Getting Ready to Bolt

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#1 Jun 5 - 12PM
Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Getting Ready to Bolt

Well, I think I finally understand that he is not fixable. I've been married to him for 11.5 years and his attacks only get more personal, belittling, and humiliating. I am a Christian and he claims to be a Christian, but I really have my doubts. I didn't know when I married him that he was a Narc. He seemed responsible and hard-working, well he is but there is another side to him. He seems to particularly enjoy making me cry on special days, like this past Mother's Day. He's also done the same thing on my birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas, the day I brought our baby daughter home from the hospital, when on vacation in Florida.

I noticed he always lost his temper with me when I helped him with one of his projects, like changing the oil in the car or puttying up drywall or assembling a big wheel or putting a barbecue grill together. The list of things I've helped him with goes on, but you get the idea. I was expected to help, which at first I didn't mind. I knew men lose their temper, my Dad did alot too. But just about every time my husband lost it. I dreaded any time I knew he was going to work on a project because I was going to become his verbal punching bag. As time went on, I started standing up to him as I could see the pattern. I was holding the flashlight for him when he was changing the oil and he jerks my hand around and shines it on another spot and yells "RIGHT HEEERRRE! I just dropped the flashlight and walked in the house. I told him he is not going to treat me like Edith Bunker. He claims he never watched the show.

So on Mother's Day we get back from church and I'm getting ready to cook steaks on the grill so I crack a beer (it always goes together well with grillin'and a verbally abusive husband) and he starts telling me I'm a drunk, I shouldn't be teaching Sunday School or leading a worship team and he didn't think I was going to Heaven. He is quoting the Bible saying that drunkards won't go to Heaven. I told him of course I'm not a drunkard and I am going to Heaven. Now this is a man that used to drink and would get drunk, ended up in a mental facility when he was 19 for overdosing on LSD and a lot of other baggage he's not too proud of. He just quit drinking alcohol a couple of years ago, I think because this was going to be his next thing to verbally abuse me about. So he's shouting all these humiliating things at me while the neighbor girl and my daughter are in the same room, both of them are in my Sunday School class, the windows and doors of the house are all open.

He has humiliated me for the last time. There are so many things to tell about him. I'll write more later. But in my case, my Narc doesn't withhold the physical relationship which some narcs do, but I am totally repulsed by him. I have not been able to have a normal relationship with him in that area for a very long time because he so mean and very personal with his attacks. He hates my family and has alienated me from alot of things. I am getting my ducks in a row and leaving the weak after next. Don't know whether to tell him or let it be a suprise.

Jun 7 - 5PM
Carolyn's picture

Surprises have some

Surprises have some satisfaction and might be safer. You might leave a note somewhere like under his pillow. Your instincts are telling you that he is going farther over the line and with witnesses. I think you need to make sure you have your finances ok, a safe place to stay, a good secure plan. He sounds like he is the age for the self-destruct. His intellectual intelligence allows him to work and do ok in some areas but his lack of emotional intelligence and how he uses belitteling, verbal abuse, and shaming to control you is part of his self-destruction. He is driving you away and then will blame you for whatever follows. Make your plan, work your plan and get out of that environment. You are brave and smart.
Jun 6 - 9PM
Lisa E. Scott
Lisa E. Scott's picture


Good for you! You do not deserve this abuse. He sounds horrible and I'm so sorry for what you're going through, but happy to know you are going to take the steps necessary to reclaim your life for you and your daughter. Do NOT tell him. Get everything prepared and then leave quickly. Consult a laywer, like Barbara said, before you do anything. You don't want to be accused of abandonment. Make sure you've thought of everything and are completely prepared and then do it. Reclaim your life. We only have one life to live. This isn't a dress rehearsal. You deserve the best. Hang in there and know we're here for you! Big Hugs, Lisa
Jun 6 - 9AM
Worndown (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

That settles it! It's going to be a Suprise!

Thanks everyone for writing. I have had to build up my confidence as you probably all have, to get out. I only have a part-time job, but it can move with me since it's an internet job, and my sister told me I can stay with her she lives about 250 miles away, which is a good thing. I homeschool my little girl so that can move with me too. You are right about a Narc getting sick. Can they be any more silly? My N got a cold this week, which my daughter probably gave him cause she had a sore throat, stuffed up nose and cough. He started talking "Swine Flu", bronchitus, walking pnuemonia, he always says "I don't know if I'm going to make it". And then I whisper the same thing to myself. Honestly, how corny can you get? He started with me again this morning. He wanted to mess around and I've started my period and I told him that, but he was still trying to force me down. I wouldn't let him, so he started with "you're always mad at me" bit. And you just drink and drink and drink. I said your just mad because you can't control me, didn't get what you want and you think you're superior to me, but guess what? YOU'RE NOT! I was hankerin' to tell him he was going to be makin' his own dinner in about a week and a half but I didn't. So I've got a conversion van and wondering how much I can put in there for the initial departure. mmmmm. I'm a little worried about how my daughter will take it (she's 8) but I am really worried about how he has made her think of me. Thanks again everyone, I'll keep you posted!
Jun 6 - 1PM (Reply to #7)
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


make sure you see a lawyer ASAP - before you take off. And think about storing your things elsewhere, the ones you can't take initially - so he doesn't destroy them. Check this link as well: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Free articles & information for abuse victims: Effective Coaching for Victims of Pathologicals
Jun 6 - 11PM (Reply to #9)
malloryforest's picture


