facebook friend? WTF?

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#1 Mar 1 - 9AM
malloryforest's picture

facebook friend? WTF?

Gf of STBX sent me an invitation to be a friend on facebook. I want nothing to do with this person, she knows I want nothing to do with her, yet she has sent me emails, and now this invitation.

I am just venting because I find her completely mind boggling. Why on earth, after she hurt me and my children would I ever want to befriend her?

I have not responded to her, just came here to get it off my chest.

Mar 1 - 10PM
Amazed's picture

Ignore the requests

I would ignore the requests on FB,,you never know how it will come back to haunt you, plus it it so sophomoric. Why get involved in something like FB with them when all it will do is lead to crap, nothingness, and no progress for you. I think FB is for junior high, and high schoolers. that is it! Don't post all sorts of stuff on there, it will only lead to trouble, and drama. Not good.
Mar 1 - 8PM
malloryforest's picture

sleep at my house

CF actually had the nerve to ask if he could sleep at my house while he is in this state visiting the children. obvious answer: NO. Talk about no boundaries!
Mar 1 - 10PM (Reply to #10)
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

just proves...

how flippin' delusional he is... really on the wrong planet. Sociopath! ~~~~~~~~~ The world is a dangerous place, not only because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing. - Albert Einstein Visit My Info. Website for Abuse Victims
Mar 1 - 1PM
moving on
moving on's picture


I would change the settings on your Facebook. Go to Privacy & Search option. Then uncheck the box so that no one on FB can even search you. Also there is another setting I think on Contact Info where the "Add as Friend" button is not visible on your profile. This means that no one can request you as a friend - only you can request people to be your friend. Also if you click on her profile, scroll down to the bottom of it and there is a link for "Report/Block" A prompt will pop up and you can "Block this person." Then she will never see anything of yours on FB. Do not respond to her, blocking is the best communication as someone said here earlier. Good luck dear!
Mar 1 - 11AM
agnesmurphy17's picture


Some people can only have love if there is an object to hate. For her & your husband, you are the object to hate so that their relationship can thrive. Their hatred for you holds them together. Obviously, things aren't good there when they are unemployed & he's reaching out to his wife for emotional support. So, she needs to torment you to feel in control & well in herself. Ignore her. Blocking is a form of communication. Total indifference is the greatest pain inflicted. Obviously this woman needs a reaction from you. Indifference will slay her. My N would go BALLISTIC when I ignored him. I think, for him, it was the most painful experience. When I just didn't care anymore--he lost it, totally lost it. But, now he's gone completely. Starved that Vampire.
Mar 1 - 10AM
quietude (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


Just because it's called 'friending' someone on FB, it doesn't have anything to do with 'friendship'. It's another way in the door for her, for them...abuse by proxy through her most likely. Remember how she sent him that e-mail when he was at your house to show off how "happy" they were? Wow, FB would be a great opportunity for her to wave it in your face all the time, AND to spy on YOU. Since when do N's or even the brainwashed GF's of N's do anything that makes sense? This is pretty nervy on her part, but surprising? NO. Good job continuing to block and ignore... PS. You can block people totally, I believe all you need is their e-mail. I did this with my exN.
Mar 2 - 6PM (Reply to #5)
narcnarcwhosthere (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

abuse by proxy

i totally agree....he's enlisted her to do his dirty work for him....what a piece of crap....... My blog
Mar 3 - 10AM (Reply to #6)
moving on
moving on's picture

Similar situation

My N used his current GF as a proxy to post a profile of me online (false) and then me and her start emailing back and forth while he just relaxes and watches his puppets play. Best thing for all parties is no contact. This way he will only be able to control her - which he probably knows is for a limited time only.
Mar 1 - 11AM (Reply to #4)
rache's picture


Abuse by proxy.my old psycho even let another woman answer his cell so i'd KNOW he was with another woman-why?To hurt me.You can be sure its to cause you pain..........
Mar 1 - 10AM (Reply to #2)
serene69's picture

Blocking on facebook

you can block her totally on facebook too. If you block her she wont even be able to find you on searches - it would be like you dont have a facebook account
Mar 1 - 1PM (Reply to #3)
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

yes mallory

BLOCK!! you have no idea what CF is telling her. She obviously gets off on HATE. Next thing - you'll hear how you aren't trying to be cordial, etc. LOL ~~~~~~~~~ The world is a dangerous place, not only because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing. - Albert Einstein Visit My Info. Website for Abuse Victims