishwashing, your look, clothes, hair, whatever. he wanted you to be suffering inside. Now go find something fun to do, don't worry about him his day is coming, and think of something special you would like to do and go do it. then learned to smile inside again. Be the 'wise woman' who can't be made miserable.
Jul 18 - 4PM
James (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


The only thing I saw in her relationship to pets (mostly cats) was her ability to abandon them as easily as her own children. Two incidents come to mind. When we were dating my car had some problems and I had to take it in for repairs. She just recently pick up a stray kitten she found by our apartment. But the kitten had some problems and needed medical attention. I told her because it was her pet she had to pay for the vet. Anyway, we had the kitten in the car when I had to go back to finish up the paperwork due to the car being under warranty. Again the kitten was getting sick in the car and I was upset because I didn’t want her to even bring it along. The dealership wanted to check out the car to sure all repairs were done and the car was fix which meant taking it for a test drive. I stay inside the dealership and she went outside with the kitten. After they return to car to me and I pick her up from outside and we drove away. A few miles away from our apartment not hearing the kitten crying I asked her about the kitten. She inform me she just let the kitten go... WTF!! I yelled at her for doing that and asked why in God’s name she would just let a baby kitten ran free? She knew I was upset and she wanted to go back and look for it. Because this all happen at night I told her there no way are we going to find the kitten. I always felt guilty for not trying but I was so upset and knew because the dealership was by a open field there wasn’t a good chance of finding it without a flashlight. I told her I didn't want her picking up anymore strays believing how irresponsible she was with this one. Still I should have went back! Second, We had a cat name Nikkei. Once again she found this kitten in a box in a big shopping mall in the parking area. As told to me by her (I wasn’t with her) someone just left the kitten in a box and drove away. Of course with this sad story in hand I told her it was okay to kept the kitten. Nikkei quickly became part of our family. She was the best (I really don’t like cats) cat I ever knew. She was great to the kids as children. Never once did she hurt them and in fact slept with them as babies. But I believe Nikkei was fixed because she never had any kittens. Anyway, after my ex was gone I asked her about Nikkei because Nikkei was her cat. She reply by saying “oh, you can keep the cat”. I knew the boys loved the cat so I would have keep it but really in all honesty didn’t want the cat. I guess it’s the way she did it that pissed me off telling me I had to keep the cat and not giving me any other options. Sad because we moved away and where we moved too didn’t allow animals we had to find a good home for Nikkei which we did. We often think about Nikkei (she was very old cat) and wonder how she is doing.