Feel so alone

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#1 Jul 11 - 4AM
Littleone's picture

Feel so alone

I just keep imagining the charm and lies he would be saying to someone else.
I feel alone.
And I feel sick.
I feel like I'm a failure and my life is embarrassing.
I know I have friends and my family but I feel so alone.
I miss the closeness I thought I had with the n.

I have been focusing on myself,trust me I have. Im just having a rant and a moment. Ugh

Jul 11 - 1PM
Hunter's picture

The only one to make it

The only one to make it better is you! Get out there, join some clubs, do things you like even if it's alone. Soon you will see, Hunter
Jul 11 - 12PM
BadaBing's picture

me too

going to look for a therapist so many to choose from how do you know who to look for? I am sorry you are so down this day WILL pass and these feelings will subside hope you begin to feel better soon
Jul 11 - 9AM
janine's picture

You are not a failure

You might have become that had you stayed or gone back to him. Instead you are being brave, Littleone. You are feeling the fear and loneliness and it's horrible, but the only way out is through. It's better than suppressing feelings, look where it got the Narcs. I have a lot of days like this despite having good people in my life. Yesterday I could not avoid going past N's house knowing how if I was to knock he would welcome me with open arms. Then, like you, I thought of how someone else might be there with him getting all the charm (not that mine had much) and lies. This is what stops us from really wanting them back, no matter how we might long for what bits we had with them, doesn't it? This morning I went to church to pray for the ability to accept what I cannot change and for patience and healing for all of us. Hoping that today will be better for you, sending you a big hug.
Jul 11 - 5AM
onwithmylife's picture

Little one

I understand how you feel and i am several years out from the relationship. I have no family or friends around me and a son and sister in other states. i do not know if this feeling will ever end for me and cannot even meet a decent man to start a friendship with, everything with men is so superficial, if you do not look dorp dead gorgeous ina photo they do not give you the time of day, it is sad, hang in there it is not an easy process..
Jul 11 - 5AM
wiserwoman's picture

I understand

I feel the exactly the same as you tonight. Sometimes I feel better and sometimes I feel like this. Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever be able to be close to anyone again. I feel like damaged goods. Well, at least someone else shares your misery - you're not alone in that. Big hug.
Jul 11 - 5AM
Puzzle's picture

Listen my little friend...you

Listen my little friend...you have been a rock, you have not let yourself sink and have always found the strength to swim. I admire you for your strength...but we can not always be pillars of concrete. We are human and it is ok to give the strength to someone else for a change. You have done some amazing things a.) gone no contact and have not stooped to the shit he has pulled b.) acted with dignity instead of spite c.) handled yourself with the upmost integrity and professionalism in any dealings with the Narc d.) moved out of your comfort zone and tried something new e.) worked on yourself, realised what you need and want f.) Had the courage to fight for yourself and stand up for yourself and not back down g.) met personal goals of losing weight (and I'm going to blow some more smoke up your ass by saying you look amazing and when I saw you yesterday you looked like the person you have been searching for, happy, smiling, bubbly.) Feeling alone is the hardest. I miss the Narc too, so much sometimes it hurts. I miss the moments we shared and the closeness to someone. You just can't get that from friends. This person was in our lives for a long time, they shared some of the best years of our lives. We miss the good parts of them and so often forget the shit. I worry about my N with an OW and how sick I will feel. I think we all feel alone, but I'm just hoping that feeling will pass. Just remember we both felt alone when we were with the Narc. I felt lonely a lot of the time, misunderstood and judged. Now I just feel purely alone, which is normal after any breakup. The Narc has left a hole in our lives, a hole that can't really be filled with activities, but one day will be filled. It is such a hard road to tread, the ups and the downs. It is an addiction and that is the best way to describe it. I often think I will never meet anyone who made me feel as alive as the Narc did, however I hope I never meet anyone who made me feel as uncertain as the Narc did.
Jul 11 - 5AM (Reply to #2)
Littleone's picture

Thankyou puzzle, I needed to

Thankyou puzzle, I needed to hear those things tonight. I'm just so drained, like I have no more fight left in me. I feel like I'm swimming upstream all the time. You made some very interesting points, you right- I was alone all along. I really was. Sometimes the loneliness when I was with him was unbearable. Every day was a dissapointment, especially when he became a father. I don't think i have been more dissapointed in someone in my life. I agree with your comment about feeling alive with the n. At least in the beginning anyway. Everything changed. If I'm honest with myself things had changed long before the baby came along. Maybe I thought he would be some kind of bandaid? The adrenalin, rush and excitement was seeping away, probably because I was being devalued and no longer idealized. I don't think I'll feel the same excitement with anyone again, but then it wasn't really a healthy thing anyway. My EXN was literally bouncing off the walls 24/7 and this was without drugs! He couldn't sit still and was notoriously bored. Life with him was a fast paced and crazy game. Until of course, I had a baby and I refused to play. I hate to say ive given up on love, because he will have won. But for now, I really have. I've been burned so bad I don't know If there is a trusting chamber of my heart left! Maybe it will come back in time. But right now I think I would rip their heads off, chew them up and spit them out. Hmm definately too early for dating lol Ugh, I haven't missed him for months. MONTHS. I don't know why I do today. I think I'm just lonely. And pmsing. Lol Hugs to you xox