fake religiousity

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#1 Nov 25 - 5AM
Godhasaplanforme's picture

fake religiousity

One of the things that made me always trust the narc was that he claimed that he never lied and i would find him praying 5 times a day...

Although when I questioned him on his beliefs...why and when he started...all that...he didnt have much to say..

people to this day..dont beleive that hes a liar and a cheat because hes so religious..

me...i may not be religious...in the true sense...but i know right from wrong and most importantly not to hurt someone so wickedly like he did

Were they religious too or mine was an exception?

Nov 29 - 7PM
truetotruth's picture

Ive been afraid to tackle this one

My ex was Muslim. When first began to date I asked him if he had any reason to believe that his religon would cause us any conflict. He told me he grew up in the States and that while there were certain things he believed in like: 1. No drinking 2. No sex before marriage 3. Fasting during Ramadan ......there would be no problems as he accepted me as non muslim.And was far from traditional. I observed. Within 2 weeks we slept together. He said that he loved me so much he just had to. Flash forward. He drinks. He believes that he is the "man" and therefore should not be questioned. He can change his relgion to suite what he believes at that moment. It was sickening. During our four years together I supported his religion and agreed to disagree on some items we could not see eye to eye on. I did extensive reasearch into Islam and kept an open heart and open mind. I read the Quaran. Flashforward....other than being allowed to have his cake and eat it too there is not much of his religion he is true to. He twisted his own relgion to make me believe certain things and then retwisted it when I became wiser. I am so angry that I bought it. Just talking about it makes me shudder. I am canadian.. I am very proud to be one because we are known mostly for peace keeping. He was so proud whenever he had a chance he would always make a point to say see "this is why no one F&%K's with Arabs". Man...How did I stay so long? I even tried to learn Arabic, I have a knack for languages, he told me I couldnt even pronounce his name right!!! I have other friends who are arab and they told me I did very well. I gave up after a few months. It only made him laugh at me and critize me more.
Nov 26 - 9PM
chickon2's picture


went to church every Sunday.. Said the Rosary at church with the elderly ladies.. The same one, that if his mouth is moving,he is lying. The one that sleeps with married women.. The one that...... you know all the evil that they do.. BUT he will NOT miss church on Sunday....
Nov 26 - 4PM
fedup's picture

Smokescreen is a good term for it.

And there are some who use religion as a weapon to club you over the head with. If there's one type of N that pisses me off the most--It's the phony guru types who preach about peace and love, and how you should conduct yourself, when there's an audience to impress (and adore them)......... .......then treat people like crap when there's no witnesses present. Especially the ones who are in an elevated position in their church or organization---I guess I expect them to hold themselves to a higher standard of conduct, if they're going to get up on a stage , and presume to preach at everyone. To me, that seems like an even greater breach of trust, and a shameful abuse of power.
Nov 26 - 8PM (Reply to #12)
Susan32's picture

The phony guru type

Did you see the 20/20-Nightline special on the New Age guru James Arthur Ray? He was in the movie "The Secret", and authored such books as "Attracting Harmonic Wealth." He was also responsible for the deaths of several people at his Arizona sweat lodge. His response was chilling as people were sickening and dying. He did nothing. He simply left. No explanations, no apologies, no accountability. "Preach about peace and love"- The ex-Psychopath professor would lecture about peace, love, compassion, about being a "quietist." Yikes. He lectured about happiness last year... and I hope he threw a hissy fit at the Q&A session just like he did 14 years ago, since he hated being questioned. At the Q&A sessions, he'd fly into Narc rage. "Hold themselves to a higher standard of conduct, presume to preach at everyone... greater breach of trust, shameful abuse of power"- There was a story recently that an elderly priest was beaten up in Los Gatos by a man whom he had abused as a child. This priest had a record of sexual abuse- he had even abused his nieces and nephews. Normally, we're repulsed and sickened when a vulnerable, elderly person is physically assaulted and abused. But when people commented on this story, there was ZERO outrage at the priest being beaten up- they were cheering on his assailant, and practically breaking open the champagne at an abusive priest being beaten and bloodied. The ex-P and I had a teacher/student relationship rather than one of spouses or lovers. It was emotional abuse. He WANTED me to be driven to suicide, or at least attempt it. During the D&D, I think spite was one of the things keeping me alive. He DID shamefully abuse his power, he GREATLY breached my trust as a student... and if someone heartlessly, pitilessly toyed with his emotions, torturing him with mind games... I would feel ZERO pity for him. If he got emotionally blackmailed and taken advantage of, I'd shrug.
Nov 27 - 12AM (Reply to #13)
gettinbetter's picture