Like Barbara said, make sure you see a lawyer BEFORE you move out, even if it takes a little more time. You want to make sure you are not hurting yourself legally. I had to work with my lawyer to get out. SHe new the right timing, and the best way to approach it so that I and my kids would not be hurt. The only other advice I can give is, when you do go, try to take EVERYTHING you want. Don't put yourself in the position of having to go back for more of your stuff! I hired a large moving truck. My STBXNH came home to stickers all over our furniture and belongings indicating what I was taking. I made him take a quick walk through so that he can choose if he wanted something I was taking. I week later, everything was boxed up and on the moving truck. He was left in an abandoned house! It was the best thing, because I had everything that I valued and needed and I didn't have to walk back into that sick enviroment. I don't know if this is possible for you to do, you may need a little more time to pull it off, but the cleaner the break, the better.
Jun 6 - 11PM (Reply to #8)
malloryforest's picture


Like Barbara said, make sure you see a lawyer BEFORE you move out, even if it takes a little more time. You want to make sure you are not hurting yourself legally. I had to work with my lawyer to get out. SHe new the right timing, and the best way to approach it so that I and my kids would not be hurt. The only other advice I can give is, when you do go, try to take EVERYTHING you want. Don't put yourself in the position of having to go back for more of your stuff! I hired a large moving truck. My STBXNH came home to stickers all over our furniture and belongings indicating what I was taking. I made him take a quick walk through so that he can choose if he wanted something I was taking. I week later, everything was boxed up and on the moving truck. He was left in an abandoned house! It was the best thing, because I had everything that I valued and needed and I didn't have to walk back into that sick enviroment. I don't know if this is possible for you to do, you may need a little more time to pull it off, but the cleaner the break, the better.
Jun 6 - 10AM (Reply to #6)
finallydone's picture

Holy cow! I heard "swine

Holy cow! I heard "swine flu" about a month ago when he got allergies, which he gets EVERY spring. But when I really got sick two weeks ago and still trying to get over it (but am) he never mentioned swine flu. He did mention "its that job of yours stressing you out".OMG Hang in there girl, sounds like you've got a solid plan.
Jun 5 - 3PM
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


do NOT Tell him!! DO NOT DO NOT! Let it be a surprise. The abusers (narcs & psychopaths) I know are the biggest bunch of Bible quoting, pew-sitting, synagogue-attending HYPOCRITES. Ugh You should check out a site owned by a friend of mine, Hannah - for X-tian abuse victims: here's one of her goodies another GREAT site for X-tians: This is one of my favs of theirs: You are right - he will NOT change. He doesn't feel he has to. You will continue to be a verbal, emotional, etc battering target for him and he feels ENTITLED. What a jerk. CUT HIM LOOSE. See a lawyer asap and get things going on that end as well.
Jun 5 - 1PM
quietude (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


Hello and welcome! Please read through so much of the excellent information and advice on this webisite. I'm sorry you're in an abusive situation. From what you've said, he is a classic abuser to say the least. Also, narcissists don't have to display all of the typical characteristics to still have those qualities. For instance, outward appearences - he professes to be this upstanding Christian man, while at home, he demonstrates anything but. A lot of Narcs typically are 'responsible' and hardworking, they have an image to protect, and to them, image is everything since that's all they have. As far as tempers go, sure lots of us get frustrated and may show anger at times, but it's how you do it. Hurting those around you while lashing out is not healthy, especially when it involves name-calling and belittling. And soooo typical for ruining special occasions for you, this is a big indicator of abuse. He's also projecting & deflecting...calling you a drunk and un-Christian. Narcs take their insecurities and heap them onto us. History of alcholism, drug use...not excuses, but many of them have this as well... Verbally assaulting you in front of children...that is horrendous. Terrorizing you along with impressionable little Good for you for saying enough is enough. There is no changing someone like this. And I would highly recomment NOT telling him your leaving. This will give him an opportunity to react in many ways that would be very unhealthy and harmful to you. Just leave. Too bad for him. Be safe! (hugs)
Jun 5 - 1PM
Suzie (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


wow, your story is so similar to mine. I can't tell you how hard it is to get out. But please believe me when I tell you he won't get better. Ask him. He will probably tell you that there is nothing wrong with him. It is all you. Mine has been through marriage councling, individual concling, christian councling, group councling,parenting classes, Dr phil relationship workbook,cd,and book.And various other attempts that seem to work in the short term but never last. I have also left him before for 9 months. I thought maybe he had learned that he couldn't treat me that way and that he might make a genuine change. Nope, it got worse. My only advice is that if you do leave.... BE SURE!!!. Make sure you are serious and that you will never come back. Statisticaly the abuse worsins if you go back. And when you leave at some point. He will say he is sorry for everything," you were righ, he was wrong, give me another chance,blah ,blah, blah" I can't tell you what to do I just hate to see someone else waste anymore time on a man who does not deserve you. I have been with my husband about as long as you have and it has cost me so much. I am here if you want to talk. I love this message board. It is my dose of reality everyday. I believe God led me here. I thank him for that everyday. Leah
Jun 5 - 1PM (Reply to #2)
finallydone's picture

Yep this also sounds familiar

I would dread every single time any little thing went wrong in the house, i.e. something needed fixing. Even a small thing. I dreaded every time he got a sniffle. AND I realized somewhere along the way that every holiday or my birthday went horribly wrong due to his outbursts or issues. So I totally feel your pain. The drinking comments made think of this tool....Oh yes, he is a addicted to marijuana. I personally don't have an issue with the occasional use of it.... don't do it myself since college about 24 years ago, but he was stoned all the time. In fact, I used to dread it if he ran out because he was worse sober. But I would have a beer or a glass of wine after work and he started calling me an alcoholic and blaming our problems on my "drinking issue." And the deal is.... I am not an alcoholic. I'm having trouble coming to grips with this... but I agree. It's not gonna get better. And I'm sorry too that you're going through this. I can't believe there are so many of us with the same stories. It's crazy. You hang in there. We are all here for eachother and this forum has really given us all a place to let it out where others actually do understand.