Emotional Rape

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#1 Feb 21 - 3PM
peacewarrior's picture

Emotional Rape

Let me see if I understand this accurately and with some ex
examples. Exploitation of another persons higher emotions e.g. love then used for a hidden agenda that another person did not consent to is emotional rape.What about generosity, willingness to do or give something for another person?

What if a spouse exploits his spouse to purchase a car he wants.He shops for it, he wants to buy it, insists they buy it. She does not want it and if any car is purchased she wants a much cheaper vehicle..half as much. She relents for it apparently is a huge deal for him to buy the expensive car. "Ok, honey...if you want this car so badly go ahead and buy it." Then he tells people his spouse "demanded it", she'll only have the "most expensive, the best". Then he escalates she is a "demanding bitch"...he never wanted the car! (then why the hell did he call and have her go 5x to the dealership??)

When there is a verbal agreement, a discussion e.g. the above, a rapist (?) verbalizes understanding you want to replace an old car given to a child..not spend alot of money...there is a verbal contract...agreement you are choosing to agree the spouse buy the care he wants. Then is it exploiting you to take your generosity or willing decision for another's pleasure to then be bad mouthed as a "demanding bitch?" Followed by the man declaring "he did not want the car?"

What if someone engages you knowing you are capable, generous under the guise of needing help and then he/she tells people you want to control them..force things on them...why they wanted "nothing" after telling you a long list of what they wanted? Isn't that exploitation and betrayal?

Feb 21 - 6PM
ForeverLearning's picture

Using People Is Evil

Using people in any capacity for one's own gain at their expense is simply evil. And yet it has permeated most societies and is very wide spread. How does one instill integrity into a human being? I can only guess it begins in childhood, instilled by the parents (or a parent, singular) and is reinforced into adulthood most often at home, but in some instances, at other places such as Sunday School/church, and regular school to a very lesser extent. Honesty and integrity must be taught in childhood, as I personally believe it can HARDLY be learned once one reaches adulthood if it was never taught in childhood.
Feb 21 - 3PM
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

emotional rape

Emotional rape has many similarities to physical rape, particularly date rape. Date rape involves the sexual use of someone's body without consent. In a like manner, emotional rape is the use of someone's higher emotions, such as love, without consent. However, in the case of emotional rape the lack of consent is contained in what the perpetrator doesn't say... his or her hidden agenda. Emotional rape is common in, but not limited to, male/female relationships. Victims of emotional rape can be both men and women. Both forms of rape can be very devastating and require specialized programs for recovery. Several major obstacles are encountered in recovery from emotional rape. The first is that the victim knows that something bad happened, but doesn't know what or why. And as in date rape, a big issue is that of trust. Victims often feel that they will never be able to love or trust anyone again. Other obstacles to recovery, again similar to date rape, are the re-victimization of the victim by friends, family, and society and the subsequent tendencies toward self-blame and silence about what happened. by Dr. Mike Fox ~~~~~~~~~ The world is a dangerous place, not only because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing. - Albert Einstein Visit My Info. Website for Abuse Victims
Feb 21 - 7PM (Reply to #2)
peacewarrior's picture


Foreverlearning I agree that using someone for gain at their expense is evil. Your comments are right on. A parent who undermines another parent's authority demonstrating and teaching integrity telling children to not tell and lie for personal gain then rewards them while reinforcing "you did nothing wrong" shall succeed in creating liars and manipulators. This also teaches kids to have a hidden agenda. There are many things if one has not been taught can't be learned once they reach adulthood.