I am still completely amazed at your whole story. That guy so creepy. Its crazy that a teacher could get into your head. Count your lucky stars that you werent the subject of a 48hours mysterious death investigation.
Nov 27 - 6AM (Reply to #14)
Susan32's picture

I'm lucky...

That I didn't get romantically/sexually involved with him, and that I didn't marry him. He acted as if he were entitled to marrying me. So I gave him the Ultimate Rejection. He expected me to be the Other Woman AFTER I met the fiancee. My Narc grandmother and my ex-Narc boss are practically SAINTS and NORMAL people compared to him. I wouldn't toy with their feelings any way. The ex-Narc boss expects me to work with him at a nursing home that will be opening.... I'd rather not dangle false hope before him. I've erased his number from my cellphone;I've kept my distance from him. But I would NEVER toy with his feelings. As for the ex-Psychopath professor, toying with his feelings wouldn't get any sympathy... because people don't have feelings for predators. When a sexually abusive priest got beaten up by a former victim, nobody felt sorry for him. At all. "Mysterious death investigation"- A former classmate of mine died early last year. She was closer to the ex-P than me. She died in her sleep;she wasn't murdered. The cause of death has never been disclosed. Then there's the mass grave outside of Albuquerque that's still unsolved (they apprehended a suspect in Missouri,but it's not conclusive) "It's crazy a teacher could get into your head"-I'm glad I somehow never got into dating or physically involved with him. But then again, I NEVER felt relaxed enough to leap into bed with him. I always felt anxious and nervous around him. When you're that relaxed and on high alert, sex is NOT an option.
Nov 27 - 12PM (Reply to #15)
fedup's picture

Yep, I hope there's an even lower level of Hell

for the phony gurus. It's not just in the Catholic church--I believe it happens in every religious organization--even those which are not "mainstream" I've even seen it happen in the peace movement, which I've spent some time around. Talk about the ultimate hypocrisy!!!! "Do as I say,not as I do........" What scares me about the guru types, is that they reach so many people, many of whom are impressionable, and trusting. The more adulation they receive, the bigger their head gets-- .....and the bigger their appetite for NS becomes. They can truly becomes monsters.With a large crowd of blind followers. It turns my stomach.
Nov 27 - 5PM (Reply to #16)
Susan32's picture

According to Dante, it IS the lowest level

In Dante's "Inferno",the circle for traitors is the LOWEST one. The lustful are in the uppermost circle, constantly whirling around in the wind. But, in a break from usual depictions of Hell, Dante depicts the lowest level of Hell, where Judas Iscariot and the Devil are.... as incredibly cold, as ice and snow. Those who betray their flocks would end up there. Jesus spoke of teachers who misled their students as deserving millstones around their necks and being dropped into the sea... false teachers do NOT get a pass. Greek philosophers spoke of them derisively as "sophists." Not in love with Wisdom, but enamored of their own wisdom. The Old Testament warns against false prophets. Buddha warned his followers with "be lamps unto yourselves." He called for discernment. "I believe it happens in every religious organization, even those which are not mainstream"- I recommend Caroline Fraser's "God's Perfect Child." Mary Baker Eddy, the founder of Christian Science, was profoundly narcissistic and paranoid. She was a cerebral Narc who loved control. "I've seen it in the peace movement"-Leo Tolstoy would be a sterling example of this. He's considered a Christian pacifist, vegetarian, his quotes are used at PETA, by peace organizations. He said beautiful things... but he definitely had NPD and abused his wife Sofia mercilessly. He preached peace and equality, yet he warred with his wife and treated her like a slave. She was quite impressionable. In a sense, she was an adoring fan of his. She had memorized his "Childhood" by the time she wed him at the age of 18 and he was 33. "Is that they reach people, many of whom are impressionable and trusting"-The ex-Psych professor gets new NS each year with every new batch of students. He's about as qualified to lecture on happiness as Tiger Woods is to lecture on marital fidelity, Lindsay Lohan on sobriety, and Charlie Sheen on respect.
Nov 26 - 2PM
Susan32's picture

Losing my religion(?)

