Conspicuous Display of Goodness & Kindness

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#1 Oct 25 - 1AM
Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Conspicuous Display of Goodness & Kindness

sooo many people begged me to write more about what I learned about Narcs & Socio/Psychopaths I decided to 'revive' my site about Psycho-Boy by using him as a prime example of the behaviors of Pathologicals. (Much like what Lisa did in her GREAT book with her exes)

Please give this a read - comment on that site or here. Hope this gives you all more clues about these non-humans

Oct 27 - 5PM
itreallyisabouthim's picture

Yes, yes, yes!!!!!!!! This

Yes, yes, yes!!!!!!!! This is my STBXHN to a certain extent, though he did not belong to any religion. He was not the obviously-grandiose guy who dominates and abuses and then begs for my return and then does it again. He was not overtly cruel or dishonest (more of a "closet case"). He is the meek, seemingly self-deprecating guy who makes OTHERS (other than ME, except in the very beginning) feel so good that they don't look at who he really is, which is a lazy, parasitic, selfish, self-indulgent, freak of a child who is downright neglectful of those closest to him (unless anyone is actively watching). He seemed to help people, but would only do it in an obvious, loud way. He thought he was like Jesus Christ. I am sorry this is such a word salad, I just wanted to say this resonated with me.
Oct 25 - 6PM
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

I hope...

hope this helped someone... ??? I am going to write more over the next couple days ~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Pathologicals only discard the best, most precious of gems of people... not the worst. They despise the strong, principled, decent & honest. Their discarding of you is then their highest commendation of your worth!" - A.V.