The ex-Psych professor modeled himself on Prince Andrei from "War and Peace",who constantly insults his wife Lisa's religious devotion (it eventually leads to her death in childbirth) and Leo Tolstoy himself, who rails against religion in his "Confession." I can understand people who have gripes with organized religion. People abuse religion just as they abuse money, power, and other people. The ex-P expected me to sacrifice my faith in order to marry him. But I still went to Sunday Mass, weekly Bible studies, my senior essay was on a religious subject. The ex-P didn't want me to be a journalist;he discouraged me from writing about religion. He writes about religion and "quietism" himself. I remember once calling him out on it... saying if you can write about religion, what's stopping me? I'm not the same woman he D&D'd 10 years ago. A decade ago I was a new college graduate, full of potential (like him)... but I've been published on religious subjects the past 7 years. The ex-P wore fake religiosity on his sleeve. He claimed to be "Christian" and "spiritual, but not religious"-yet he mocked religion and spirituality viciously. A person can be critical of religion without being a nihilistic jerk. Oh, well... the ex-P was a nihilistic jerk.... During the D&D, one of my friends asked, "Do you still believe in God?" She was afraid I'd lose my faith as a result. On the contrary, during the D&D, I got MORE religious. I'd go cry in the chapel, place flowers there. I told my friend I believed in God... but not the ex-P.
Nov 27 - 9PM (Reply to #7)
gettinbetter's picture

the Narcs match.com said

the Narcs match.com said Christian "Spiritual but Not Religious" yet shares religious views and things from the bible with me often as he knows Im a Christian. He knew a married a good christian man and since he hadnt seen me in 15 years I think he thought I would be spewing scripture which I dont I hardly ever do. I dont beat people over the head with my bible. I am a sinner especially now LOL just like everyone else. When I didnt talk about my religion or the bible so much he stopped too hmmmmmm
Nov 28 - 6PM (Reply to #10)
Susan32's picture

Makes $$$ off of being a phony Christian

The ex-Psych professor said that if I married him, he'd be like Leo Tolstoy who "was humorless, and constantly mumbled Biblical quotations." (I think he was quoting Aylmer Maude's bio of the author) The ex-P was definitely humorless. When I asked him about why he wrote about religion... he said it was because he was interested in it. But he couldn't get deeper than that. I'd say I was interested in different religions, he'd take nasty swipes at Buddhists... you see where it goes... :0 He tried to discourage me from being a journalist, from writing about religion (I guess I was intruding on his territory like the cougars off-campus that chased the coyotes out of their dens, that's why we had coyotes on-campus) He saw it as an invasion of territory. For the past 7 years, I've written and been published on the subject of religion in newspapers and magazines, with articles published each year (I published 2 articles this year) He still writes about religion and lectures about it. But he hasn't become famous in the past decade, so I have NOTHING to envy. An article every 3 years... and that book he told me about concerning Wittgenstein and St. Augustine? It's not gonna happen. As one of my classmates said 14 years ago, the ex-P makes $$$ off of being a phony Christian. I guess my invasion of his territory was like Sherman's March to the Sea through Atlanta...
Nov 27 - 9PM (Reply to #8)
michele115 (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

On Jerkoff's MySpace - yea a 47 Y.O. on Myspace!

He listed his "Hero" as God... Probably envisions him wearing a cape and a big ol "G" in the center of his tee shirt!
Nov 28 - 7PM (Reply to #9)
blueeyes's picture


I'm sorry, did you say he has a Myspace? Well, it makes sense "MY MINE" myspace is a very Narcish name. It fits. Sheesh, my 15 year old even deleted her myspace. What's wrong with these men?
Nov 25 - 2PM
Briseis's picture

I don't think it's uncommon

I don't think it's uncommon at all for a Narc to use religiosity to scam the world. I almost don't even need to point out the public spectacles MANY high profile so-called religious figures have made for themselves. Religiosity is kind of the "perfect" smoke screen to camouflage a pathological person. I met my exN during one of his Mr Christian phases. He was Pentecostal. He spoke in tongues and would faint on the floor and just lay there with this blissful look on his face. He accidentally took out two papers instead of one from a newspaper stand and went bonkers to return that extra paper (while making a HUGE deal out of how important honesty is, and of course, what an amazingly honest person HE is). He would just start praying out loud and it would make all the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. It was powerful, indeed. But it wasn't God's real power. Nope, not at all. When we got "married" (and briefly before when his true self showed), Mr Christian vaporized. He bought a bag of weed, cursed and raged and shamed. He continued to get donation coffee from this whole sale coffee bean place in San Diego and bring it home instead of to the church which was where it was supposed to go. He admitted he skimmed a few narcotic pain pills from a prescription picked up for a discharging patient at work. And of course, blamed ME for dragging him down, my children for being teenage barbarians and dragging him down, how could he even hear the Voice of God in this disgusting, fucked up family? I've had the pleasure of meeting and knowing REAL Christians, and have great respect for their religion, and all the other truly sincere followers of other religions. I even encountered a Muslim who made me weep at how devout he was. I had some giant meat turkeys that I'd bought for my menagerie, but they get so huge they can barely walk, so I put an ad on Craigslist for someone to buy them. I do not eat my critters, ever, but these poor things were in pain from being so genetically overbred for meat. So he butchered them according to his faith. He made NO big deal out of it. It was a simple prayer, very gentle (if you can call it that) and then I turned my back. I know it was not painful to the animal. I wept because I had to allow my poor turkeys to go the way they did . . . but mostly I wept for his gentleness and reverence. The Narc has not destroyed my willingness, or ability, to see the Divine, or feel it when it is present.
Nov 25 - 11AM
Goldie's picture

Great topic!

Religion can be a huge smokescreen for many. I have gone to church regularly for years and have met some of the most amazing people there, yet also some of the sickest f---- you can imagine. Most all the narcs I have known have had some kind of a twisted concept of God and use it as an additional manipulation tool of others. I have heard: you are so spiritual and close to God, I know that you will be able to forgive me. Ya right buddy, don't be fooled by my "spiritual exterior," lol. My son's dad use to say while on the phone: OMG, I can't believe it, I just opened up to the exact same passage as you did, it must be "God's will" that we read this passage, ya right! Think Catholic Priest and how they hid behind the robes to get their needs met and then it begins to make sense how the Narcs use religion to get their needs met. Religion is simply another conman tool for the Narc. So pitiful, yet so true. God bless, Goldie
Nov 25 - 2PM (Reply to #3)
Briseis's picture

For Goldie

(a bit OT here) I am so glad to see you ((((hugs)))) I remember you from when I first joined, and how similar our exNarcs are with the drugs and sociopathic crap and jail too. Your wisdom is a wonderful thing, and I'm glad to see you here again!!!
Nov 30 - 12AM (Reply to #4)
Goldie's picture


Hi Briseis, Good to see you on here as well, thanks. Yes, my X is still a Sociopathic piece of crap and still in jail. Some things never change, lol. He will be getting out within the next couple of months sometime, depending on his good time credits. I will be needing the site now more than ever. The very thought of him getting out is already beginning to make me sick. I started feeling it over the past couple of weeks cuz he could be out as soon as Dec. or as late as Feb. Yikes!! Anyway, glad your all here. God bless, Goldie
Nov 25 - 6AM
ABC0311's picture


I don't know if it was "fake" but he was constantly reading the bible. I think he was searching for answers. I mean, he knew something was wrong with him! He'd switch religion. He chose to change to my religion and then got mad at me that he did it in the last couple of years.